Here are the most up-to-date lists of Arts courses. New courses are added each month. Check back regularly to see what’s new.
Associate Arts 200-level courses
- ABA 100 Introduction to Behaviour Principles
- ABA 200 A Survey of Applied Behaviour Analytic Applications
- AHIS 103 First Nations Art of the Northwest Coast
- AHIS 106 Art of the Americas and Africa: 1492 to Now
- AHIS 107 The Art of India, China and Japan
- AHIS 109 Women and Art History
- AHIS 210 19th Century Art: Aesthetic Revolutions
- AHIS 211 20th Century Art: Breaking the Rules
- AHIS 215 Art and Technology
- AHIS 220 Early Renaissance Art in Italy
- AHIS 221 High Renaissance and Mannerist Art in Italy
- AHIS 241 Modern Architecture
- AHIS 250 Art and Nature Now: Environmental Crisis
- AHIS 251 Fortune, Fame, Forgery: Art and Business
- AHIS 252 Vancouver Art & Culture: Past and Present
- AHIS 260 Fabric and Society
- ANTH 121 Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology
- ANTH 123 Introduction to Archaeology
- ANTH 124 Introduction to Biological Anthropology
- ANTH 200 Intermediate Social Anthropology
- ANTH 202 Anthropology and the Environment
- ANTH 204 Ethnic Relations
- ANTH 205 Multiculturalism
- ANTH 206 First Nations of British Columbia
- ANTH 208 Indigenous Peoples of North America
- ANTH 209 Anthropology of Latin America
- ANTH 222 Eating Culture: An Anthropology of Food
- ANTH 225 The Anthropology of Music
- ANTH 230 Anthropology of Religion
- ANTH 232 Archaeology of Africa, Asia and Europe
- ANTH 233 Archaeology of the Americas
- ANTH 240 Visual Anthropology
- ANTH 241 Archaeology Field School
- ANTH 249 Comparative Cultures: A Field Study in Anthropology
- ANTH 320 Archaeology and Popular Culture
- ASAS 161 Ensemble Projects for the Stage I
- ASAS 260 Analysis for Directing and Design
- ASAS 261 Ensemble Projects for the Stage II
- ASAS 392 Performance Project III
- CHIN 200 Intermediate Chinese Language and Culture I
- CHIN 201 Intermediate Chinese Language and Culture II
- CMNS 100 Introduction to Workplace Communication
- CMNS 220 Advanced Business Writing
- CMNS 255 Interpersonal Communication
- CMNS 260 Applied Communication Research Methods
- CRIM 101 Introduction to Criminology
- CRIM 202 Surveillance and Social Control
- CRIM 210 Gender, Crime and Justice
- CRIM 304 Law and Society
- ECON 207 Managerial Economics
- ECON 210 Money and Banking
- ECON 211 Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis
- ECON 212 Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis
- ECON 250 Economic History of the Pre-Industrial Era
- ECON 252 Economic History of the Industrial Era
- ECON 255 Understanding Globalization
- ECON 290 Public Policy I
- ECON 291 Public Policy II
- ENGL 107 Introduction to Indigenous Literatures and Film
- ENGL 200 Beginnings: The Story of English Literature Before 1700
- ENGL 201 Disruptions: The Story of English Literature After 1700
- ENGL 203 Introduction to Canadian Literature
- ENGL 205 Introduction to American Literature
- ENGL 207 Literary Theory and Criticism
- ENGL 208 Studies in Fiction
- ENGL 213 World Literature in English
- ENGL 217 Literature on the Edge
- ENGL 218 The Art of Children's Literature
- ENGL 219 Reel Lit: Literature into Film
- ENGL 260 Writing Communities
- ENGL 290 Creative Writing: Letter and Line
- ENGL 291 Creative Writing: Narrative Fictions
- ENGL 292 Creative Writing: Children's Literature
- ENGL 293 Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction
- ENGL 295 Special Topics in Creative Writing
- ENGL 296 Creative Writing: Writing for the Stage
- ENGL 297 Introduction to Screenwriting in Fiction
- ENGL 353 Inventions of Literature: Topics in Literary History II
- ENGL 354 Literary Transformations: Topics in Literary History III
- ENGL 365 Words in the World II: Cultures, Networks and Traditions
- ENGL 392 Creative Writing: Writing Places
- ENGL 399 Multi-Genre Creative Writing
- ENGL 435 Electronic Literature
- FNLG 101 The Squamish Language II (Skwxwu7mesh Snichim II)
- FNLG 103 The Lil'wat Language II (Ucwalmicwts II)
- FNLG 109 The Sechelt Language II (Sháshíshálhem II)
- FNLG 110 The Sechelt Language III (Sháshíshálhem III)
- FNLG 111 The Sechelt Language IV (Sháshíshálhem IV)
- FREN 150 Progression in French Language and Culture
- FREN 215 Oral French Practice
- FREN 219 Intermediate Composition
- FREN 270 Advanced French Language and Culture I
- FREN 271 Advanced French Language and Culture II
- GEOG 200 Geographical Approaches to the Global Economy
- GEOG 201 Urban Studies
- GEOG 202 Urban Field Studies
- GEOG 205 Rising Giants: The Global Shift to China and India
- GEOG 206 British Columbia: Landscapes in Transition
- GEOG 208 Canada: A Nation of Regions
- GEOG 210 Natural Hazards
- GEOG 222 Environmental Geography: Global to Local
- GEOG 249 Selected Regions
- HIST 100 History of the Ancient World
- HIST 101 Europe in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
- HIST 102 Europe from the Reformation to the French Revolution
