60(ish) Seconds: Navigating the Infodemic, Part IV
Published2 February, 2021
In the last of a four-part series titled “Navigating the Infodemic”, CapU Library’s Alyssa Hamer gives tips on maintaining a healthy information diet.

The internet is a tool to keep us connected and informed, but one of the downsides is that it can be hard to disconnect. The world is a complicated place, especially with a global pandemic going on, and every day it feels like there’s more and more information we need to keep on top of — but this can cause us to burnout.
How do we get away from feeling weighed down by what’s being shared online? Start by thinking of how you’re “feeding” your brain. Too much of the wrong thing, and you may begin to shut down mentally and emotionally. This is known as information overload.
Make efforts to create a healthy information diet by using these four tips.
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Ask a LibrarianStart by being mindful of how much time you’re spending online per day.
Be in touch with your own feelings, and regulate the number of times you check in on stressful topics, like infection rates. Once per day is usually enough.
Take breaks from the screen, and that means any type of screen. Dedicate time to give your mind a rest from what’s happening online.
Change it up — seek out sites and channels that inspire you, help you to learn new skills, or get you to reflect on your place in the world.
The goal is to reach a balance. With greater awareness, and by introducing some small changes, you’ll soon be on a path towards a nutritious information diet.