![](/media/capilanouca/programs-amp-courses/faculty-profile-images/Sue-Baines.jpg )
Instructor, Music Therapy
School of Allied Health - Music Therapy
604.986.1911 ext. 2307
Fir Building, room FR201D
PhD, University of Limerick, 2013.
FAMI, Southeastern Institute for Music-Centered Psychotherapy, 1999.
MA, New York University, 1992.
BMT, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1989.
B.Mus., University of Calgary, 1984.
"I support students to enhance their strengths while finding specific individuated ways to address their concerns."
Sue Baines (PhD, University of Limerick, 2013) is an Accredited Music Therapist whose research in music therapy as an anti-oppressive practice is founded on her previous work and publications in community music therapy and feminist music therapy. Baines' personal philosophy of social justice has guided her music therapy research, practice and publications.
Born in Toronto, Baines grew up in Calgary and received her Bachelor of Music from the University of Calgary in 1984. She continued for a year in musicology studies there but then moved to Waterloo, Ontario to pursue her music therapy education. She was offered a post-bachelors internship in a specialty hospital in Manhattan, NY and trained there for a year. Subsequently, she initiated her music therapy practice in New York while pursuing her Masters of Arts in music therapy at New York University.
Upon completion of this degree, Baines moved to Toronto for a year and then on to Vancouver where she has lived since 1994. In her desire to deepen her competence using music in psychotherapy, she became a Fellow of the Association for Music and Imagery in 1999. In 2011, she was invited to a research PhD through the University of Limerick, Ireland. She completed this work through distance education while doing her research in Vancouver.
Baines has served on the board for the Music Therapy Association of British Columbia and the Canadian Association of Music Therapists. She has numerous academic publications and is the Editor-in-Chief for the Canadian Journal of Music Therapy. She is on the editorial team of the Arts in Psychotherapy and has been a guest editor for Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy.
Baines has been teaching in the Music Therapy program at Capilano University since 1997, and has trained numerous music therapy practicum students and interns since 1995. Students appreciate her supportive approach to learning and value her depth of clinical experience with children, teens, adults and older adults.
I love music. It is at the core of my being. I love facilitating students to deepen their connection with music and the ability to express themselves musically. This is a social justice issue to me. Supporting students to use this connection to enhance the health and well-being of people in the community through music continues this social justice action.
Students in my courses are encouraged to explore and express their music identity in order to enhance their capacity as music therapists. This identity is then linked with their academic studies to support their understanding of how music therapy works.
My research explores the links between music therapy and social justice uncovering unremarked oppression present in music therapy education, research and practice.
My music therapy practice reveals a deep river of possibilities for music to enhance health and well-being across the human population, particularly when delivered by a music therapist trained in anti-oppressive practice.
My current research focus looks at exposing and decreasing oppression in music pedagogy towards building a future where all people are encouraged to develop a healthy relationship with music to nurture and sustain their health and well-being. Concurrently, I continue to research ways to decrease oppression in music therapy education, research and practice.
Baines, S., Edwards, J. Analysing Gender Oppression in Music Therapy Research and Practice. in Hogan (ed.). Gender Issues in International Arts Therapies Research. London & NY: Routledge. page range not yet available (in-press), 2019.
Baines, S. & Bilger, K. How to Increase Cultural Competence in Mental Health Music Therapy Practice. Pre-Conference Workshop for the CAMT 44th Annual Conference, St. Johns, Nfld, May 24, 2018.
Baines, S. 2018-10-15. Justice Values in Kennys Theoretical Contributions. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, Invited Submission, Peer Reviewed. https://www.voices.no/
Baines, S. & Edwards, J. 2018. A constructivist grounded theory research project studying music therapy as an anti-oppressive Practice in long-term and psychiatric residential care.The Arts in Psychotherapy, 60,1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aip.2018.04.003
Baines, S. The role of culture in music and medicine: Considerations to enhance health, Music and Medicine: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 8(3), 91-95, 2016.
Baines, S. & Edwards, J. 2015. Considering the ways in which anti-oppressive practice can inform health research, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 42, 28-34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aip.2015.01.001
Baines, S. 2014. Giving Voice to Service-User Choice: Music Therapy as an Anti-Oppressive Practice, Doctoral Thesis, University of Limerick, IR, http://ulir.ul.ie/handle/10344/4264
Baines, S., Edwards, J. & Noone J. Including Service User Voices in Research: Perspectives From the Music and Health Research Group. University of Limerick, Ireland to the International Association for Music and Medicine 4th Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, June 2014.
Baines, S., Edwards, J., McCaffrey, T., & Noone, J. 2014. Including service user perspective in research: Reflections of the Music and Health Research Group at the University of Limerick. Irish Association of Creative Arts Therapies Journal, 2(1), 1-39.
Baines, S. 2013. A Brief Anti-Oppressive Analysis of Music Pedagogy, the Professional Musician, and the Music Business: A Case for Music Therapy, in Simon P. & Szabo T., (eds.). Music: Social Impacts, Health Benefits and Perspectives, NOVA Publishers, https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=38779
Baines, S. 2013. Music Therapy as an Anti-Oppressive Practice, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 40, 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aip.2012.09.003
Schmid, I., Marks, B., Sixsmith, A., Jung, K., Baines, S., & Carson, J. 2012. Music player for dementia care homes, Gerontechnology, 11(2), 421-427.
Baines, S. Good Grief: Coping with Death and Dying (Panel Discussion) The 3rd Health & Wellbeing in Children, Youth, and Adults with Developmental Disabilities Conference: Challenging Behaviour The Tip of the Iceberg, Vancouver, BC, November 2012.