- HIST 108 U.S. History to 1865
- HIST 109 U.S. History: 1865-2009
- HIST 110 Canada Before Confederation
- HIST 111 Canada Since Confederation
- HIST 112 Canadian Military History
- HIST 130 World History: 1900-1953
- HIST 131 World History: 1953-2003
- HIST 205 British Columbia History
- HIST 206 People of the Land: Environment in Canadian History
- HIST 208 Canadian-American Relations
- HIST 209 History of Indigenous Peoples in Canada
- HIST 222 History of the First World War
- HIST 225 History of the Second World War
- HIST 240 Nazi Germany
- HIST 248 Revolutionary Ideas in Nineteenth Century Europe
- HIST 250 Thinkers and Thugs: Ancient Greeks and Romans
- HIST 260 The Soviet Experiment: 1917-1991
- JAPN 200 Intermediate Japanese Language and Culture I
- JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese Language and Culture II
- LING 100 Introduction to General Linguistics: Language Structure
- LING 200 Introduction to Phonology
- LING 201 Introduction to Syntax
- LING 202 Explorations in English Etymology
- LING 206 First Nations Languages of British Columbia
- LING 208 Indigenous Languages and Their Speakers
- MUS 200 Theory III
- MUS 201 Theory IV
- MUS 212 Ear Training and Sight Singing III
- MUS 213 Ear Training and Sight Singing IV
- MUS 220 Music History III
- MUS 221 Music History IV
- PADM 200 Local Government Administration in BC
- PADM 201 Local Government Services in BC
- PADM 202 Municipal Finance in BC
- PADM 203 Municipal Law in BC
- PADM 204 Leadership in Local Government Organizations
- PADM 205 Advanced Communication Skills - Local Government Professionals
- PADM 207 Managing People in Local Government Organizations
- PADM 208 Community Planning for Non-Planners: Planning Skills for Local Government Professionals
- PHIL 105 Philosophy and Current Events
- PHIL 110 Critical Thinking
- PHIL 117 Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 120 Scientific Reasoning
- PHIL 200 Political Philosophy: Classic Theories
- PHIL 201 Political Philosophy: Problems and Issues
- PHIL 202 Introduction to Formal Logic
- PHIL 206 Professional Ethics
- PHIL 207 Business Ethics
- PHIL 208 Environmental Ethics
- PHIL 209 Biomedical Ethics
- PHIL 220 Philosophy in Literature
- PHIL 221 Existentialism in Literature
- PHIL 230 Minds, Brains, and Machines
- PHIL 240 Philosophy and Gender Relations
- PHIL 242 Philosophy of Human Nature
- PHIL 305 Philosophy Through Film
- PHIL 315 Ethics of War and Peace
- POL 100 Introduction to Politics and Government
- POL 102 Comparative Government
- POL 104 Canadian Government
- POL 110 Introduction to Western Political Thought
- POL 111 Contemporary Ideologies
- POL 201 International Relations
- POL 202 Government and Politics of British Columbia
- POL 203 International Organizations
- POL 204 Canadian Public Policy
- POL 205 Public International Law
- POL 206 Scope and Methods of Political Analysis
- POL 207 Contemporary Social and Political Thought
- POL 209 Introduction to the European Union
- POL 222 Regional Comparative Politics
- POL 250 Global Human Rights
- POL 299 Regional Comparative Politics: Field School
- PSYC 200 Social Psychology
- PSYC 207 Lifespan Development
- PSYC 212 Research Methods in Psychology
- PSYC 213 Statistical Methods in Psychology
- PSYC 222 Introduction to Psychopathology
- PSYC 225 Biopsychology of Behaviour
- PSYC 230 Cognitive Psychology
- PSYC 240 Applied Psychology
- PSYC 301 Group Dynamics
- PSYC 303 History of Psychology
- PSYC 304 Child Development
- PSYC 305 Adult Development and Aging
- PSYC 306 Adolescent Psychology
- PSYC 315 The Psychology of Human Sexuality
- PSYC 321 Theories of Personality
- PSYC 328 Forensic Psychology
- PSYC 333 Learning
- PSYC 336 Neuropsychology
- PSYC 340 Psychology of Environmental Sustainability
- PSYC 341 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
- PSYC 342 History of Psychology: Conceptions of Imagination
- PSYC 415 Psychology and the Internet
- PSYC 440 Contemporary Topics in Psychology
- SOC 101 Concepts and Theories of Society
- SOC 200 Identity, Culture, and Power in Canadian Society
- SOC 201 Social Problems in BC
- SOC 210 Sociology of Popular Culture
- SOC 211 Global Issues
- SOC 222 Sociology of the Arts
- SOC 223 Media and Society
- SOC 250 Social Research
- SOC 260 Social Movements
- SPAN 200 Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture I
- SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture II
- TOUR 234 Responsible Tourism Management
- TOUR 259 Technology & Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality
- TOUR 270 Special Topics in Tourism Management I
- WGST 204 Literary Explorations of Gender
- WGST 208 Women, Gender, and Law
- WGST 210 Psychological Perspectives on Gender
- WGST 213 Gender, Politics and Public Policy
- WGST 215 The Geography of Gender
- WGST 222 Social Science Perspectives on Gender
- WGST 224 Gender and Health
- WGST 230 Women, Art and Gender
- WGST 240 Gender, Science and Technology
- WGST 250 Gender and Popular Culture