
Career Services

Find out about the career services available to you on and off campus.

Students walking up the stairs in the Birch Building

Through advising, coaching and programming, we support students and alumni in their journey to develop the confidence, adaptability and resiliency that will enable them to effectively articulate their strengths and navigate their careers throughout their lifetime.

We empower students and alumni with the skills, tools, resources and self-knowledge they need to achieve their career goals.

The Career Services team in the Birch Building

Career Development Centre

The Career Development Centre (CDC) works with students and alumni to develop skills and gain knowledge to achieve their career goals.

Visit the CDC
Cards with the CapU logo and knock knock on them

Work Opportunities

Our staff can help you find practical learning opportunities, part-time jobs, volunteer positions, internships and more.

Find opportunities

Related links

Career Planning

Start building towards your future with our selection of helpful career planning tools, workshops and events.

Start Planning

Events & Programs

Career Development workshops and events are open to all CapU students and alumni. Register via Career Hub.

See events & programs

Professional Associations

Joining an association can help your career. Many associations offer student rates.

Learn about Associations

Share an opportunity

Working with Our Students

There are many ways to work with CapU students and alumni. Get in touch today!

Work with CapU Students
Student talking to someone at a networking event
Student attending CapU Job Fair organized by the Career Development Centre.
Students attending a networking event talking to a participant
Students, alumni and industry representatives network at the 11th annual Creating Connections at The Pipe Shop in North Vancouver.

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Have questions?

Career Development Centre

604 986 1911, ext. 4965
Library Building, room LB170