Spring 2020 Grades - Questions and Answers
We answer your questions about the University's new grading options for Spring 2020 term in response to COVID-19.
New grading options are available to all Spring 2020 term courses that ended on or after March 14, 2020.
These options allow students to choose either their actual final grade or a grade of CR (credit). Further to this, students who do not pass a Spring 2020 course will not have their GPA negatively impacted. Students who fail a spring course will receive a grade of NC (no credit).
See our Academic Advising information or contact an academic advisor at advising@capilanou.ca for more information.
Questions and Answers
1. How do I request my final grade be changed to CR?
You should review your final grades via your MyCapU account. If you have a passing grade, but wish to have a CR (credit) instead, please email records@capilanou.ca to request your grade be changed to CR (credit).
You must email records@capilanou.ca from your official Capilano University email address and include the following information:
- Full name
- Student ID Number
- Course(s) they wish to change their final grade to CR
Requests will be processed in the order they are received after May 1. You will be notified by email once your grade is updated, or if your course request does not qualify.
The deadline to request a CR grade is August 31, 2020. The decision to change to a CR grade cannot be reversed once requested.
2. Can I choose to have all of my grades be CR?
Any course that you successfully pass, that ended on or after March 14, 2020 can have the final grade changed to CR. You can choose to have any or all of your qualifying courses from Spring 2020 changed to CR.
3. Will my GPA by impacted by a CR grade?
No. A CR grade means that you have successfully completed the course and will be included in your ‘credits earned’, but it is not included in your term or overall GPA.
4. Can a CR grade be used for prerequisite purposes?
If you want to take a course that has a prerequisite course which has a grade of CR, you will need to receive special permission from the instructor in order to register. You will need to contact your instructor or department and request a pre-requisite override.
5. I am transferring to another institution. How will my grade of CR be viewed?
Before making your decision, it is highly recommended that you contact the admissions office at the institution you are transferring to and ask how they will receive the CR grade. CR grades will be accepted by most other post-secondary institutions in B.C. as a successfully completed course.
6. Will CR courses count towards my graduation requirements?
Yes. CR grades will be counted towards program and credit requirements for graduation purposes. Any questions on CR grades and graduation requirements should be directed to gradapps@capilanou.ca.
7. What if I have taken the course twice? How will the CR grade be counted?
The CR grade will be considered the ‘highest grade’ earned for that course; however, it will not be included in your term or cumulative GPA. The grade or grades previously earned for the repeat course will be excluded from the term, or terms, and cumulative GPA.
8. How will a grade of CR impact my student loan, award, scholarship, or bursary?
A grade of CR will not impact student loans, awards, scholarships, or bursaries as it counts as a completed course, with credits earned. Any questions about your loan or award eligibility can be emailed to finaid@capilanou.ca.
9. Does a CR or NC grade count towards the maximum number of course attempts?
Yes it does. Note that a "repeat override" is required from your department/instructor for a third attempt.
10. How does a CR or NC grade impact my academic standing?
CapU's policy on S2003-03 Academic Standing (pdf) continues to apply. If you change your final grade to CR (credit), it will count as credits earned, but will be excluded from your term and cumulative GPA. If you have questions about your specific situation, contact Academic Advising.
11. How will my overall Academic Standing be affected?
During the Spring 2020 End-of-Term processing (April 28-30), your academic standing will be assessed based on the current and final grades received. Any students whose Spring 2020 academic standing is assessed as ‘Required to Withdraw’ will not be withdrawn from their Summer 2020 courses.
If you request to have any of your final grades changed to the CR (credit) option, your academic standing will be re-assessed and may be revised following this change. Requests for CR grades will be processed after May 1 in the order received. Once your grade has been updated and you academic standing re-assessed, you will be notified by email.
For more information on academic standing, please visit Academic Policies and Procedures.
Submitted by: Communications