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Supervisor, Psyc Lab, Psyc Lab Supervisor
School of Social Sciences
604.986.1911 ext. 2817
Fir Building, room FR509
MA, Psychology, Simon Fraser University, 2024
B.Sc., Psychology & Criminology, University of Toronto, 2020
Crystal Huang (MA, British Columbia, 2024) is a recent MA graduate from Simon Fraser University, where she completed her MA thesis with Dr. Ryan Fitzgerald on "The Cross-Race Effect on Lineup Identifications in White, East Asian, and Hispanic Individuals." She collected data with Metro Vancouver residents to investigate whether the diversity of the city improved facial recognition of diverse faces.
She completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto in 2020, double majoring in Psychology and Criminology. In 2021, she moved to British Columbia to pursue a MA degree in the Law & Forensic Psychology stream at Simon Fraser University.
During her time at Simon Fraser, she has worked as a Teaching Assistant for a variety of psychology courses and have done a guest lecture on eyewitness memory. During each year of her degree, she has presented primary and secondary research at the annual American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) conference and the annual Northwest Memory and Cognition (NOWCAM) conference.
I'm really interested in eyewitness memory and the different ways in which memory can be corrupted in the context of a crime. Lineup identifications are the main way in which police investigators can use eyewitnesses to further their case, but there are many cases of misidentifications that lead to wrongful convictions. This scenario is especially likely in cases of cross-race identifications, where the witness is trying to identify a person of a different race (the cross-race effect). I love how applicable this line of research is, as we've already seen the significant impact this research has on police investigation processes.
Huang, Crystal. "The Cross-Race Effect in Lineup Identifications by White, East Asian, and Hispanic Individuals." 2024. Simon Fraser University, MA Thesis.
Huang, Crystal. "The Cross-Race Effect in Lineup Identifications by White, East Asian, and Hispanic Individuals." Northwest Cognition and Memory Conference, 3 May 2024, University of Victoria, BC. Conference Presentation.
Huang, Crystal. "The Cross-Race Effect in Lineup Identifications by White, East Asian, and Hispanic Individuals." American Psychology-Law Society Conference, 21 March 2024, The Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites, Los Angeles, CA. Conference Presentation.
Fitzgerald, Ryan J. and Huang, Crystal. "Increasing Lineup Size Reduces the Frequency but not the Accuracy of Suspect Identifications." American Psychology-Law Society Conference, 21 March 2024, The Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites, Los Angeles, CA. Conference Presentation.
Huang, Crystal. "An Alternative Approach to the Rule-Out Procedure." Northwest Cognition and Memory Conference, 21 April 2023, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Richmond, BC. Conference Presentation.
Huang, Crystal. "An Alternative Approach to the Rule-Out Procedure." American Psychology-Law Society Conference, 18 March 2023, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, PA. Conference Presentation.
Huang, Crystal. "Eyewitness Memory." Introduction to Psychology and Law, 8 November 2022, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC. Guest Lecture.
Huang, Crystal. "Eyewitness Description Accuracy." Northwest Cognition and Memory Conference, 30 April 2022, Simon Fraser University, Surrey, BC. Conference Presentation.
Huang, Crystal. "The Impact of Lineup Size on Eyewitness Performance." American Psychology-Law Society Conference, 18 March 2022, Denver Sheraton Downtown Hotel, CO. Conference Poster.
Simon Fraser Graduate Fellowship, 2022, 2023, 2024
AP-LS Student Travel Award, 2022
Simon Fraser Entrance Scholarship, 2022
Ruth Kirkland Scholarship, Woodsworth College, University of Toronto, 2019