
Build a strong foundation in business knowledge, then continue with your general business degree – or develop in-depth expertise in your chosen area.

Capilano University's Bachelor of Business Administration degree program balances in-class learning with hands-on experience and experiential learning.

Our instructors bring up-to-date knowledge to the classroom, sharing the expertise that's made them successful. Small class sizes mean instructors have more time for students.

The BBA Degree program is tailored to your lifestyle, with full and- part-time study options available and intakes in the Spring, Summer and Fall terms. 

You'll graduate with the skills employers demand and an edge in today's competitive job market.

Coming to Squamish in Fall 2025

Students at CapU Squamish.

Starting next fall, you can complete your BBA degree at CapU's new location in Squamish, B.C.

Sign up today to receive information about the program, studying in Squamish, student housing and more.


Why get your BBA at CapU?

Bachelor of Business Administration landing page image.

A business degree for the business world

In the BBA program, you'll gain the knowledge to succeed, with courses in economics, statistics, business law, strategic management, leadership and research.

Career paths

  • Accounting
  • Communications
  • Event planning & promotions
  • Finance
  • Human resources
  • International business & logistics
  • Marketing
  • Operations management
  • Public relations
  • Sales
  • Small business ownership

Six concentrations to choose from

In the third year of the program, you can choose a concentration: Accounting, Business Information and Analytics (BIMA), Financial Planning, Human Resources Management, International Business and Logistics or Marketing.

Students looking to declare a concentration can fill out the Bachelor of Business Administration Declaration Form (pdf) and submit it to records@capilanou.ca

Join a championship school

As a BBA student at CapU, you'll have the opportunity to take part in case competitions, a hands-on, realistic simulation of a real business.

Teams from the CapU School of Business have several wins, including a double-gold showing at the 2022 BCITMA Regional Conference.

BBA Degree Fast Facts


specialization options for your degree


new students in 2021-22


students enrolled in the BBA program


course options

Related links

Request more info

Find out about your program of interest and learn about upcoming events, workshops and campus tours.

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Contact us

For more information about the Bachelor of Business Administration program, contact us today.

Get in Touch

Information sessions

Plan ahead with this calendar of important program information sessions and open houses.

Upcoming info sessions

Apply now

Are you ready to rise to the challenge?

Apply Now to CapU


Important dates

Applications open

Jun 4, 2024 – May 6, 2025

Course Registration & Waitlisting start

Mar 3, 2025

Fee payment deadline

4:00 PM - Apr 29, 2025

Important dates

Applications open

Oct 1, 2024 – Sep 2, 2025

Course Registration & Waitlisting start

Jul 3, 2025

Fee payment deadline

4:00 PM - Aug 25, 2025

Important dates

Applications open

Oct 1, 2024 – Sep 2, 2025

Course Registration & Waitlisting start

Jul 3, 2025

Fee payment deadline

4:00 PM - Aug 25, 2025

Important dates

Applications open

Feb 4, 2025 – Jan 6, 2026

Course Registration & Waitlisting start

Nov 12, 2025

Fee payment deadline

4:00 PM - Dec 15, 2025

NOTE: Important dates may change.

How to Apply

Are you applying as a domestic or as an international student?

English language requirements

English is the language of instruction at CapU. All applicants are required to demonstrate competence in the English language prior to admission.

If English is not your first language or you’ve received your education in a language other than English, you must meet our English Language Requirements.

Basic requirements

  • High school graduation
  • English Studies 12 (C+) or
    • English 12 (C+) or
    • English First Peoples 12 (C+) or
    • EDT=ENGL 100 or
    • LPI essay score=24, essay level=4 or
    • CAEL=70, and
  • Principles of Math 11 (C) or
    • Pre-calculus 11 (pass) or
    • Foundations of Math 11 (C) or
    • BMTH 044 (C) or
    • BMTH 048 (C) or
    • MATH 096 (C) or
    • MATH 097 (C) or
    • Applications of Math 12 (pass) or
    • Apprenticeship & Workplace Mathematics 12 (B) or
    • Foundations of Math 12 (pass) or
    • Principles of Math 12 (pass) or
    • Pre-calculus 12 (pass) or
    • BMTH 054 (pass) or
    • BTEC 115 (B-)

Current high school students

Current Grade 12 students can be conditionally accepted based on final Grade 11 grades or interim Grade 12 grades. Students can upload proof of grades (e.g. unofficial transcripts, copies of report cards) through EducationPlannerBC when applying to Capilano University. Final acceptance will be based on high school graduation and having met the program specific requirements.

