Learn more about how academic advisors can assist in your registration process.

Registering for classes at university can be intimidating, but our staff of advisors at CapU are here to help.
The list below contains a few important factors to consider when you register for courses and who to reach out to if you need assistance.
Registration factors to consider
Your Registration Time Ticket allows you to register for courses. To view your Registration Time Ticket, and choose "Check your Registration Status" under "Registration." The details of your date and time to register will be posted approximately four (4) weeks before registration starts.
According to the graduation policy, students are required to follow the program profile for the academic year in which they started their program. Current and historical program profiles are available in the Capilano University Calendar the year that you begin your studies. For example, if you started your program in Fall 2020, you will need to refer to the 2020/21 Calendar.
If you are a new student, we recommend attending one of our Course Planning Workshops. If you cannot attend the course planning workshop you will be able to find your program planner online.
If you are a continuing student and your planner is not available online, you may request it via email advising@capilanou.ca or book an Academic Advising appointment.
All students in Cohort Programs will receive information for course registration via their CAPU email account.
Academic courses at Capilano University are labelled 100, 200, 300 and 400 levels.
- 100-level and 200-level courses are considered lower-level courses and mostly taken in Year 1 and 2, for example: BADM 101, ENGL 100 and AHIS 211.
- 300-level and 400-level courses are considered upper level courses and usually taken in Year 3 and 4, for example: ENGL 300, AHIS 430 and BMKT 401.
- All other courses are considered preparatory/upgrading, for example MATH 097, BBIO 044. Preparatory/upgrading courses cannot be used for credit towards an Academic Program.
Your myCapU will show all courses that are available, full or waitlisted. If a course is full and is waitlisted, you can attempt to waitlist yourself, see the myCapU Account Waitlist Guide (pdf) for more information about this.
Be sure to check prerequisites and any restrictions. You can check this by clicking "show more" in your myCapU Account.
If a course is full and not waitlisted, you may not be permitted to register for the course. Check your myCapU Account for specific instructions and notes for courses that are not waitlisted.
Your myCapU Account contains the official timetable for the University. This is available to students approximately 10-12 weeks prior to the start of each term.
Credits are the value given to each course you complete. Each program requires the completion of a certain number of credits for a student to be eligible to graduate.
For example, most Diploma programs require the completion of 60 credits whereas Bachelor Degree programs require the completion of 120 credits. Some programs require the completion of more credits, such as the Bachelor of Early Childhood Care and Education, Bachelor of Legal Studies (Paralegal), Bachelor of Motion Picture Arts, Bachelor of Music Therapy, to name a few.
If you are unsure of how many credits are required to complete your program, please refer to the University Calendar, consult with your program area, or meet with an Academic Advisor.
Most programs allow for a maximum of 19.00 credits per term. Email advising@capilanou.ca if you want to increase your credit hours.
CapU students wishing to take courses for credit from another school to use towards their program requirements at Capilano University must follow the following steps:
- Meet with an Academic Advisor to determine course equivalencies
- Download and complete the Letter of Permission Request through the Registrar's Office
- Once you have completed the course, submit the official transcript to the Registrar's Office