School of Humanities
- Associate of Arts Degree
- Associate of Arts Degree - Creative Writing
- Associate of Arts Degree - English
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Interdisciplinary Studies
- Lil'wat Nation Language & Culture Certificate
- Minor in Interdisciplinary Studies
- Sechelt Nation Language and Culture Certificate
Art History
- AHIS 100 - The History of Art: Ancient to Medieval
- AHIS 101 - The History of Art: Renaissance to Modern
- AHIS 103 - First Nations Art of the Northwest Coast
- AHIS 104 - Visual Culture: Art Matters
- AHIS 105 - Visual Culture: Exploring Themes
- AHIS 106 - Art of the Americas and Africa: 1492 to Now
- AHIS 107 - The Art of India, China and Japan
- AHIS 109 - Women and Art History
- AHIS 140 - Ancient Persian to Contemporary Iranian Art
- AHIS 210 - 19th Century Art: Aesthetic Revolutions
- AHIS 211 - 20th Century Art: Breaking the Rules
- AHIS 215 - Art and Technology
- AHIS 220 - Early Renaissance Art in Italy
- AHIS 221 - High Renaissance and Mannerist Art in Italy
- AHIS 241 - Modern Architecture
- AHIS 250 - Art and Nature Now: Environmental Crisis
- AHIS 251 - Fortune, Fame, Forgery: Art and Business
- AHIS 252 - Vancouver Art & Culture: Past and Present
- AHIS 260 - Fabric and Society
- AHIS 305 - History of Photography
- AHIS 315 - Art of the Baroque
- AHIS 320 - Art, Activism, and Citizenship
- AHIS 325 - Approaches to Art
- AHIS 330 - Art and Trauma
- AHIS 335 - Canadian Content: Art, Land and National Identity
- AHIS 340 - Art and Science: Creative Collaborations
- AHIS 410 - Museums and Collecting: The Rhetorics and Rituals of Display
- AHIS 425 - Outcasts and Others in Western Art
- AHIS 430 - DRAWN! The Art of Graphic Novels, Memoirs, Histories
- AHIS 490 - Directed Studies
- ENGL 010 - Language Skills
- ENGL 100 - University Writing Strategies
- ENGL 103 - Introduction to Literature
- ENGL 107 - Introduction to Indigenous Literatures and Film
- ENGL 109 - Literature and Contemporary Culture
- ENGL 112 - Reading, Writing, Dialogue: Entering Global Conversations
- ENGL 190 - Introduction to Creative Writing
- ENGL 191 - Creative Writing: Contemporary Practices
- ENGL 200 - Beginnings: The Story of English Literature Before 1700
- ENGL 201 - Disruptions: The Story of English Literature After 1700
- ENGL 203 - Introduction to Canadian Literature
- ENGL 205 - Introduction to American Literature
- ENGL 207 - Literary Theory and Criticism
- ENGL 208 - Studies in Fiction
- ENGL 213 - World Literature in English
- ENGL 217 - Literature on the Edge
- ENGL 218 - The Art of Children's Literature
- ENGL 219 - Reel Lit: Literature into Film
- ENGL 220 - Research Voices: Clarity and Style for the Academic Writer
- ENGL 260 - Writing Communities
- ENGL 290 - Creative Writing: Letter and Line
- ENGL 291 - Creative Writing: Narrative Fictions
- ENGL 292 - Creative Writing: Children's Literature
- ENGL 293 - Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction
- ENGL 295 - Special Topics in Creative Writing
- ENGL 296 - Creative Writing: Writing for the Stage
- ENGL 297 - Introduction to Screenwriting in Fiction
- ENGL 300 - Writing, Rhetoric, Style
- ENGL 305 - Special Topics in Canadian Literature
- ENGL 320 - Global Literatures
- ENGL 323 - Special Topics in Genre
- ENGL 329 - Literature and Performance
- ENGL 332 - Literature and Politics
- ENGL 338 - Literature and Media
- ENGL 344 - Literature and the Environment
- ENGL 352 - Before Literature: Topics in Literary History I
- ENGL 353 - Inventions of Literature: Topics in Literary History II
- ENGL 354 - Literary Transformations: Topics in Literary History III
- ENGL 358 - Special Topics in Contemporary Literature
- ENGL 359 - Indigenous Resistance Narratives
- ENGL 363 - Words in The World I: Genre and Form
- ENGL 365 - Words in the World II: Cultures, Networks and Traditions
