BSc, MSc

School of Business
Faculty of Business and Professional Studies
604.986.1911 ext. 7346
Cedar Building, room CE337
Risk Control Certificate, Simon Fraser University, 2010.
Post Graduate Certificate-Executive Management Program, Segal Graduate School of Business, Simon Fraser University, 2007.
MSc, Geographic and Geodetic Information Systems, University College London, England, 1994.
Post Graduate Certificate, Principles and Practice of Management, University of the West Indies, Trinidad, 1990.
BSc, Computer Science, University of the West Indies, Trinidad, 1987.
"'When you learn you teach, when you get you give.' - Maya Angelou. I am in the giving and teaching phase of my life and absolutely love it!"
Susan Romeo-Gilbert (MSc, University College London, 1994) has over 35 years of experience in the information technology industry, within a variety of industrial sectors including telecommunications, utilities, oil and gas, finance, banking and education. She has worked in these sectors in Canada, USA, UK and Trinidad.
Romeo-Gilbert's education sector experience, sees her currently as a coordinator and an instructor in Capilano University's Faculty of Business and Professional Studies, School of Business, Business Information Management and Analytics (BIMA) Hub of Imagination.
Previous to being full-time in the education sector, Romeo-Gilbert was a Principal Platform Strategist with Microsoft Canada, where her remit was to garner in-depth business knowledge and determine core business issues as they could be mapped to and reinforce the value of, the Microsoft Technology to the customer's overall business strategic direction.
For many years, Romeo-Gilbert undertook business and technical management, subject matter expert (SME) and lead roles for several GIS, business intelligence, enterprise architecture and data warehousing projects at: Trinidad and Tobago Oil Company Limited (TRINTOC); Oracle Corporation (UK, USA, Canada); BC Hydro/Accenture Business Services of British Columbia (ABSU); Accenture; WorkSafe BC; Telus; and Microsoft.
Romeo-Gilbert has a Graduate Certificate in Executive Management Program (EMP) from Simon Fraser University. She also possesses a Master of Science degree (Geographic & Geodetic Information Systems) from University College London and a Bachelor of Science degree (Computer Science) from the University of the West Indies.
I started teaching in 1990 at the University of the West Indies with "Introduction to Computer Science". I re-entered the higher education sector in the summer of 2011 as a visiting lecturer at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University, where I taught "Selected Topics in Business Administration - Developing a Business Intelligence Framework" and "Managing Information Technology for Business Value". I also taught "Introduction to Business Technology Management" at Fraser International College, Simon Fraser University (2013 to 2016).
Currently I am at CapU teaching: Introduction to Business Information Systems; Management of Information Systems; Project Management; Business Systems Process Modeling, Analysis and Design; and Advanced Analytics.
My research and scholarly interests lie in the following specialist areas:
- Information Technology Strategic Needs Assessment
- Business Requirements Gathering, Planning and Road Mapping for large Enterprise and Geospatial Information Systems
- Business Intelligence and Analytics, Data Mining and Visualization - Strategy Creation, Framework Development and Implementation of these systems
- Information Systems Security, Privacy, Ethics and Sustainability/Green IT
- Management for Enterprise Information Systems Solutions
- Business Performance Management
Papers presented:
- "Information Governance Framework Development Scope and Approach". Prepared For: BC Health Organization Information Governance Summit. September 25th, 2017.
- Business Strategy and Design. Strategist/Designer. ERIS Vocational Training School Programs Business Co-Operatives - Rwanda, Africa. August 2016.
- Strategy Planning Session. Facilitator. for the Embrace Rwanda International Society (ERIS) Country Director and Coordinators - Rwanda, Africa. August 2016.
- "Open Government, Open Data, Open Innovation", Speaker. URISA Conference- Vancouver, BC. February 14th 2012
- "The Business Value of IT", Key Note Speaker. Microsoft Canada Architect Forum- Vancouver & Calgary. December 6 & 8 2011; Edmonton, March 7, 2012.
