
The following table provides information about the Incidental fees for certain additional services.

Service Canadians or Landed Immigrants International Students

CapCard Replacement 


When replacing lost or stolen CapCard


When replacing lost or stolen CapCard

Course Challenge Exam




≤3 credits

4-6 credits

7-9 credits




≤3 credits

4-6 credits

7-9 credits

Course Outline Fee $5 per course outline Must accompany all course outline requests $5 per course outline Must accompany all course outline requests
Credential Replacement $35 Replacement of previously issued credential. Note that all credentials completed prior to the Fall 2007 term will be issued on Capilano College parchment. $35 Replacement of previously issued credential. Note that all credentials completed prior to the Fall 2007 term will be issued on Capilano College parchment.
English Diagnostic Test $50 When required by department or program. $50 When required by department or program.
English for Academic Purpose Placement Test $25 When required by department or program. $25 When required by department or program.
Late Graduation Application Fee $50 For applications submitted after the graduation application deadline. $50 For applications submitted after the graduation application deadline.
Late Registration Fee $50 per credit For registration in a course after the end of the Add/Drop period $50 per credit For registration in a course after the end of the Add/Drop period
Late Payment Fee $50 per month Charged at the end of each month of the current term, that the student account balance has not been paid $50 per month Charged at the end of each month of the current term, that the student account balance has not been paid
Math Placement Test $25 When required by department or program. $25 When required by department or program.
NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) $40 Returned cheque fee $40 Returned cheque fee
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) 




≤3 credits

4-6 credits

7-9 credits




≤3 credits

4-6 credits

7-9 credits

T2202A Form Replacement $10 Must accompany the request for T2202A replacement. $10 Must accompany the request for T2202A replacement.
Transcript(s) request $12 per transcript Must accompany Request for Official Transcript of Academic Record form. $12 per transcript Must accompany Request for Official Transcript of Academic Record form.
 Wire Transfer Fee  $55 This fee only pertains to out-of-country outgoing wire transfers.  Wire transfers are not done within Canada. $55 This fee only pertains to out-of-country outgoing wire transfers.  Wire transfers are not done within Canada.


Have questions?

Student Financial Accounts

604 984 1786
604 984 1723 (fax)
Library Building, room LB140