- ENGL 367 - Land School
- ENGL 369 - Foundations in Writing Pedagogy
- ENGL 390 - Advanced Poetry and Poetics
- ENGL 391 - Advanced Narrative Forms
- ENGL 392 - Creative Writing: Writing Places
- ENGL 393 - Creative Writing: Advanced Practices
- ENGL 394 - Creative Writing: Performance
- ENGL 395 - Creative Writing: Special Topics
- ENGL 396 - Literary Publishing
- ENGL 398 - Creative Writing in the Digital Age
- ENGL 399 - Multi-Genre Creative Writing
- ENGL 400 - Major Authors
- ENGL 420 - Special Topics in Literary Theory
- ENGL 435 - Electronic Literature
- ENGL 463 - Words in the World III: Critical and Creative Formations
- ENGL 464 - Capstone Project
- ENGL 465 - Words in the World Practicum
- ENGL 466 - Directed Reading
- ENGL 467 - Honours Thesis
- ENGL 490 - Directed Studies
- ENGL 491 - Creative Writing: Directed Studies
- HIST 100 - History of the Ancient World
- HIST 101 - Europe in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
- HIST 102 - Europe from the Reformation to the French Revolution
- HIST 108 - U.S. History to 1865
- HIST 109 - U.S. History: 1865-2009
- HIST 110 - Canada Before Confederation
- HIST 111 - Canada Since Confederation
- HIST 112 - Canadian Military History
- HIST 117 - Pirates and Piracy from Ancient to Modern Times
- HIST 130 - World History: 1900-1953
- HIST 131 - World History: 1953-2003
- HIST 150 - The History of Now: Historical Inquiry into Current Events
- HIST 205 - British Columbia History
- HIST 206 - People of the Land: Environment in Canadian History
- HIST 208 - Canadian-American Relations
- HIST 209 - History of Indigenous Peoples in Canada
- HIST 222 - History of the First World War
- HIST 225 - History of the Second World War
- HIST 230 - World History Since 1500
- HIST 240 - Nazi Germany
- HIST 248 - Revolutionary Ideas in Nineteenth Century Europe
- HIST 250 - Thinkers and Thugs: Ancient Greeks and Romans
- HIST 260 - The Soviet Experiment: 1917-1991
- HIST 305 - U.S. History: 1945-2001
- HIST 320 - Revolutions in History
- HIST 325 - Mysteries and Conspiracies
- HIST 326 - Disasters and Catastrophes
- HIST 333 - History of Slavery and Antislavery
- HIST 366 - Epidemics and Plagues in World History
- HIST 380 - War and Society
- HIST 390 - Murder and Mayhem
- HIST 414 - Tudor and Stuart England, 1485-1689
- HIST 490 - Directed Studies
Languages & Linguistics
- CHIN 100 - Beginner Chinese Language and Culture I
- CHIN 101 - Beginner Chinese Language and Culture II
- CHIN 200 - Intermediate Chinese Language and Culture I
- CHIN 201 - Intermediate Chinese Language and Culture II
- CHIN 300 - Advanced Chinese I
- FNLG 100 - The Squamish Language I
- FNLG 101 - The Squamish Language II (Skwxwu7mesh Snichim II)
- FNLG 102 - The Lil'wat Language I (Ucwalmícwts I)
- FNLG 103 - The Lil'wat Language II (Ucwalmicwts II)
- FNLG 104 - The Lil’wat Language III (Ucwalmícwts III)
- FNLG 105 - The Lil'wat Language IV (Ucwalmícwts IV)
- FNLG 106 - The Squamish Language III (Skwxwu7mesh Snichim III)
- FNLG 107 - The Squamish Language IV (Skwxwu7mesh Snichim IV)
- FNLG 108 - The Sechelt Language I (Sháshíshálhem I)
- FNLG 109 - The Sechelt Language II (Sháshíshálhem II)
- FNLG 110 - The Sechelt Language III (Sháshíshálhem III)
- FNLG 111 - The Sechelt Language IV (Sháshíshálhem IV)
- FREN 100 - Beginner French Language and Culture I
- FREN 101 - Beginner French Language and Culture II
- FREN 120 - Lower Intermediate French I
- FREN 121 - Lower Intermediate French II
- FREN 150 - Progression in French Language and Culture
- FREN 204 - Intermediate French Language and Culture I
- FREN 205 - Intermediate French Language and Culture II
- FREN 215 - Oral French Practice
- FREN 219 - Intermediate Composition
- FREN 270 - Advanced French Language and Culture I
- FREN 271 - Advanced French Language and Culture II
- FREN 315 - Studies in French through Cinema