- "Developing A Corporate Strategic Intelligence Framework (SIF) and Roadmap", Speaker, The Data Warehouse Institute (TDWI), Vancouver Chapter, Quarterly Session, Vancouver, Canada. July 2009
- "Geospatial Business Intelligence Solutions (GBIS) - The Next Generation of Enterprise Intelligence". Speaker, GITA Pacific North West Chapter Annual Conference, Mission Possible, Whistler, BC, Canada. September 2007.
- "Enterprise Architecture for GIS". Speaker, GITA annual conference, Seattle, Washington, USA. April 2004.
- "Using Transmission Grid Manager (TGM TM) as the Backbone for Transmission Asset Management and Decision Support". Speaker, GE Network Reliability Services, Annual Users' Conference, New Orleans, USA. October 2003.
- Panel discussion on "Spatial Data Management in the Enterprise". Panel Member, Metadata Subject Matter Expert - Vancouver GIS Users Group, B.C., Canada. November 2002.
- "Enterprise Infrastructure/Architecture for GIS" - Speaker, GITA Pacific Northwest Chapter - Annual Conference, Whistler, BC, Canada. October, 2002.
- "Methods and Techniques for Designing and Deploying Enterprise Spatial Information Infrastructure" - GIS2001 Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada. February, 2001.
Consulting work:
- IT Strategic Business Consultant 2006-present. SIBIS Consulting Services Inc. North Vancouver, B.C.
- Senior Manager 2004-2005. Accenture Inc., Vancouver, B.C.
- Managing Consultant, 2001-2004. Accenture Business Services for Utilities, Vancouver, B.C.
- Senior Principal Consultant, 1999-2001. Oracle Corporation Canada Inc., Vancouver, B.C.
- Principal Consultant, 1999. Oracle Corporation USA, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
- Proactive Support Team Leader, 1998-1999. Oracle Corporation US, World Wide Support, Seattle, U.S.A.- BOEING Account Team
- Senior System Engineer Specialist, 1997-1998. Oracle Corporation US, World Wide Support, Seattle, U.S.A. - BOEING Account Team
- Senior Consultant, 1997. Oracle Corporation UK, London, England - Spatial Cartridge Initiative.
- Consultant II, 1996-1997. Oracle Corporation UK, London, England - Database Administrator.
- Group Consultant, 1996. University College, London, England - Management Information Systems Group.
Professionally-related community activities:
- Board member, Director of Business Strategies, Embrace Rwanda International Society (ERIS).
- Board member, Vancouver Women in Technology (VanWIT).
- Voluntary Business Information Systems Advisor, Cleanrite Commercial Laundry.
- Voluntary Business Strategic Advisor, ZenMaker Labs.
Seminars, training programs, conducted for business and industry:
- Trainer, Oracle University, Ottawa, Canada - Oracle Spatial database training
Community & institutional services performed:
- Parent member, School Planning Committee (SPC), Windsor Secondary School, North Vancouver, B.C., 2006-2013.
- Secretary & Tournament Director, Mount Seymour Little League (MSLL), 2008-2010.
Professional memberships:
- Member, Project Management Institute (PMI).
- Past member, The Data Warehouse Institute (TDWI).
Professional growth activities:
- Instructional Skills Workshop Capilano University Centre for Teaching and Learning
- Canadian Assessment Institute - 2nd Annual CACUSS Canadian Assessment Institute Participant
- Team - Based Learning-Faculty of Applied Science, University of British Columbia, Centre for Instructional Support
- Support over Suicide (SOS) Suicide Prevention Training Program, SFU Health & Counselling Services
- Risk Mitigation and Analysis
- Information Services Strategic Planning (ISSP)
- Quality Management Systems (QMS)
- Technical Architecture and Strategy
- Business Case Development and ROI Analysis
- Project Planning and Implementation (PPM)
- Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM)
- Application Implementation Method (AIM)
- Business Scenario Development
Community institutional services performed:
- Parent member, School Planning Committee (SPC), Windsor Secondary School, North Vancouver, B.C., 2006-2013.
- Secretary & Tournament Director Mount Seymour Little League (MSLL), 2008-2010.
Professional memberships:
- Member, Project Management Institute (PMI).
- Past member, The Data Warehouse Institute (TDWI).