
We want to invite you to maintain your connections to Capilano University, to share success stories and to celebrate our network of generous supporters.

It's about building community. We celebrate our donors and hope they in turn realize their importance in student success and feel a lasting connection to CapU.

How to connect

Meet the Team

Our multi-talented team is ready to walk you through the process of donating to CapU.

Meet the Team

Impact Stories

Meet our donors and find out what inspired them to give to CapU.

Impact Stories

Donor Reports

Your generous support makes a massive difference in the lives of CapU students.

Donor Impact Reports

Capsule Stories

Read stories about successful CapU alumni in Capsule, our online magazine.

Meet our alumni

Visit us on social media


Have questions?

Philanthropy & Alumni Relations

604 984 4983
Birch Building, room BR214

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

Capilano University Foundation

604 984 4983
Birch Building, room BR214

Charitable Business Number: 11883 7756 RR0001

Current Foundation Chair: Mary-Ann Booth