Institutional Research encompasses a broad category of work done at universities to inform campus decision-makers and planners in areas such as admissions, financial aid, enrolment management, student life, curriculum, finance, staffing, facilities, athletics, and alumni relations.
Institutional researchers collect, analyze, report, and warehouse quantitative and qualitative data about their institution's students, faculty, staff, curriculum, course offerings, and student outcomes. They are involved in collecting and reporting information to government bodies.
The Office of Institutional Research aims to align Capilano University (CapU) with its mission and vision by informing and supporting our decision makers and by contributing to the university’s strategic planning process.
With CapU’s mission and vision being central to the functions of the office, Institutional Research provides performance metrics, as well as a broad spectrum of research and analysis about the university to decision makers and partners.
As a key resource of the institution, the office also provides centralized CapU analytics, key performance metrics, and system level comparisons that measure accountability at the provincial and institutional level.
- 2023-24 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2022-23 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2021-22 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2020-21 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2019-20 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2018-19 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2017-18 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2016-17 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2015-16 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2014-15 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2013-14 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2012-13 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2011-12 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2010-11 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2009-10 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2009-12 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2008-11 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report brochure (pdf)
- 2008-11 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2007-10 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report brochure (pdf)
- 2007-10 Institutional Accountability Plan and Report (pdf)
- 2006-09 Institutional Service Plan (pdf)
- 2006 Institutional Service Plan Report (pdf)
- 2005-08 Institutional Service Plan (pdf)
- 2005 Institutional Service Plan Report (pdf)
- 2004-07 Institutional Service Plan (pdf)
2023/2024 Academic Year
- 10,904 students
- 5,861 domestic students
- 5,052 international students
- 56% Female, 42% Male, 1% Non-Binary
- 93 countries represented
- 89 programs enrolled in
- 22 average class size
- 57 Study Abroad students
2023/2024 Academic Year
- 184 Associate Degrees awarded
- 470 Bachelor's Degrees awarded
- 313 Certificates or Advanced Certificates awarded
- 545 Diplomas or Advanced Diplomas awarded
- 226 Post-Baccalaureate Credentials awarded
- In total, CapU awarded 1,738 credentials in the 2023/24 academic year
Source: Credentials Awarded and Grad Count Dashboard, CapU Analytics