
Capilano University Senate elections are run by the Registrar's Office.

Spring 2025 Election: Call for Nominations - Faculty of Global and Community Studies

The call for nominations for a faculty representative from the Faculty of Global and Community Studies. This position is open until it is filled.

Senate seats up for election

Representatives Seats Non-voting term starts Voting term starts Term ends

Faculty of Global & Community Studies


August 1, 2025

August 1, 2026

July 31, 2028

Nomination forms should be submitted in person to the Registrar's Office (Library Building, room LB152) or email to registrarassistant@capilanou.ca.

Note: Please type information directly into the form to ensure legibility, then print it, sign it and have it co-signed by three members of your constituency. Electronic signatures are also acceptable.

Spring 2025 Election: Cast your vote!

Faculty of Arts and Sciences Representative 

Voting is open between 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, March 13, 2025 and 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, March 19, 2025.

If you are an eligible voter, you will receive an email from Capilano University <vote@simplyvoting.com> on March 13, 2025. If you are eligible to vote and you didn’t receive the emails noted above, please contact registrarassistant@capilanou.ca.

Eligibility to Vote 

Faculty members in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. For more details, please see Senate Election Procedures.

Click on the name to view the candidate statement.

Student Representative

Voting is open between 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, March 27, 2025 and 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, April 2, 2025.

If you are an eligible voter, you will receive an email from Capilano University <vote@simplyvoting.com> on March 27, 2025. If you are eligible to vote and you didn’t receive the emails noted above, please contact registrarassistant@capilanou.ca.

Eligibility to vote 

Students who are enrolled in at least on credit course in current term, but who are not CapU employee (faculty members, MoveUp staff, exempt staff, or administrators). 

Click on the name to view the candidate statement.

For definitions and election rules and procedures, please see

Senate Election Procedures (pdf)

As per the University Act, the Senate is composed of:
(a) the chancellor;
(b) the president, who is its chair;
(c) the academic vice president or equivalent;
(d) the deans of faculties;
(e) the University librarian;
(f) the registrar;
(g) two faculty members for each faculty, elected by faculty members or the faculty;
(h) four students elected by students;
(i) one alumni member who is not a faculty member, appointed by the president on nomination by the alumni association;
(j) two support staff elected by the support staff;
(k) one non-voting member of the senate, if appointed to the senate by the board to serve for one year.

For more information regarding Senate Elections, please contact the Assistant to the Registrar at 604 990 7846 or registrarassistant@capilanou.ca 

For all other Senate information, please direct all correspondence and/or enquiries to the Senate Administrative Assistant, Mary Jukich, at mjukich@capilanou.ca