
Acting for Stage and Screen

ASAS 105 - Voice and Movement for the Actor I

1.50 credits


15 wks

First year students will participate in physical and vocal training that supports performance by enabling them to improve alignment, physical awareness, breath support and embodiment of their work on stage and on camera.


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 110 - Screen Acting I

3.00 credits


15 wks

This is a workshop course in the art of the film actor, focusing on text analysis, naturalistic playing and awareness of the actors' own resources. The student will rehearse and perform monologues and scenes, applying approaches and techniques taught in class.


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 114 - The Screen Actor's Process I

1.50 credits


15 wks

An introduction to the professional world of the stage and screen actor. Some filmed scenes and/or monologues are part of this course.


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 115 - Voice for the Actor I

1.50 credits


15 wks

This course is designed to allow further exploration of voice training for the stage and screen. Students will strengthen the range of their voices through training and performance. Skills are evaluated in tests, presentation and performance projects.

Prerequisites: ASAS 105


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 116 - Movement for the Actor I

1.50 credits


15 wks

This course covers movement training for the stage and screen. Students will participate in and learn: movement exercises, somatic practices and physical performance skills as well as how to create compositions, performances and devised projects.

Prerequisites: ASAS 105


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 120 - Elements of Performance History I

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course will survey the history of theatre, from its origins in Classical Greece through to the early modern era. Highlighted theatrical developments will be explored in the context of historical, political, social, and/or cultural themes.

ASAS 161 - Ensemble Projects for the Stage I

3.00 credits


15 wks

This is a practical course focused on continuing the development of students' skills in the art of acting and collaboration. Students will work with peers, who may include classmates, playwriting students and ASAS 261 students. Course projects will include scene work, dramaturgy, and a final performance project.

Prerequisites: ACTR 100 or THTR 130; and THTR 160


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 162 - Screen Projects I

1.50 credits


15 wks

In this course, ASAS students will explore screen projects in front of and behind the camera. Content creation and collaboration will also be a part of this course.


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 190 - Practicum I

1.00 credits


15 wks

Students receive credit for intensive practical work on productions. The nature of the work and the amount of credit will be determined by the department in consultation with the student. All who are cast in a department production, film or who are assigned to a production crew must register in this course.


  • To register for these courses, contact the coordinator.

ASAS 191 - Practicum II

1.00 credits


15 wks

Students receive credit for intensive practical work on productions. The nature of the work and the amount of credit will be determined by the department in consultation with the student. All who are cast in a department production, film or who are assigned to a production crew must register in this course.


  • To register for these courses, contact the coordinator.

ASAS 192 - Practicum III

1.00 credits


15 wks

Students receive credit for intensive practical work on productions. The nature of the work and the amount of credit will be determined by the department in consultation with the student. All who are cast in a department production, film or who are assigned to a production crew must register in this course.


  • To register for these courses, contact the coordinator.

ASAS 193 - Practicum IV

1.00 credits


15 wks

Students receive credit for intensive practical work on productions. The nature of the work and the amount of credit will be determined by the department in consultation with the student. All who are cast in a department production, film or who are assigned to a production crew must register in this course.


  • To register for these courses, contact the coordinator.

ASAS 194 - Practicum V

1.00 credits


15 wks

Students receive credit for intensive practical work on productions. The nature of the work and the amount of credit will be determined by the department in consultation with the student. All who are cast in a department production, film or who are assigned to a production crew must register in this course.


  • To register for these courses, contact the coordinator.

ASAS 195 - Practicum VI

1.00 credits


15 wks

Students receive credit for intensive practical work on productions. The nature of the work and the amount of credit will be determined by the department in consultation with the student. All who are cast in a department production, film or who are assigned to a production crew must register in this course.


  • To register for these courses, contact the coordinator.

ASAS 208 - Performance I

2.00 credits


15 wks

This course acknowledges the theatre skills which are learned during rehearsals and practical work on productions. Students in the Acting for Stage and Screen program will take part in a bare bones production of a play, which will be performed in the Arbutus Studio at the end of term.

Prerequisites: ASAS 161 and ENGL 100


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 210 - Screen Acting II

3.00 credits


15 wks

This is an intermediate workshop course for the screen actor. Filmed scene work and monologues will comprise the practical aspect of the course. Students are expected to explore text analysis and provide a written analysis of their methodology at the end of the term. Students will improve their concentration and camera awareness. