
Applied Behaviour Analysis

ABA 100 - Introduction to Behaviour Principles

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course will introduce students to the basic principles of the science of behaviour and the application of that science to real world problems through course readings, activities, lectures, and assignments. Basic principles such as reinforcement, punishment, and instructional techniques will be discussed.


  • ABA 100 is an approved Science and Technology course for Cap Core requirements.

ABA 101 - Observations of ABA in Community Settings

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course will introduce students to the application of basic principles of the science of behaviour in real world settings. Students will collect observational data in each setting and discuss with their peers and Instructor during class meetings. Settings may include preschool, school-aged, and adult services as well as a recreational setting.

Prerequisites: ABA 100

ABA 200 - A Survey of Applied Behaviour Analytic Applications

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course will introduce students to a variety of applications of Applied Behaviour Analysis across a range of settings and applications. Students will learn about a range of clinical applications from assigned readings, activities, and class lectures. Topics will include: education, medicine, business and industry, human health and sports, gerontology, and sustainable societies.

Prerequisites: ABA 100

ABA 201 - Observation Practicum

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course will build upon content from ABA 100, 101 and 200 and allows students to observe and document the application of behavioural principles in a real world setting of their choosing by following a particular client or program. These placements may include one of the following: home, preschool, school, adult, or recreational setting.

Prerequisites: ABA 101 and ABA 200

ABA 312 - Single Subject Research Design and Statistics

3.00 credits


15 wks

This research methods course focuses on procedures and issues related to the design, interpretation and analysis of single subject research, also referred to as small N research. It covers general methodological information as well as specific details about single subject methods in applied settings.


  • ABA 312 is an approved Numeracy course for Cap Core requirements.
  • ABA 312 is an approved Quantitative/Analytical course for baccalaureate degrees.

ABA 313 - Supporting Individuals with ASD and Their Families Across the Lifespan

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course introduces students to a variety of issues and topics relevant to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families, and those who support them. Students will learn how to collaborate with and effectively support families and other team members and support the development of academic, leisure, friendship/social, sexual, and vocational skills, in addition to investigating other topics and issues of special interest.

Prerequisites: ABA 344

ABA 341 - Applied Behaviour Analysis I: Principles of Behaviour

3.00 credits


15 wks

Applied behaviour analysis is a natural science approach to the study of behaviour. This course introduces students to the basic concepts and principles of applied behaviour analysis and serves as a pre-requisite to ABA 342. It will be of interest, and applicable to, students in psychology, early childhood education, business and industry, as well as other fields.

ABA 342 - Applied Behaviour Analysis II: Procedures for Behaviour Change

3.00 credits


15 wks

Applied behaviour analysis is a natural science approach to the study of behaviour. This course is a continuation of ABA 341 and introduces students to the basic concepts and principles of applied behaviour analysis. It will be of interest, and applicable to, students in psychology, early childhood education, business and industry, as well as other fields.

Prerequisites: ABA 341

ABA 343 - Ethics and Professional Standards

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course provides in-depth knowledge of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board's (BACB) Professional and Ethical Compliance Code (PECC) for behavior analysts. Students will learn to apply a process-driven model of identifying and resolving ethical dilemmas in the delivery of behaviour analytic services to clients in home, school, and community settings.

ABA 344 - Autism Spectrum Disorders - I

3.00 credits


15 wks

This is an overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). The course examines neurological, communication, social, and educational characteristics of individuals who have been identified as having ASD. By the end of this course, students will demonstrate knowledge related to the characteristics of persons with ASD, causes and prevalence of ASD, and common evidence-based intervention practices in ASD.

ABA 345 - Behavioural Assessment and Positive Behavioural Support

3.00 credits


15 wks

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the philosophy and methods of functional behavioural assessment and the development of positive behaviour support plans for persons who engage in challenging behaviour in home, school, and community settings. Topics covered will include principles of behaviour change, summary hypothesis statements and competing behaviour pathway diagrams, design of multi-component behaviour support plans, and the design of plans that are both technically sound and contextually-appropriate.

Prerequisites: ABA 342

ABA 346 - Autism Spectrum Disorders - II

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course builds on content covered in ABA 344. In this course, students learn about a number of common, behaviorally based interventions designed to teach specific skills to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Students learn about evidence-based intervention approaches to address toilet training, bedtime and sleep challenges, feeding problems and food refusal behaviour. Additional topics include literacy development, augmentative and alternative communication, video modeling, and family-centered positive behavior support. The course features a number of local experts who speak to students regarding specific evidence-based approaches to intervention for children, youth, and adults with ASD.

Prerequisites: ABA 344


  • PSYC 204 recommended

ABA 410 - Practicum II - Assistant Behavior Analyst®

12.00 credits


15 wks

Students will gain practical experience in the design and implementation of behavioural programs with individuals. All students will work in community-based agencies, attend and complete agency orientation, meet agency guidelines for volunteers and/or employees, and will be supervised by community-based BCBA(s) and ABA Department faculty. Upon completion of ABA 410, students will have obtained 350 hours of supervised hours required towards certification as a Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst®.

Prerequisites: ABA 312, 342, and 343


  • ABA 410 is an approved Experiential course for Cap Core requirements.

ABA 411 - Practicum III - Assistant Behavior Analyst®

3.00 credits


15 wks

Students will gain practical experience in the design and implementation of behavioural programs with individuals. All students will work in community-based agencies, attend and complete agency orientation, meet agency guidelines for volunteers and/or employees, and will be supervised by community-based BCBA(s) and ABA Department faculty. Upon completion of this course, students will have obtained 150 hours of the 500 supervised hours required towards certification as a Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst®.

Prerequisites: ABA 410

ABA 412 - Directed Studies in Applied Behaviour Analysis

3.00 credits


15 wks

This directed studies course offers students the opportunity to select a behaviour analytic topic of their choice, conduct a thorough literature search, and present their findings in three formats: a written literature review paper, a conference-style poster presentation, and an oral presentation.

Prerequisites: ABA 342


  • ABA 412 is an approved Capstone course for Cap Core requirements.

ABA 415 - Adults with Developmental Disabilities: ABA Interventions

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course will address topics related to developing self determination, vocational, recreational, social, and health-related skills in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) and other developmental disabilities (e.g., intellectual disability, Down syndrome, multiple disabilities, etc.).

Prerequisites: ABA 342

ABA 426 - Assessment and Intervention Planning for Young Children with ASD

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course reviews a number of early behavioural intervention models and assessment approaches, and the development of behaviour plans of intervention. It also reviews a variety of common clinical issues when delivering ABA services in home and school settings.

Prerequisites: ABA 341 and 344

ABA 443 - Advanced Topics in Applied Behaviour Analysis

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course expands on the behaviour-analytic knowledge base developed in previous ABA courses with a focus on mastery and application of a full range of basic behavioural concepts and principles. Through readings and class discussions, students will learn about the philosophical underpinnings of behaviour analysis, develop essential skills for professional behavior analysts, and review behaviour change procedures with a focus on considerations in selecting and implementing interventions.

Prerequisites: ABA 342