- FREN 330 - Quebecois Literature and Culture
- JAPN 100 - Beginner Japanese Language and Culture I
- JAPN 101 - Beginner Japanese Language and Culture II
- JAPN 200 - Intermediate Japanese Language and Culture I
- JAPN 201 - Intermediate Japanese Language and Culture II
- JAPN 315 - Practical Japanese for the Professions I
- LING 100 - Introduction to General Linguistics: Language Structure
- LING 101 - Introduction to General Linguistics: Language Use
- LING 102 - Introduction to Practical Phonetics
- LING 200 - Introduction to Phonology
- LING 201 - Introduction to Syntax
- LING 202 - Explorations in English Etymology
- LING 206 - First Nations Languages of British Columbia
- LING 208 - Indigenous Languages and Their Speakers
- SPAN 100 - Beginner Spanish Language and Culture I
- SPAN 101 - Beginner Spanish Language and Culture II
- SPAN 200 - Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture I
- SPAN 201 - Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture II
- SPAN 300 - Advanced Spanish I
- PHIL 101 - Introductory Philosophy: Ethics
- PHIL 102 - Introductory Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality
- PHIL 110 - Critical Thinking
- PHIL 117 - Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 120 - Scientific Reasoning
- PHIL 150 - History of Philosophy: Ancient Philosophy
- PHIL 151 - History of Philosophy: Descartes to Kant
- PHIL 200 - Political Philosophy: Classic Theories
- PHIL 201 - Political Philosophy: Problems and Issues
- PHIL 202 - Introduction to Formal Logic
- PHIL 206 - Professional Ethics
- PHIL 207 - Business Ethics
- PHIL 208 - Environmental Ethics
- PHIL 209 - Biomedical Ethics
- PHIL 220 - Philosophy in Literature
- PHIL 221 - Existentialism in Literature
- PHIL 230 - Minds, Brains, and Machines
- PHIL 240 - Philosophy and Gender Relations
- PHIL 242 - Philosophy of Human Nature
- PHIL 265 - Engaged Philosophical Inquiry as a Way of Life
- PHIL 301 - Ethics and the Meaning of Life
- PHIL 302 - Knowledge and Truth
- PHIL 305 - Philosophy Through Film
- PHIL 306 - Philosophy of Sex and Gender
- PHIL 309 - Neuroethics
- PHIL 310 - Climate Ethics and Climate Justice
- PHIL 315 - Ethics of War and Peace
- PHIL 320 - Philosophy of Science
- PHIL 401 - Morality and Global Justice
- PHIL 410 - Justice and Equality
- PHIL 411 - Philosophy, Governance, and Public Policy
- PHIL 430 - Philosophy of Mind
- PHIL 490 - Directed Studies
School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)
- Associate of Science Degree
- Associate of Science Degree - Biology
- Bachelor of Science - General
- Engineering Certificate
- Engineering Transition Diploma
- BIOL 104 - Human Biology
- BIOL 105 - Environmental Biology
- BIOL 106 - Introductory Biology I
- BIOL 107 - Introductory Biology II
- BIOL 109 - Introductory Biology
- BIOL 110 - General Biology I
- BIOL 111 - General Biology II
- BIOL 112 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I for Health Sciences
- BIOL 113 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II for Health Sciences
- BIOL 200 - Genetics I
- BIOL 202 - Nutrition
- BIOL 203 - Introduction to Microbiology
- BIOL 208 - Ecology
- BIOL 209 - Fundamentals of Physiology
- BIOL 210 - Morphology of Vascular Plants
- BIOL 212 - Invertebrate Zoology
- BIOL 213 - Vertebrate Zoology
- BIOL 214 - Cell Biology
- BIOL 215 - Biochemistry
- BIOL 222 - Microbiology
- BIOL 230 - Botany - Algae to Angiosperms
- BIOL 240 - Pathology
- BIOL 241 - Pathology I
- BIOL 242 - Pathology II
- BIOL 300 - Molecular Genetics
- BIOL 305 - Ecological Principles for Sustainability
- BIOL 308 - Conservation Biology
- BIOL 312 - Human Physiology I: Brains, Hormones and Guts
- BIOL 313 - Human Physiology II: Blood, Gas and Antibodies
- BIOL 314 - Advanced Cell Biology
- BIOL 350 - Natural History of BC
- BIOL 351 - Global Biogeography
