
Acting for Stage and Screen Diploma


3 year(s)

The Diploma in Acting for Stage and Screen provides students with the skills necessary to begin a professional acting career in theatre, television and film.

The first year is comprehensive and introduces students to acting for stage and screen, improv, voice, movement, history, and backstage work.

In the final two years of the program, students concentrate on performance and professional skills as well as directing, acting in film projects and in Theatre department mainstage productions.

The ASAS faculty are professional theatre and screen artists so the combination of this comprehensive training and studying with working professionals will increase the chances of success for the graduates of this program.

Student getting notes from a director while performing on stage.

Perform in a graduate showcase

Prior to graduation, you'll complete one final live performance, have the opportunity to meet with industry professionals and be featured on Casting Workbook.

Career paths

  • Actor
  • Director
  • Filmmaker
  • Playwright
  • Producer
  • Screenwriter

Become a well-rounded actor

In the program, you'll receive training in all the important skills actors need to be a versatile performer, with courses in screen and stage acting, process, movement, elements of performance, ensemble projects and advanced technique.

Develop key off-stage skills

You'll also strengthen your skills offstage, with classes in performance history, directing, stories and screenwriting, building your resume and understanding contracts.

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Important dates

Applications open

Oct 1, 2024 – Apr 1, 2025

Course Registration & Waitlisting start

Jul 3, 2025

Fee payment deadline

4:00 PM - Aug 25, 2025

NOTE: Important dates may change.

How to Apply

Are you applying as a domestic or as an international student?

Every student must apply to CapU through EducationPlannerBC (EPBC), a website for applying to universities and colleges across British Columbia.

Visit Apply Now to make sure you're ready to fill in your application.

  • When you submit your application, you will need to pay an application fee of $50, which gives you the opportunity to apply for 2 programs. 
  • You will need to upload a digital (PDF) copy of your transcripts and supporting documents at this time.
  • If you are currently in Grade 12, you must request that the Ministry of Education submit your transcript directly to Capilano University.
  • Documents must be in the original language of issue and translated into English by a recognized translator, if required.
Apply on EPBC

After submitting your application on EducationPlannerBC you will receive an acknowledgement message from us to your personal email.

  • This email will include your Student ID number and your myCapU account and email address.
  • Instructions on how to track your application will also be included.
  • All future messages from us will be sent to your myCapU email.
  • If you're applying to CapU as a new student, you can use your myCapU account to apply for entrance awards.

Step one: Apply

Apply to the Acting for Stage and Screen Diploma program at Capilano University.

Step two: Schedule your audition

Once you have applied, the School of Performing Arts will schedule your audition/interview.

Step three: Submit your documents

Prior to your audition/interview, submit these documents:

  • Letter of Intent: outline why you want to study Acting for Stage and Screen at CapU and briefly describe your theatre background, career goals and training;
  • Letter of Recommendation: from a teacher or theatre professional;
  • A recent photograph.

Step four: Audition/interview

You will audition for a panel of faculty from the Acting for Stage and Screen program.

There are two components to the audition:

  1. an individual audition, comprised of a monologue and a short interview
  2. a group audition.

Detailed information on what to expect for this audition will be provided once we have scheduled your audition time, including a selection of monologues.

Distance auditions

For applicants unable to audition in-person, the Theatre Department at Capilano University will accept digital (such as YouTube) audition submissions.

Information for distance auditions will be sent to you by the School of Performing Arts. Distance applications include a monologue and a short time answering some general interview questions.

For students who have previously attended post-secondary, even though you submitted a digital copy of your transcripts on EducationPlannerBC, you must submit official university or college transcripts for transfer credit.

Please send all official documents to:

Registrar's Office
Library Building, Room LB152
2055 Purcell Way
North Vancouver, BC
V7J 3H5

Official documents may include:

These documents must be sent directly from that institution to Capilano University. They must include the seal of the institution and the signature of the authorizing school representative.

We will accept photocopies of transcripts if certified by the authorizing university or college officer. Notarized copies are not acceptable.

Students may also submit photocopies of academic documents verified by the issuing authority. These authorities include the Ministry of Education, the high school, university, or college, the apostille* or by the appropriate examination board.

Notarized copies are not acceptable.

*Apostille countries refers to an international form of a notary seal as certified by the Hague convention. These would be official notary documents from countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. and can be accepted in place of original or school-certified documents. The Apostille is prepared by either the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Justice in these countries.

Please note: Documents issued in a language other than English must also include certified English translations. Documents must be in the original language of the issue and translated into English by a recognized translator, if required.

An academic document is original if issued to the student by the institution following that institution’s policies.

Notarized copies are not acceptable.

Once you've been accepted into a program, you'll need to start planning your courses.

  • You will be notified of your acceptance through your CapU email and your myCapU account.
  • View our page for admitted students to learn how to prepare for your first day.
  • If you wish to receive transfer credits, please submit official university/college/International Baccalaureate (IB)/Advanced Placements (AP) transcripts either electronically or by mail:


    Registrar's Office
    Library Building, Room LB152
    2055 Purcell Way
    North Vancouver, BC
    V7J 3H5

New Students

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Transfer Students

Find out how you can transfer your credits from another post-secondary institution to CapU.

