
At some point in your life, you may begin to reflect upon what will be your own personal legacy to family, friends and the charitable causes important to you.

Leaving a Legacy Gift for CapU

We would be happy to have the opportunity to meet with you over coffee to provide information for your consideration when making a legacy in your will to CapU.

We're here to help. There are a number of options to choose from, some of which are listed below.

Legacy gift options

Leave a remarkable impact by including a gift in your will.

Your generosity will provide vital support to future students, ensuring they have the resources they need to succeed.

Making a gift in your will, whether it's a specific, residual, or contingent gift, offers a range of meaningful benefits.

Specific gifts Such as a particular piece of property or a sum of money, allows you to leave a lasting legacy to Capilano University, ensuring our wishes are carried out precisely.
Residual gifts Permits you to allocate a percentage of your estate after other bequests and expenses, which can be flexible to accommodate any changes in your circumstances over time.
Contingent gifts Come into effect only if certain conditions are met, ensuring that your estate is distributed according to your preferences, even in unforeseen situations.

In all cases, making a gift in your will grants you a sense of control over your legacy and the opportunity to support CapU in a meaningful way, leaving a positive impact that extends beyond your lifetime.

Designating a portion of RRSPs, RRIFs, TFSAs Maximize your giving potential by designating a portion of your retirement accounts or Tax-Free Savings Accounts. This thoughtful gesture allows you to contribute to CapU while optimizing your tax benefits.
Securities Donating stocks, bonds, or mutual funds can be a strategic way to support CapU. You'll not only make a difference but also potentially enjoy tax advantages resulting from the appreciation of these assets.

Visit Security Giving for more info.
Real property Consider gifting real estate to make a substantial impact. By donating property, you can unlock significant tax benefits while making a transformative contribution to the CapU community.
Life insurance Utilize life insurance as a way to create a profound legacy. Naming our university as an owner or beneficiary allows you to leave a substantial gift without affecting your current financial situation.

As you contemplate your estate planning options, please contact Zoran Stjepanovic, Philanthropy Individual Giving at zoranstjepanovic@capilanou.ca or 604.983.7507

We are here to guide you through the process, answer any questions you may have, and help tailor a plan that aligns with your personal goals and philanthropic aspirations. Together, we can shape the future and make a lasting difference.

If you are ready to provide a statement of intent, you can simply fill out the form, click submit, and we will receive it.

If you have already made a gift intention for CapU, please tell us about it below.

Statement of Intent Submission

Download statement of intent form (pdf)

Your privacy matters

Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the B.C. Freedom of Information and Privacy Act (“FIPPA”) and the University Act. This information is used only for the purposes stated at the beginning of the form. Your information will remain confidential, and will only be used or disclosed as authorized under the FIPPA. Questions about the collection of this information may be directed to the Privacy Officer at privacy@capilanou.ca.

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Have questions?

Philanthropy & Alumni Relations

604 984 4983
Birch Building, room BR214

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

Capilano University Foundation

604 984 4983
Birch Building, room BR214

Charitable Business Number: 11883 7756 RR0001

Current Foundation Chair: Mary-Ann Booth