Note: All B.C. applicants must release their grades to CapU via the BC Ministry of Education at Student Transcripts Services (STS). Please do this as soon as possible.

Every student must apply to CapU through EducationPlannerBC (EPBC), a website for applying to universities and colleges across British Columbia.

Visit Apply Now to make sure you're ready to fill in your application.

  • When you submit your application, you will need to pay an application fee of $50, which gives you the opportunity to apply for 2 programs. 
  • You will need to upload a digital (PDF) copy of your transcripts and supporting documents at this time.
  • If you are currently in Grade 12, you must request that the Ministry of Education submit your transcript directly to Capilano University.
  • Documents must be in the original language of issue and translated into English by a recognized translator, if required.
Apply on EPBC

After submitting your application on EducationPlannerBC you will receive an acknowledgement message from us to your personal email.

  • This email will include your Student ID number and your myCapU account and email address.
  • Instructions on how to track your application will also be included.
  • All future messages from us will be sent to your myCapU email.
  • If you're applying to CapU as a new student, you can use your myCapU account to apply for entrance awards.

For students who have previously attended post-secondary, even though you submitted a digital copy of your transcripts on EducationPlannerBC, you must submit official university or college transcripts for transfer credit.

Please send all official documents to:

Registrar's Office
Library Building, Room LB152
2055 Purcell Way
North Vancouver, BC
V7J 3H5

Official documents may include:

These documents must be sent directly from that institution to Capilano University. They must include the seal of the institution and the signature of the authorizing school representative.

We will accept photocopies of transcripts if certified by the authorizing university or college officer. Notarized copies are not acceptable.

Students may also submit photocopies of academic documents verified by the issuing authority. These authorities include the Ministry of Education, the high school, university, or college, the apostille* or by the appropriate examination board.

Notarized copies are not acceptable.

*Apostille countries refers to an international form of a notary seal as certified by the Hague convention. These would be official notary documents from countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. and can be accepted in place of original or school-certified documents. The Apostille is prepared by either the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Justice in these countries.

Please note: Documents issued in a language other than English must also include certified English translations. Documents must be in the original language of the issue and translated into English by a recognized translator, if required.

An academic document is original if issued to the student by the institution following that institution’s policies.

Notarized copies are not acceptable.

Once you've been accepted into a program, you'll need to start planning your courses.

  • You will be notified of your acceptance through your CapU email and your myCapU account.
  • View our page for admitted students to learn how to prepare for your first day.
  • If you wish to receive transfer credits, please submit official university/college/International Baccalaureate (IB)/Advanced Placements (AP) transcripts either electronically or by mail:


    Registrar's Office
    Library Building, Room LB152
    2055 Purcell Way
    North Vancouver, BC
    V7J 3H5

New Students

Apply Now

Are you ready to rise to the challenge?

Apply now to CapU

Transfer Students

Find out how you can transfer your credits from another post-secondary institution to CapU.

Applying as a Transfer Student

Returning Students

If you're returning to CapU to complete your program or to apply into a new program, please contact the Registrar's Office.

Contact Registrar's Office

Switching Programs

If you want to change your program of study, you need to submit a new application to CapU.

Re-apply to CapU

Tuition and Fees

Are you applying as a domestic or as an international student?

Tuition Fees Total
Year 1 $4,401 $1,792 $6,193
Year 2 $4,401 $1,792 $6,193
Year 3 $6,017 $1,792 $7,809
Year 4 $6,017 $1,792 $7,809
Total $20,836 $7,168 $28,004

Tuition & Fees Estimator

Get a detailed breakdown of the tuition and fees for your program.

Calculate my fees

Entrance Awards

All new CapU students can fund their education with entrance awards.

See if I qualify

Term Awards

Continuing your studies at CapU? You may be eligible for awards, too.

