Capilano University's Student Code of Conduct Policy supports the University in providing a welcoming, respectful and safer learning community for everyone.

The B.701 Student Code of Conduct (pdf) sets out the ways in which the University responds to student misconduct that has the potential for significant impact to learning, property and/or safety.
Any member of the University community may make a complaint under the Student Code of Conduct Policy, provided that it falls within the scope of the policy and involves the conduct of a current student.
For more information regarding the submission of a complaint, please visit our Information for Complainants page or contact
Please click on the following sections below to learn more about prohibited behaviours under the Student Code of Conduct and the process.
The Student Code of Conduct prohibits behaviour including, but not limited to, the following:
- Violence, threats and intimidation
- Compromising the safety of others
- Possession of dangerous objects
- Misuse of alcohol or drugs
- Damage to property
- Theft or removal of property
- Behaviour that impacts or causes harm to the learning or working environment
- Unauthorized access or use of data and systems
- An attack on the dignity or security of an individual or group
- Providing false information or identification in the context of university records or within a conduct process
- Failure to comply with university expectations of behaviour or with procedures of the Student Code of Conduct
- Interference with the conduct process
- Violation of laws, statutes, and policies
- Expanded definitions of the types of misconduct listed above are available on page 5 of the policy.
Informal resolution
The University encourages informal resolution between parties, when appropriate. The Conflict Resolution Advisor is available to assist in these cases by provided coaching, mediation, and alternative dispute resolution.
Investigation and Sanctioning
The Office of Student Affairs is responsible for receiving and investigating complaints received under the Student Code of Conduct. This includes an initial assessment of the complaint to determine if an investigation should proceed, a review of the evidence, interviewing the complainant(s), respondent(s) and witnesses and referral to the appropriate form of sanctions if required.
The Office of Student Affairs uses a trauma-informed approach during any investigation and follows principles of natural justice, such as listening to the perspectives of all sides in a Student Code of Conduct investigation and proceeding in a fair and timely manner.
If you are the subject of a Student Code of Conduct investigation, we recommend visiting our Information for Respondents page for more information.
In situations where a student is found responsible for violating the Student Code of Conduct, the following are examples of sanctions that may be decided upon collaboratively or imposed:
- Letter of reprimand
- Behavioural contract
- Formal apology
- Community service
- Educational activity (such as personal project or workshop)
- Monetary restitution (typically used to recover the cost of damages)
- Loss of privileges or use
- Removal from a course or program
- Suspension
- Expulsion
- Other sanctions as required
Findings of fact and/or sanctions imposed can be appealed via a Student Appeal, provided that the grounds for appeal are met.