
Our International Admissions Advisors are here to help with questions related to:

  • Program selection;
  • Admission requirements;
  • How to apply to Capilano University; and
  • CapU's student services and resources.

There are two ways to connect with an International Admissions Advisor, through our drop-in advising via zoom/phone, or at one of our in-person drop-in sessions.

Drop-in Admissions Advising via Zoom / Phone 

Sessions are available every Tuesday, 9 – 11 a.m. PST (Pacific Standard Time), excluding statutory holidays. The registration waitlist opens and closes at 15 minutes prior to each session. 

How to Join the Line

Follow one of the links below to connect with us over Zoom or by phone. You must check in during the hours specified above. Sign in using your myCapU email. Use your personal email address only if you don’t have a myCapU email yet.

Enter your phone number to receive text notifications about the Zoom link and/or your spot in the queue. To receive a call back, please provide a local British Columbia phone number. SMS messages and data rates may apply.

Students without a local British Columbia phone number should join via Zoom.

When you register for the Zoom session, please connect to the room as soon as you receive the link. Upon entering the waiting room, set your Zoom name to your first and last name. You will wait to speak with an advisor, and students will be helped in the order they check-in.

Zoom Registration    Phone Registration

Drop-in Admissions Advising in-person

In-person sessions are available each week, Monday – Friday, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. PST (Pacific Standard Time) in the CIE office located in the Library Building room LB127, excluding statutory holidays. The registration waitlist opens and closes at 15 minutes prior to the time.

Are you a short-term visiting from outside Canada or exchange student?

Please email visp@capilanou.ca (visiting students) or studyabroad@capilanou.ca (exchange students) to connect with our study abroad team.


Have questions?

Wong and Trainor Centre for International Experience (CIE)

604 990 7914
604 983 7576 (fax)
Library Building, room LB127

Capilano University
2055 Purcell Way
North Vancouver, B.C.
V7J 3H5