
About Residence Life

Here's everything you need to know about living in CapU student housing.

Students enjoying group activity

Living in residence is a unique and rewarding experience, students have the opportunity to build meaningful, stronger friendships with peers from all over the world and experience a greater sense of community.

Members of the student housing team are here to support residents to succeed and thrive during their time at CapU and beyond.

For any questions or concerns about the residence life experience, please do not hesitate to reach out via email at housing@capilanou.ca or visit the housing offices in Grouse Hall.

Ready to get started?

Student at desk in residence

Apply for housing

Spots in CapU student housing fill up quickly. Get your application in today.

Apply for Housing

Before you arrive

Accessibility & accommodations

Our community welcomes students with a wide variety of experiences and needs. We work to ensure our community meets the needs of every CapU student.

Accessibility & Accommodations

Agreement & handbook

Students living in residence must sign the Residence Agreement. The handbook outlines your rights and responsibilities while living in CapU residence.

Agreement & Handbook

Residence fees & forms

On this page, you'll get the full breakdown of all the fees you'll pay and forms you'll need to fill out to live in CapU Residence.

Fees & Forms

Information for parents

We've got you and your student covered once they start living in CapU residence. Learn about the safety and support we provide for residents.

Info for Parents

You're here! Next steps

Meal plan

No need to worry about what you're having for breakfast, lunch or dinner - seven days a week.

Meal Plan

Programs & events

Students who live in residence are invited to participate in regular programming organized by residence advisors

Programs & Events

Meet the team

The CapU Residence Life Team are here to welcome you to campus life and offer assistance.

Meet Your Residence Life Team
Students standing on the deck by the Squamish Campus cafeteria.
Checking out the views at Squamish Campus.
Relaxing in one of the many available common areas in Squamish Campus housing.
Relaxing in one of the many available common areas in Squamish Campus housing.

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Have questions?