Baines, S. Music Therapy at the Provincial Assessment Centre: Adults/teens with Developmental Delays/Mental Illness. Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, Winnipeg, MB, May 2011.
Baines, S. & Danko, G. 2010. Community Music Therapy in Community Mental Health: A Consumer Initiated Song-Based Paradigm, Canadian Journal for Music Therapy. 16(1), 148-191.
Baines, S. & Danko, G. Community Music Therapy in Community Mental Health. Workshop at the Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, Ottawa, ON, May 2009.
Articulating a Canadian Model of Community Music Therapy: Key concepts and Standards. Facilitated roundtable at the Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, Perth, ON, May 2003.
Baines, S. 2000. A Consumer-directed and partnered community mental health music therapy program: Program development and evaluation. Canadian Journal of Music Therapy, 7(1), 51-70.
As the Code Turns, Codes of Our Lives, The Young and the Codeless, and Melody Place. Ethics committee presentation at the Canadian Association for Music Therapy conference, Calgary, AB, May 1996
Baines, S. 1994. Lifes work in the context of current employment: Developing an ethical framework for music therapy practice. Canadian Journal of Music Therapy, 2(1), 57-71.
Baines, S. Guided Imagery and Music: An Introduction. Workshop for the music Therapy Society of South Africa, March 1993, Cape Town, RSA.
Baines, S. Guided Imagery and Music: An Introduction. Workshop for fathers of children with cancer at Memorial Sloane-Kettering, April 1992, New York, NY.
Baines, S. Introduction to Guided Imagery and Music. Workshop for Relaxation Group for Men Living with AIDS, Oct. 1993, Toronto, ON.
Baines, S. 1992. The Sociocultural and Political Context of Music Therapy: A Question of Ethics. Unpublished Thesis Project: New York University.
2017: Baines, S. Music Therapy, Social Justice, and Anti-Oppressive Practice: Making the Links. Presentation to the CAMT 43rd Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 26.
2017: Baines, S. Music Therapy as an Anti-Oppressive Practice: Giving Voice to Service User Choice. Presentation to the Online Conference for Music Therapy, February.
2016: Baines, S., Edwards, J., & Kenny, C. Sharing Beyond the Team: Publishing Your Clinical Experiences. Presentation to the Music Therapy Association of British Columbia, North Vancouver, BC, Nov. 5.
2016: Baines, S. Giving Voice to Service User Choice: Music Therapy as an Anti-Oppressive Practice. Presentation to Capilano University Alumni Association and Music Therapy Association of BC, North Vancouver, BC, May 18.
2015: Baines, S. Music Therapy as an Anti-Oppressive Practice: Doctoral Research Results. Presentation to the Canadian Association for Music Therapy Annual Conference, Calgary, AB, May 2015.
2014: Baines, S. Music Therapy Research as an Anti-Oppressive Practice. Presentation to the Canadian Association for Music Therapy 40th Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, June 2014.
2013: Baines ,S. Music Therapy as an Anti-Oppressive Practice. Presentation at the Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, Saskatoon, SK, May 2013.
2011: Edwards, J., McCaffrey, T., Baines, S., Hayes, T., & Fannon, D. Is There a Role for Music Therapy in Mental Health Service in Ireland? Music and Health Research Group Seminar in conjunction with the Irish World Academy panel presentation.
2007: Using Piano, Voice, and Guitar in Music Therapy Improvisation. Panel presentation of the Capilano College Music Therapy PMI Faculty for the Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, Victoria, BC, May 2007.
2002: Baines, S. Music Therapy Using an Open Group Model. Presentation at the Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, Regina, SK, May 2002.
2001: Baines, S. A Consumer Directed and Partnered Community Mental Health Music Therapy Program: Program Development and Evaluation in an Empowerment/Eclectic Model. Presentation at the World Association for Mental Health Conference, Vancouver, BC, July 2001.
2001: Baines, S. Tried and True Adult Repertoire. Presentation at the Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, Edmonton, AB, May 2001.
2000: Baines, S. An Empowerment Approach to Music Therapy in Community Mental Health Settings. Presentation at the Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, Toronto, ON, May 2000.
2000: Baines, S. Alzheimers and Music Therapy: How can music help? Presentation at the Alzheimer Society of BC Provincial Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 2000.
1999: Baines, S. Music Therapy in Multicultural Settings: Community Development. Presentation at the Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 1999.
1994: Baines, S. A Practical Guide to Developing an Ethical Framework for Music Therapy Practice. Presentation at the American Association for Music Therapy Conference, Taimement, PA, June 1994.
1994: Baines, S. Lifes Work in the Context of Current Employment: Developing an Ethical Framework for Music Therapy Practice. Presentation at the Canadian Association for Music Therapy Conference, Vancouver, BC, May 1994.
1993: Baines, S. Music Therapists for Peace: Reaching Beyond. Panel presentation to the Joint Music Therapy Conference: The American Association for Music Therapy, the National Association for Music Therapy, and the Canadian Association for Music Therapy, Toronto, ON, Oct. 1993.
1992: Baines, S. Multicultural Music Therapy: A Global Imperative. Workshop/ panel presentation to the MedArt Conference, New York, NY, June 1992.
1992: Baines, S. Multicultural Music Therapy: A Global Imperative. Workshop/panel presentation to the American Association for Music Therapy Conference, Cape Cod, MA, June 1992.
Michael Cohl Fellowship, Canadian Music Therapy Trust Fund, 2012.