- BIOL 352 - Evolution of Life
- BIOL 353 - Brain Health
- BIOL 354 - Physiology of Disease
- BIOL 401 - Applied Population Ecology
- BIOL 402 - Applied Ecosystem Ecology
- BIOL 403 - Microbiology and Immunology
- BIOL 408 - Ecosystem Restoration
- BIOL 409 - Global Change Biology
- BIOL 412 - Neurological Damage, Disease and Degeneration
- CHEM 030 - Introduction to Chemistry
- CHEM 101 - Fundamentals of Chemistry
- CHEM 110 - Bonding and Structure
- CHEM 111 - Chemical Dynamics and Energetics
- CHEM 130 - Chemistry In Our World
- CHEM 154 - Chemical Principles for Engineers
- CHEM 200 - Organic Chemistry I
- CHEM 201 - Organic Chemistry II
- CHEM 204 - Structure, Energetics and Spectroscopy
- CHEM 205 - Introduction to Bio-inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 206 - Introduction to Analytical Chemistry
- CHEM 211 - Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences
- CHEM 215 - Biochemistry I: Macromolecular Structure and Function
- CHEM 250 - Inorganic Chemistry for Engineers
- CHEM 251 - Physical Chemistry for Engineers
- CHEM 252 - Organic Chemistry for Engineers
- CHEM 300 - Chemistry and Society
- CHEM 304 - Environmental Chemistry
- CHEM 311 - Applications of Spectroscopy
- CHEM 315 - Biochemistry II: Metabolism and Bioenergetics
- CHEM 404 - Green Chemistry
- CHEM 411 - Medicinal Chemistry: Drug Design and Drug Action
Computing & Data Science
- COMP 101 - Computers and their Application
- COMP 106 - Programming with Robots
- COMP 107 - Animated 3D Game Programming
- COMP 108 - Software Applications and Their Customization
- COMP 115 - Learn to Code
- COMP 120 - Computer Science for Engineers
- COMP 121 - Fundamentals of Programming
- COMP 126 - Principles of Software Design
- COMP 134 - Programming in Java
- COMP 135 - Python Essentials
- COMP 165 - Introduction to Multimedia and the Internet
- COMP 202 - Foundations of Computer Science
- COMP 210 - Data Structures and Abstraction
- COMP 211 - Computer Design and Architecture I
- COMP 212 - Computer Design and Architecture II
- COMP 213 - Introduction to Software Engineering
- COMP 215 - Introduction to Computational Science
- COMP 220 - Data Structures and Algorithms for Engineers
- COMP 301 - Computing Technologies in a Digital Culture
- COMP 320 - Database Technologies and Applications
- COMP 330 - Data Wrangling: Scripting for Automated Data Processing
- APSC 111 - Computer-Aided Design - SolidWorks
- APSC 112 - Rapid Prototyping Technology
- APSC 113 - Engineering Management for Rapid Prototyping Technology
- APSC 120 - Introduction to Engineering
- APSC 130 - Technical Drafting and Computer-Aided Design
- APSC 140 - Engineering Design
- APSC 278 - Materials Science for Engineers
Mathematics & Statistics
- MATH 097 - Intermediate Algebra
- MATH 102 - Statistical Methods
- MATH 105 - Precalculus Mathematics - Modelling Our World
- MATH 108 - Calculus I for Business, Social Sciences and Life Sciences
- MATH 109 - Calculus II for Business, Social Sciences and Life Sciences
- MATH 116 - Calculus I for Physical Sciences and Engineering
- MATH 123 - Contemporary Mathematics
- MATH 124 - Discrete Mathematics I
- MATH 126 - Calculus II for Physical Sciences and Engineering
- MATH 139 - The Mathematics of Visual Art
- MATH 190 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
- MATH 200 - Linear Algebra
- MATH 204 - Probability and Statistics for Applications
- MATH 215 - Introduction to Analysis
- MATH 224 - Discrete Mathematics II
- MATH 230 - Calculus III
- MATH 231 - Calculus IV
- MATH 235 - Introduction to Differential Equations
- MATH 252 - Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
- MATH 300 - Mathematics and Creative Arts
- MATH 330 - Mathematical Modelling
- MATH 335 - Discovering Mathematics
- MATH 336 - Applied Graph Theory and Optimization
