
Have questions about the collective bargaining process? Find answers to frequently asked questions below.

The list of FAQs will be updated during times of collective bargaining.

Last updated: January 14, 2025. 

The collective agreement for the CFA ends in March 2025 and the collective agreement for MoveUP ends in June 2025. We will keep the CapU community informed of when bargaining is anticipated to begin.

Administrators can prepare for collective bargaining by:

  • Attending AD/EX collective bargaining and labour relations training sessions
  • Attending focus groups
  • Completing post-focus group surveys
  • Staying up to date on bargaining updates posted here and circulated through Constant Contact

If you have any questions, contact a member of the labour relations team.

Bargaining refers to the formal process of negotiation between employers and unions to establish terms and conditions of employment.

CapU has the following collective agreements:

Our goal is to maintain open and transparent communication with the CapU community.

Employees can stay informed by accessing the bargaining updates posted on the CapU website and through information received by their union.

For the employer:
For CFA bargaining, the bargaining team is led by the labour relations team in people, culture & diversity, with participation from representatives in decanal and administrative roles across the University.

For MoveUP bargaining, the bargaining team is led by the labour relations team in people, culture & diversity, with participation from representatives in decanal and administrative roles across the University.

Please visit the CFA or MoveUP websites for more on their bargaining committees.

Mediation is used to help parties reach an agreement on all or some of the terms of the collective agreement.

A mediator is a neutral, third-party individual, who is brought in to work with the bargaining teams.

Arbitration, as further defined by the BC Labour Relations Board, is a method of settling a labour-management dispute by having an impartial third party conduct a hearing and render a decision that is binding on both the union and the employer.

Post-bargaining, there is ratification of the tentative collective agreement between the employer and the employee groups that is communicated and then implemented.


Have questions?

Labour Relations

David Ling
