
Register for tuition-free academic upgrading courses at our North Vancouver and Sunshine Coast campuses.

CapU student taking an Upgrading course at CapU Lonsdale.

If you don’t meet the admission requirements for the post secondary program or courses you’re interested in right now, don’t worry. We can help you get there.

Capilano University encourages continuing education by providing academic upgrading for adult learners interested in applying to post-secondary institutions as well as high schoolers looking for dual credits.

Which of our academic upgrading programs will be best for you? Get in touch with our Academic Upgrading team in student services today to learn more.

Academic Upgrading appointments

We support learners with remote and in-person appointments. Remote appointments are conducted via Microsoft Teams. Book your appointment today.

Book an appointment

In-person appointments are available Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. — 4 p.m. in Birch Building, room BR344.

You can also contact us any time via email at upgrading@capilanou.ca or by calling 604 983 7578.

Adult Basic Education (ABE)

ABE courses are available full-time or part-time, through online learning or in a classroom. The department offers prerequisite courses in math, English, biology, chemistry, physics, computer studies and history. They can help you:

  • complete your high school diploma courses and achieve your BC Adult Dogwood Graduation Diploma;
  • improve your marks in Grade 11 or 12 courses needed as prerequisites for post-secondary studies;
  • improve your GPA;
  • complete university prerequisites; and
  • get your English 100 credit and English 12 in the same semester.

If you are new to ABE at CapU, please visit the Apply and Register for New ABE Students page for information about our testing assessment and registration process.

ABE offers blended (classroom + online) classes and fully online classes in the Fall & Spring semesters through the North Vancouver, Sunshine Coast and Squamish campuses. During the two Summer semesters (May/June & July/August), students from any campus can enroll in fully online ABE course offerings. You may work on your online courses at any time, and you can also schedule one-on-one time with your instructor via Zoom, or message them if you prefer.

  • Upcoming ABE courses with days/times for all campuses can be viewed on the 2025 ABE Summer Timetables (pdf).
  • Students who wish to attend CapU's North Vancouver main campus or CapU Lonsdale Shipyards campus can contact upgrading@capilanou.ca for more information.
  • Students interested in taking ABE at the kálax-ay Sunshine Coast campus, please contact Heather Ingram at heatheringram@capilanou.ca for more information.
  • Students who wish to attend CapU's Squamish campus can contact upgrading@capilanou.ca for more information.
  • Students taking ABE at the Ts̓zil Learning Centre in Mt. Currie should contact
    TLC@capilanou.ca to inquire about upcoming courses and campus services.

If you are a returning (taken ABE classes in the last two years) ABE student, please visit the Current and Returning ABE Students page for information about our registration process.

Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents do not pay tuition fees for ABE courses.

International students do pay tuition fees for ABE courses.

All students pay for:

You may apply for the Adult Upgrading Grant (AUG) to help with mandatory fees and textbook costs. The grant is based on financial need.

English for Academic Purposes/English as a Second Language (EAP/ESL)

If English is not your first language, EAP provides academic support to prepare you to:

  • research and write academic essays 
  • read academic textbooks and peer-reviewed articles
  • understand academic lectures and take notes
  • take placements tests and exams with confidence
  • deliver academic presentations based on research.


Have questions?

Academic Upgrading & Community Development

604 983 7578
Birch Building, room BR344