- MATH 400 - Introduction to Machine Learning
- STAT 101 - Introduction to Statistics
- STAT 205 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- STAT 301 - Data Analysis in Action
- STAT 305 - Introduction to Big Data Analysis
- STAT 310 - Predictive Modelling and Analysis of Experimental Data
- PHYS 104 - Principles of Physics
- PHYS 110 - General Physics I
- PHYS 111 - General Physics II
- PHYS 112 - Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences I
- PHYS 113 - Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences II
- PHYS 114 - Fundamental Physics I
- PHYS 115 - Fundamental Physics II
- PHYS 116 - Fundamental Physics III
- PHYS 200 - Thermal Physics and Waves
- PHYS 201 - Electricity and Magnetism
- PHYS 203 - Fluid Mechanics I - The Physics of Flow
- PHYS 210 - Physics Laboratory I
- PHYS 211 - Physics Laboratory II
- PHYS 218 - Computational Physics
- PHYS 222 - Mechanics
- PHYS 300 - Environmental Thermodynamics
- PHYS 310 - Energy Technologies Lab
School of Social Sciences
- Applied Behaviour Analysis (Autism) Post-Baccalaureate Certificate
- Applied Behaviour Analysis (Autism) Post-Baccalaureate Diploma
- Associate of Arts Degree
- Associate of Arts Degree - Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) with a Major in Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts Degree - Applied Behaviour Analysis (Autism)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Interdisciplinary Studies
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Psychology
- Minor in Interdisciplinary Studies
- Minor in Psychology
- Minor in Sociology
- ANTH 121 - Introduction to Social Anthropology
- ANTH 123 - Introduction to Archaeology
- ANTH 124 - Introduction to Biological Anthropology
- ANTH 200 - Intermediate Social Anthropology
- ANTH 202 - Anthropology and the Environment
- ANTH 204 - Ethnic Relations
- ANTH 205 - Multiculturalism
- ANTH 206 - First Nations of British Columbia
- ANTH 208 - Indigenous Peoples of North America
- ANTH 209 - Anthropology of Latin America
- ANTH 222 - Eating Culture: An Anthropology of Food
- ANTH 225 - The Anthropology of Music
- ANTH 230 - Anthropology of Religion
- ANTH 232 - Archaeology of Africa, Asia and Europe
- ANTH 233 - Archaeology of the Americas
- ANTH 240 - Visual Anthropology
- ANTH 241 - Archaeology Field School
- ANTH 249 - Comparative Cultures: A Field Study in Anthropology
- ANTH 320 - Archaeology and Popular Culture
- ANTH 323 - Learning from the Past: The Relevance of Archaeological Research
- ANTH 340 - Stuff: The Anthropology of Material Culture
- ANTH 342 - Life's Passage: The Anthropology of Aging
- ANTH 350 - Ethnology of a Selected Region
- ANTH 355 - Language, Power and Identity
- ANTH 420 - Contemporary Topics in Anthropology
- ANTH 490 - Directed Studies
Applied Behaviour Analysis
- ABA 100 - Introduction to Behaviour Principles
- ABA 101 - Observations of ABA in Community Settings
- ABA 200 - A Survey of Applied Behaviour Analytic Applications
- ABA 201 - Observation Practicum
- ABA 312 - Single Subject Research Design and Statistics
- ABA 313 - Supporting Individuals with ASD and Their Families Across the Lifespan
- ABA 341 - Applied Behaviour Analysis I: Principles of Behaviour
- ABA 342 - Applied Behaviour Analysis II: Procedures for Behaviour Change
- ABA 343 - Ethics and Professional Standards
- ABA 344 - Autism Spectrum Disorders - I
- ABA 345 - Behavioural Assessment and Positive Behavioural Support
- ABA 346 - Autism Spectrum Disorders - II
- ABA 410 - Practicum II - Assistant Behavior Analyst®
- ABA 411 - Practicum III - Assistant Behavior Analyst®
- ABA 412 - Directed Studies in Applied Behaviour Analysis
- ABA 415 - Adults with Developmental Disabilities: ABA Interventions
- ABA 426 - Assessment and Intervention Planning for Young Children with ASD
- ABA 443 - Advanced Topics in Applied Behaviour Analysis
