
Get to know our Philanthropy & Alumni Relations team.

Jennifer Bryan portrait

Jennifer Bryan

Director, Philanthropy & Alumni Relations

Connect with Jennifer

University Priorities & Student Support – connect with Jennifer to learn more about the CapU Foundation and creating impact with your gift.

Email Jennifer

Brittany Haavaldsrud, Manager, Alumni Relations

Brittany Haavaldsrud

Manager, Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Connect with Brittany

University Priorities & Alumni Relations – connect with Brittany to learn more about the CapU Foundation and the CapU Alumni Association, including alumni initiatives and engagement events.

Email Brittany

Administrative Lead, Philanthropy & Alumni Relations

Stephanie Lanthier

Administrative Lead, Philanthropy & Alumni Relations

Connect with Stephanie

Connect with Stephanie to direct your query, make a donation, or learn more about the CapU Foundation.

Email Stephanie

Ellie O'Sullivan

Ellie O'Sullivan

Philanthropy Officer, Corporate Relations & Sponsorship

Connect with Ellie

University Priorities & Student Support – connect with Ellie to learn more about corporate partnerships, sponsorship and events.

Email Ellie

Philanthropy Officer, Leadership Giving

Emily Solomon

Philanthropy Officer, Leadership Giving

Connect with Emily

Student Support – connect with Emily to learn more about scholarships, bursaries, awards and program funds.

Email Emily

Zoran Stjepanovic, Philanthropy Officer, Individual Giving

Zoran Stjepanovic

Philanthropy Officer, Individual Giving

Connect with Zoran

University Priorities & Student Support – connect with Zoran to learn more about legacy or securities giving, fundraising events, and featured priorities.

Email Zoran

Hazel Yeung portrait

Hazel Yeung

Alumni Relations Officer, Alumni Relations

Connect with Hazel

Alumni Relations – connect with Hazel to learn more about the CapU Alumni Association, alumni initiatives and engagement events.

Email Hazel

Research & Data Support

Image for Nancy Wong's profile.

Nancy Wong

Data Analyst

Connect with Nancy

Nancy transforms data into actionable insights, driving informed strategic decisions.

Email Nancy

Related links

Impact Stories

Meet our donors and find out what inspired them to give to CapU.

Impact Stories

Donor Reports

Your generous support makes a massive difference in the lives of CapU students.

Donor Impact Reports

Capsule Stories

Read stories about successful CapU alumni in Capsule, our online magazine.

Meet our alumni

Visit us on social media


Have questions?

Philanthropy & Alumni Relations

604 984 4983
Birch Building, room BR214

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

Capilano University Foundation

604 984 4983
Birch Building, room BR214

Charitable Business Number: 11883 7756 RR0001

Current Foundation Chair: Mary-Ann Booth