Applying as a Transfer Student

Returning Students

If you're returning to CapU to complete your program or to apply into a new program, please contact the Registrar's Office.

Contact Registrar's Office

Switching Programs

If you want to change your program of study, you need to submit a new application to CapU.

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Tuition and Fees

Are you applying as a domestic or as an international student?

Tuition Fees Total
Year 1 $7,195 $1,792 $8,987
Year 2 $10,317 $1,792 $12,109
Year 3 $11,173 $1,792 $12,965
Total $28,685 $5,376 $34,061

Tuition & Fees Estimator

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Entrance Awards

All new CapU students can fund their education with entrance awards.

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Term Awards

Continuing your studies at CapU? You may be eligible for awards, too.

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The courses below reflect the current program profile. Login to myCapMap to see the program requirements for the term you started.

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Required Courses

First Year

Total credits: 31.50

ACTR 100Acting I3.00 credits
ACTR 101Acting II3.00 credits
ASAS 105Voice and Movement for the Actor I1.50 credits
ASAS 110Screen Acting I3.00 credits
ASAS 114The Screen Actor's Process I1.50 credits
ASAS 115Voice for the Actor I1.50 credits
ASAS 116Movement for the Actor I1.50 credits
ASAS 120Elements of Performance History I3.00 credits
ASAS 161Ensemble Projects for the Stage I3.00 credits
ASAS 162Screen Projects I1.50 credits
ENGL 100University Writing Strategies3.00 credits
THTR 160Technical Theatre Fundamentals3.00 credits
ENGL or CMNS 100-level or higher3.00 credits


Second Year

Total credits: 34.00

ACTR 200Acting III3.00 credits
ACTR 201Acting IV3.00 credits
ASAS 208Performance I2.00 credits
ASAS 210Screen Acting II3.00 credits
ASAS 214The Screen Actor's Process II1.50 credits
ASAS 215Voice for the Actor II1.50 credits
ASAS 216Movement for the Actor II1.50 credits
ASAS 220Elements of Performance History II3.00 credits
ASAS 225Voice for the Actor III1.50 credits
ASAS 226Movement for the Actor III1.50 credits
ASAS 260Analysis for Directing and Design3.00 credits
ASAS 261Ensemble Projects for the Stage II3.00 credits
ASAS 262Screen Projects II1.50 credits
FILM 251Film Crafts for Actors3.00 credits
PMTI 102Private Music/Theatre Instruction - I1.00 credits
PMTI 103Private Music/Theatre Instruction - II1.00 credits


Third Year

Total credits: 35.50

ACTR 304Special Skills for the Performer I3.00 credits
ACTR 305Special Skills for the Performer II3.00 credits
ASAS 218Musical Theatre for Actors - Voice1.50 credits
ASAS 219Musical Theatre for Actors - Dance1.50 credits
ASAS 302Graduation Showcase2.00 credits
ASAS 321Conceptual Approaches I1.50 credits
ASAS 329Theatre Performance3.50 credits
ASAS 340The Actor's Kit1.50 credits
ASAS 341The Screen Actor's Process III4.00 credits
ASAS 362Screen Projects III3.00 credits
ASAS 370The Actor's Business1.50 credits
FILM 250Story and Screenplay3.00 credits
FILM 321Conceptual Approaches II1.50 credits
FILM 382Advanced Film Technique3.00 credits
PMTI 202Private Music/Theatre Instruction - III1.00 credits
PMTI 203Private Music/Theatre Instruction - IV1.00 credits

Total program credits: 101.00

Additional information

Continuation Requirements:

Advancement to 2nd Year (Term Three): Continuation in the program is based on student achievement and determined by a department committee. Students must meet criteria to advance to the next Year of the program. The criteria are:

- A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 in Terms I and II plus successful completion of all coursework required in Year One of the program profile.

- Professional Practices Reports and Attendance must meet or exceed program expectations in all classes.

Advancement to 3rd Year (Term Five): Continuation in the program is based on student achievement and determined by a department committee. Students must meet criteria to advance to the next Year of the program. The criteria are:

- A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 in Terms III and IV plus successful completion of all coursework required in Year Two of the program profile.

- Professional Practices Reports and Attendance must meet or exceed program expectations in all classes.

Learning outcomes

  • Vocal Development - Articulate clearly and appropriately to the context of the performance.
  • Vocal Development - Use projection and vocal power in a range of performance genres.
  • Vocal Development - Control and demonstrate skills for range, timbre and placement.
  • Vocal Development - Understand and interpret the vocal requirements particular to the text.
  • Physical Development - Master body awareness, coordination, posture, alignment and flexibility.
  • Physical Development - Meet the physical requirements of various performance styles.
  • Artistic Development - Understand and identify with the content of the text.
  • Artistic Development - Focus energy, create and sustain the integrity of a performance.
  • Artistic Development - Use well developed personal skills and an awareness of self in individual and group settings.
  • Artistic Development - Integrate the techniques of acting, voice, and movement into a creative process.

How to Declare

For the official publication of programs, course descriptions and admission requirements please view the Capilano University Calendar.

Have a question?

Get in touch with us!

About this program

School of Performing Arts
604 984 4911
Fir Building, room FR101

About this program

Acting for Stage and Screen
604 984 4911

General inquiries

Student Information Services
Library Building, room LB152

604-984-1798 (fax)