- CRIM 101 - Introduction to Criminology
- CRIM 202 - Surveillance and Social Control
- CRIM 210 - Gender, Crime and Justice
- CRIM 304 - Law and Society
- CRIM 305 - Minorities and Justice
- CRIM 490 - Directed Studies
- ECON 100 - Introduction to Economics
- ECON 110 - Foundations of Economics
- ECON 111 - Principles of Microeconomic Theory
- ECON 112 - Principles of Macroeconomic Theory
- ECON 207 - Managerial Economics
- ECON 210 - Money and Banking
- ECON 211 - Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis
- ECON 212 - Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis
- ECON 230 - Ecology, Environment and Economic Policy
- ECON 250 - Economic History of the Pre-Industrial Era
- ECON 252 - Economic History of the Industrial Era
- ECON 255 - Understanding Globalization
- ECON 290 - Public Policy I
- ECON 291 - Public Policy II
- ECON 342 - Economic Growth
- ECON 350 - Revolutions: Economics and the Economy
- ECON 378 - Economies of the World
- ECON 390 - Effects of Public Policy on Business and the Economy
- ECON 430 - Circular Economies
- ECON 490 - Directed Studies
- GEOG 100 - Human Geography: People, Places and Cultures
- GEOG 101 - Environmental Geography: Understanding the Issues
- GEOG 112 - Physical Landscapes I
- GEOG 114 - Weather and Climate I
- GEOG 200 - Geographical Approaches to the Global Economy
- GEOG 201 - Urban Studies
- GEOG 202 - Urban Field Studies
- GEOG 205 - Rising Giants: The Global Shift to China and India
- GEOG 206 - British Columbia: Landscapes in Transition
- GEOG 208 - Canada: A Nation of Regions
- GEOG 210 - Natural Hazards
- GEOG 212 - Physical Landscapes II
- GEOG 214 - Weather and Climate II
- GEOG 221 - Mapping our Changing World
- GEOG 222 - Environmental Geography: Global to Local
- GEOG 225 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
- GEOG 249 - Selected Regions
- GEOG 316 - Climate Change: From Science to Sustainability
- GEOG 325 - GIS Applications in Natural Resource Management
- GEOG 330 - Water Changes Everything
- GEOG 333 - The Geography of Prisons
- GEOG 340 - Geography of Education: Contested Spaces
- GEOG 350 - Cities in the Global South
- GEOG 355 - Urban Ecology
- GEOG 360 - The Geography of a Sustainable World
- GEOG 400 - Human Population and the Environment
- GEOG 414 - The Science of Climate Change
- GEOG 435 - Energy, Communities and Environmental Change
- GEOG 455 - Green Infrastructures and Community Networks
- GEOG 490 - Directed Studies
Political Science
- POL 100 - Introduction to Politics and Government
- POL 102 - Comparative Government
- POL 104 - Canadian Government
- POL 110 - An Introduction to Western Political Thought
- POL 111 - Contemporary Ideologies
- POL 201 - International Relations
- POL 202 - Government and Politics of British Columbia
- POL 203 - International Organizations
- POL 204 - Canadian Public Policy
- POL 205 - Public International Law
- POL 206 - Scope and Methods of Political Analysis
- POL 207 - Selected Issues in Contemporary Social and Political Theory
- POL 208 - Aboriginal Politics in Canada
- POL 209 - Introduction to the European Union
- POL 222 - Regional Comparative Politics
- POL 250 - Global Human Rights
- POL 299 - Regional Comparative Politics: Field School
- POL 301 - Comparative Public Policy
- POL 302 - Canadian Law and Politics
- POL 305 - Advanced Public International Law
- POL 308 - Indigenous Politics in Canada
- POL 309 - Advanced European Integration
- POL 310 - Issues in Transnational Politics
- POL 315 - Utopias, Dystopias and Political Thought
- POL 320 - Global Ecopolitics
- POL 330 - The Political Economy of Globalization
- POL 335 - The Politics of Identity
- POL 340 - Citizenship and Belonging: From Local to Global Perspectives
- POL 350 - Global Human Rights
- POL 410 - Applied Public Policy Analysis
- POL 490 - Directed Studies