Take me to the awards

The courses below reflect the current program profile. Login to myCapMap to see the program requirements for the term you started.

myCapMap Login

Required Courses

First Year

Total credits: 30.00

BADM 101Introduction to Business3.00 credits
BADM 102Introduction to Financial Mathematics3.00 credits
BADM 106Organizational Behaviour3.00 credits
BADM 107Business Law I3.00 credits
BCPT 123Business Computing Basics3.00 credits
ECON 111Principles of Microeconomic Theory3.00 credits
ENGL 100University Writing Strategies3.00 credits
USS 100Introduction to University Success Strategies3.00 credits
Choose 3.00 credits from the following list:
BFIN 141Introductory Accounting I3.00 credits
BFIN 193Compressed Introductory Financial Accounting3.00 credits
Choose 3.00 credits of electives:

At the 100, 200 or 300-level from the Business prefixes below, or Breadth Electives, or ECON 210

ECON 210Money and Banking3.00 credits
BADMBusiness Administration
BCPTBusiness Computing
BFINBusiness Finance
BMKTBusiness Marketing
IBUSInt'l Business and Logistics
RMCPRetail Marketing
Breadth Elective* at the 100, 200 or 300 level - see the Approved Breadth Electives list


Second Year

Total credits: 30.00

BADM 201Business Information Systems3.00 credits
BADM 202People Management3.00 credits
BADM 210Business Statistics3.00 credits
BFIN 241Finance for Managers3.00 credits
BMKT 203Introduction to Marketing3.00 credits
CMNS 220Advanced Business Writing3.00 credits
ECON 112Principles of Macroeconomic Theory3.00 credits
IBUS 255Cross-Cultural Business3.00 credits
Choose 3.00 credits from the following list:
BMKT 263Relationship Selling3.00 credits
CMNS 185Presentation Skills for Public Speaking3.00 credits
Choose 3.00 credits of electives:

At the 100, 200 or 300-level from the Business prefixes below, or Breadth Electives, or ECON 210

ECON 210Money and Banking3.00 credits
BADMBusiness Administration
BCPTBusiness Computing
BFINBusiness Finance
BMKTBusiness Marketing
IBUSInt'l Business and Logistics
RMCPRetail Marketing
Breadth Elective* at the 100, 200 or 300 level - see the Approved Breadth Electives list


Third Year

Total credits: 30.00

BADM 305Leadership3.00 credits
BADM 318Project Management3.00 credits
BADM 385Business and Sustainability3.00 credits
BADM 395Business and Society3.00 credits
Choose 3.00 credits from the following list:
BADM 265Small Business Management3.00 credits
BADM 365Entrepreneurship3.00 credits
Choose 9.00 credits of electives:

Business Elective - A course at the 300 or 400-level from the prefixes below or ECON 210.

ECON 210Money and Banking3.00 credits
BADMBusiness Administration
BCPTBusiness Computing
BFINBusiness Finance
BMKTBusiness Marketing
IBUSInt'l Business and Logistics
SABAStudy Abroad - Business Admin
Choose 3.00 credits of electives:

At the 100, 200, 300 or 400-level from the Business prefixes below, or Breadth Electives, or ECON 210.

ECON 210Money and Banking3.00 credits
BADMBusiness Administration
BCPTBusiness Computing
BFINBusiness Finance
BMKTBusiness Marketing
IBUSInt'l Business and Logistics
SABAStudy Abroad - Business Admin
Breadth Elective* at the 100, 200, 300 or 400-level - see the Approved Breadth Electives list
Choose 3.00 credits of electives:

At the 300 or 400-level from the Business prefixes below, or Breadth Electives, or ECON 210

ECON 210Money and Banking3.00 credits
BADMBusiness Administration
BCPTBusiness Computing
BFINBusiness Finance
BMKTBusiness Marketing
IBUSInt'l Business and Logistics
SABAStudy Abroad - Business Admin
Breadth Elective* at the 300 or 400 level - see the Approved Breadth Electives list


Fourth Year

Total credits: 30.00

BADM 460Business and Society Research Project3.00 credits
BADM 466Managing Change3.00 credits
BADM 470Business Policy and Strategy3.00 credits
Choose 6.00 credits of electives:

Business Elective - A course at the 300 or 400-level from the prefixes below

BADMBusiness Administration
BCPTBusiness Computing
BFINBusiness Finance
BMKTBusiness Marketing
IBUSInt'l Business and Logistics
SABAStudy Abroad - Business Admin
Choose 15.00 credits of electives:

At the 300 or 400-level from the Business prefixes below or Breadth Electives

BADMBusiness Administration
BCPTBusiness Computing
BFINBusiness Finance
BMKTBusiness Marketing
IBUSInt'l Business and Logistics
SABAStudy Abroad - Business Admin
Breadth Elective* at the 300 or 400 level - see the Approved Breadth Electives list


Approved Breadth Electives

Choose electives:

*Students must select a minimum of 9 credits of Breadth Electives in addition to the 15 credits of breadth included in the program as required courses (to meet the University requirement of 24 credits outside the field of study). Note: if CMNS 185 is completed, then students only need to select 6 credits of additional Breadth Electives. Breadth selection must include 3 credits of Cap Core Culture and Creative Expression.

