
Take the bold step. Immerse yourself in a new culture while engaging in hands-on and transformative learning with CapU students and faculty leaders. Announcing new and exciting 2025-2026 field schools soon!

Photo: CapU students with Nunya Academy students in Dzodze, Ghana – Ghana Field School 2024

Why a field school, and what is it?

  • Are you a first-time traveller who wants to see the world but can't take the solo leap just yet?
  • Do you work full-time or have family commitments that can't take you away for an extended period of time?
  • Have you missed your chance for a full term abroad and want to graduate with the opportunity to internationalize your degree?

If you've answered yes to any of these questions, then a field school might be right for you! A field school is an immersive 10-day to five-week global adventure with a group of fellow students led by CapU instructors.

You get to apply knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world challenges while earning up to 6.0 CapU credits (two courses) toward your diploma or degree.

Who can participate?

Field schools are open to CapU students across all programs, as well as CapU staff, faculty, and alumni. You will meet the minimum eligibility criteria if you:

  • Have completed a minimum of 30 credits before departure;
  • Are enrolled as a full-time or part-time diploma or degree student at CapU;
  • Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.67;
  • Are 18 years of age or older; there is no upper age limit to participation
  • Plan to return to CapU for at least one major semester as a full-time student and
  • Have a passport valid for international travel for at least six months upon your return.

Where can you go?

Destinations vary from year to year. CapU has offered field schools in countries such as Cambodia, China, Ghana, Hungary, Thailand, United Kingdom and Vietnam. Field schools for an upcoming academic year are usually announced six months to a year before they take place.

Join one of our weekly information sessions to learn more about the itinerary, academic courses, learning outcomes, and fees and to meet field school instructors.

Scholarships available!

All accepted field school students have the opportunity to apply for a range of exciting and generous study abroad scholarships.

Exciting scholarships and awards are available such as the One World Scholarship, which weighs primarily on your past community and volunteer experience.

Ask us about scholarships by contacting studyabroad@capilanou.ca!


Have questions?

Centre for International Experience

Study Abroad Office
604 990 7914
Library Building, room LB127