- PSYC 100 - Introduction to Psychology I
- PSYC 101 - Introduction to Psychology II
- PSYC 200 - Social Psychology
- PSYC 207 - Lifespan Development
- PSYC 212 - Research Methods in Psychology
- PSYC 213 - Statistical Methods in Psychology
- PSYC 222 - Introduction to Psychopathology
- PSYC 225 - Biopsychology of Behaviour
- PSYC 230 - Cognitive Psychology
- PSYC 240 - Applied Psychology
- PSYC 300 - Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships
- PSYC 301 - Group Dynamics
- PSYC 303 - History of Psychology
- PSYC 304 - Child Development
- PSYC 305 - Adult Development and Aging
- PSYC 306 - Adolescent Psychology
- PSYC 315 - The Psychology of Human Sexuality
- PSYC 321 - Theories of Personality
- PSYC 325 - Health Psychology
- PSYC 326 - Positive Psychology
- PSYC 327 - Workplace Psychology
- PSYC 328 - Forensic Psychology
- PSYC 329 - Community Psychology
- PSYC 330 - Thinking and Reasoning
- PSYC 331 - Psychology and Language
- PSYC 332 - Reconstructing the Past: The Psychology of Memory
- PSYC 333 - Learning
- PSYC 334 - Sensation and Perception
- PSYC 335 - Motivation and Emotions
- PSYC 336 - Neuropsychology
- PSYC 337 - Drugs and Behaviour
- PSYC 338 - Evolutionary Psychology
- PSYC 340 - Psychology of Environmental Sustainability
- PSYC 341 - Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
- PSYC 342 - History of Psychology: Conceptions of Imagination
- PSYC 343 - Psychology of Anomalous Experiences
- PSYC 400 - Cultural Psychology
- PSYC 401 - Indigenous Psychology
- PSYC 410 - Professional Ethics in Applied Psychology
- PSYC 412 - Applied Research Methods in Psychology
- PSYC 413 - Applied Data Analysis in Psychology
- PSYC 415 - Psychology and the Internet
- PSYC 420 - Tests and Measurement
- PSYC 422 - Clinical and Counselling Psychology
- PSYC 423 - Helping Relationships
- PSYC 430 - Service Learning Practicum
- PSYC 440 - Contemporary Topics in Psychology
- PSYC 480 - Honours Thesis
- PSYC 481 - Honours Seminar
- PSYC 490 - Directed Studies
- SOC 100 - Introduction to Sociology
- SOC 101 - Concepts and Theories of Society
- SOC 200 - Identity, Culture, and Power
- SOC 201 - Social Problems in BC
- SOC 210 - Sociology of Popular Culture
- SOC 211 - Global Issues
- SOC 222 - Sociology of the Arts
- SOC 223 - Media and Society
- SOC 250 - Social Research
- SOC 260 - Social Movements
- SOC 300 - The Sociology of Consumer Culture
- SOC 301 - Social Inequality
- SOC 302 - Sociology of Climate Change
- SOC 320 - Technology, Work, and Society
- SOC 330 - Sociology of the City: Issues and Processes of Exclusion
- SOC 340 - Migration And Displacement
- SOC 341 - Violence and Nonviolence
- SOC 351 - Modernism, Postmodernism, and Society
- SOC 352 - Marxism and Social Theory
- SOC 480 - Sociology Studio Experience
- SOC 485 - Community Based Learning
- SOC 490 - Directed Studies
Women's & Gender Studies
- WGST 100 - Introduction to Women's Studies
- WGST 111 - Introduction to Gender Studies
- WGST 204 - Women Write
- WGST 208 - Women and the Law
- WGST 210 - The Psychology of Women and Gender
- WGST 213 - Gender, Politics and Policy
- WGST 215 - The Geography of Gender: Global Perspectives
- WGST 220 - Women and the Past: A Historical Survey
- WGST 222 - Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Gender
- WGST 224 - Women and Health
- WGST 226 - Women and Religion
- WGST 230 - Women, Art and Gender
- WGST 240 - Gender, Science and Technology
- WGST 250 - Gender and Popular Culture
- WGST 302 - Jobs and Gender in a Globalized Economy
- WGST 320 - Feminist Killjoys: Gender and Social Justice Work
- WGST 345 - Gender, Slums and Urbanization in the Global South
- WGST 347 - Women and Prisons: Gender Confined
- WGST 360 - Contemporary Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies
- WGST 401 - Queer Intersections: Histories, Identities, Cultures