



This course begins with assessment forms for music therapy settings with an emphasis on mental health. This is followed by fundamentals in the use of music therapy methods such as Analytical Music Therapy, resource-oriented music therapy, and trauma-informed practice with both higher functioning and acute care psychiatric populations to develop a deeper understanding and application of process-oriented music therapy methods in trauma and mental health work. Students develop repertoire pertinent to mental health settings, continue to identify personal resources and values in order to develop their own styles of working, actively participating in class activities to examine their impact. The practice of MusicMedicine is introduced, including identification of psychosocial and physical needs found in medical settings. Music therapy research and protocols are examined.


MT 361

Course Notes

MT 460 is an approved Self and Society course for Cap Core requirements.

Course Outlines

Please note: Course outlines of record posted may vary from the section syllabus distributed by each instructor (e.g. textbooks, assignments, timing of midterms).

Effective Term
PDF Acrobat Adobe Reader Fall 2020 onwards


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Student Information Services

604 984 4900
604 984 1798 (fax)
Library Building, room LB152