60(ish) Seconds: Individual Focus
Published5 January, 2021
Cathy Wilmot believes remote learning allows us to focus on our individual needs.

As a theatre instructor who teaches voice and movement, my classes right now involve a blend of in person learning and remote learning.
This has made me think outside the box in terms of curriculum and resources. I’ve become more creative as an instructor teaching within this new hybrid model.
Teaching remotely gives us a unique opportunity to focus more on ourselves as the individual and what we each require for learning to get the most out of our university experience.
Last year, my classes were all about collaboration — such as theatre is. We worked in big groups together. But now I feel compelled to hone in on each individual, and in turn, I am inspired by the way each individual is working more keenly on their own.
This has fast-tracked the higher learning process in my opinion. University is way different than high school and remote teaching has really let me guide theatre students in a sophisticated way. As a result, the student is experiencing a smoother transition into higher learning.