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You searched for "Art History" and found 7 result(s).

School of Humanities
Art History
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
School of Humanities

604 984 4957 ext. 4957
Fir Building, room FR 404
Behrang Nabavi Nejad
Instructor, Art History
Art History
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
School of Humanities

604 986 1911 ext. 3074
Fir Building, room FR 406B
Christopher (Chris) Pearson
Instructor, Art History
Art History
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
School of Humanities

604 986 1911 ext. 7314
Fir Building, room FR 414
Efrat El-Hanany
Art History Instructor, Women's & Gender Instructor
Art History
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
School of Humanities
School of Social Sciences
Women's & Gender Studies

604 986 1911 ext. 2489
Fir Building, room FR 414
Megan Smetzer
Instructor, Art History
Art History
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
School of Humanities

604 986 1911 ext. 2446
Fir Building, room FR 414
Sandra Seekins
Coordinator & Instructor, Art History
Art History
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
School of Humanities
School of Social Sciences
Women's & Gender Studies

604 986 1911 ext. 2288
Fir Building, room FR 450

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