May 8, 2014: Please find the budget and the SBAC report to Senate attached to the right.
May 7, 2014: On May 6, 2014, Senate passed a motion to recommend the 2014/15 Budget to the Board. Please find the budget documents that were presented to Senate attached to the right.
April 24, 2014: At the April forums it was clear that people wanted more detail on the items "not recommended". There is now more explanation found in the Draft Budget 2014/15, which is posted to the right. Also, people asked for more detail as to what was contained in the two large groupings - that is also posted on the right. Lastly, there were some questions asked at the forums which we tried to answer.
April 10, 2014: Thanks to everyone who attended the SBAC forums this week. It was good to hear comments and questions from the University community. Please find a copy of the PowerPoint presentation to the right below the 2014-2015 Resources.
April 3, 2014: Please find the Draft 2014-2015 All-Funds Budget (pdf) and the KPMG Report on IT Services (pdf). Plan to attend one of the Budget Information Forums to ask your questions and give your comments on the All-Funds Budget:
April 7, 12-1:30 p.m., Library building, room 322
April 10, 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m., Library building, room 322
January 24, 2014: SBAC’s meeting on January 21 included a presentation, some discussion, and many questions by SBAC members on the executive’s request for further input (see University’s budget page for further details). After the non-committee members left, SBAC decided that is would be best if the committee was to meet every week until the budget is presented to Senate.
January 2, 2014: All the suggestions made at the Nov/Dec forums are now available to the right side of this message. Answers/updates to these suggestions will be made this month before the next forums are held. Also, please find the "Forum #2" powerpoint and let any member of SBAC know if you have any questions. We know that not everyone was able to make it to those forums.
November 20, 2013: The 2014-2015 Budget process has begun. On this webpage, SBAC PowerPoint presentations, answers to questions from employees and general information about the fiscal climate at Cap U will be accessible to all employees. Visit this page often as Budget updates will be posted throughout the Spring term.
- Nanci Lucas, Chair, Senate Budget Advisory Committee
General information:
- University Budget Website
- Terms of Reference (pdf)
- General Budget Process (pdf)
- Meeting Schedule - TBD
2014-2015 Resources:
- Budget 100 PowerPoint (2013) (pdf)
- Forum #2 PowerPoint (pdf)
- Forum Suggestions Nov 28 (2013) (pdf)
- ForumNov28.pdf (pdf)
- Forum on Submissions Mar 13 (2014) (pdf)
- Comments Provided on the Parameters (Mar. 13, 2014) (pdf)
- Parameters for Budget Decision Making (Mar. 13, 2014) (pdf)
- Parameters for Budget Decision Making – Update (Apr. 1, 2014) (pdf)
- Forum SBAC Update to University (Apr. 7-Apr.10, 2014) (pdf)
- Draft-2014-2015-Budget-Package (Apr. 22, 2014) (pdf)
- Forum: Questions/Answers (Apr. 22, 2014) (pdf)
- Forum: 5% budget reduction ideas/more information (Apr. 23, 2014) (pdf)
- 2014-15 Budget for Senate (May 6, 2014) (pdf)
- Report and 2014-15 Budget for Senate (May 6, 2014) (pdf)