Unless specific exclusions are listed below, all 100-level or higher courses of 3 credits or more outside of the School of Business are eligible.

Exclusions (the following cannot be used as breadth electives):

School of Business disciplines: BADM, BCPT, BFIN, BMKT, BTEC, BUES, IBUS, NABU, RMCP and SABA.

AEM 145, 247; CLSC 101; CMNS 131, 133, 152, 154, 159, 174, 305; EAP (all excluded except one of either EAP 100 (min. B+) or EAP 101 (min. B+) to a maximum of 3 credits); HCA 110; LAW 101; LGST 116, 124; PADM 204, 205, 207, 210, 306; REC (all excluded except REC 152, 252); TOUR (all excluded except TOUR 104, 111, 120, 151, 220, 221, 227, 232, 306, 307, 326, 331, 341, 342, 344, 356, 360, 373, 400, 404, 416, 423, 451, 455, 456, 457);

Total program credits: 120.00

Additional information

Students pursuing a baccalaureate degree must meet Cap Core graduation requirements in addition to their program requirements.

Students planning to concentrate in accounting should take either BFIN 141 and 142, or BFIN 193 in First Year.

Students cannot receive credit for BFIN 141 or BFIN 142 and also get credit for BFIN 193 towards this credential.

Students are restricted to credit for only one of BFIN 244 or BFIN 341 towards this credential (students pursuing the Accounting Concentration or CPA track must take BFIN 341).

Students must complete the following at Capilano University: BADM 460 and BADM 470, plus 6 additional credits of 400-level business courses and 6 additional credits of 300 and/or 400-level business courses (total 18 credits).

Students may only count up to 9 credits combined from the following work-integrated courses towards this credential: BADM 340, BADM 345, BADM 440 and BADM 445; additional credits from this list may be taken but the credit hours will not count towards the degree.

Students must select a minimum of 9 credits of Breadth Electives in addition to the 15 credits of breadth embedded in the program as required courses (to meet the University requirement of 24 credits outside the field of study). Note: if CMNS 185 is completed, then students only need to select 6 credits of additional Breadth Electives. Breadth selection must include 3 credits of Cap Core Culture and Creative Expression.

Students may obtain a concentration by completing 15.00 upper-level credits in one of the following areas. Students wishing to obtain multiple concentrations should note that each concentration requires 15.00 upper level credits from those listed below.

- Accounting Concentration: BFIN 341, BFIN 342, BFIN 347, BFIN 351 and BFIN 431

- Business Information Management and Analytics Concentration: BCPT 305, BADM 310, BCPT 330, BCPT 404 and BCPT 420

- Financial Planning Concentration: BFIN 306, BFIN 321, BFIN 351, BFIN 386 and BFIN 486

- Human Resource Management Concentration: BADM 302, BADM 303, BADM 329, BADM 335 and BADM 475

- International Business and Logistics Concentration: IBUS 321, IBUS 340, IBUS 341, IBUS 405 and IBUS 440

- Marketing Concentration: BMKT 360, BMKT 364, BMKT 369, BMKT 401 and BMKT 405

Learning outcomes

  • Formulate persuasive, evidence-based strategies to solve business challenges.
  • Assess complex business situations to propose innovative recommendations for change.
  • Exercise personal responsibility and integrity to work effectively with others through teamwork and collaboration.
  • Incorporate diverse and inclusive approaches, social responsibility and ethics in developing business solutions.
  • Demonstrate an ability to integrate and communicate the concepts of the core areas of business.

How to Declare

For the official publication of programs, course descriptions and admission requirements please view the Capilano University Calendar.

Have a question?

Get in touch with us!

About this program

Bachelor of Business Administration Degree
604 990 7809
Cedar Building, room 342

General inquiries

Student Information Services
Library Building, room LB152

604-984-1798 (fax)