
The Senate Budget Advisory Committee (SBAC) is a standing committee of Senate that advises the President on the preparation of the annual budget. SBAC’s mandate arises from Section 62(2) of the University Act: “The president must prepare and submit to the board an annual budget in consultation with the appropriate standing committee of the senate.”


  • review the University’s annual budget with respect to its impact upon the University’s programs and educational services;
  • make recommendations to the President sufficiently in advance of the adoption of each University budget as to allow SBAC’s recommendations to be considered by the President in making budget decisions;
  • request, receive, and review data and make recommendations in a timely manner to the President as deemed appropriate in relation to the University budget;
  • recommend to Senate a draft Senate operations budget, in accordance with Ministry guidelines and University policies;
  • report to Senate on its activities.

2024 - 2025 membership

Vice-Chair of Senate Deb Jamison
Administrator Laura Kinderman
Administrator  Brad Martin
Faculty Victor Gelano
Faculty Michael Thoma (Chair)
Faculty Denise Gingrich
Staff Farnoosh Sam
Student Sarang Deep Singh
(Nov-Voting) Ex-Officio Member  
President Paul Dangerfield 
VP Finance and Administration  Tally Bains

VP, Strategic Planning, Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness

Toran Savjord
Director, Financial Operations Holly Hunter
Director, Financial Planning and Analysis Narisha Jessani
Director, Financial Planning & Analysis Narisha Jessani
*One additional faculty member will be added if the Vice-Chair of Senate is not a faculty member.

General information: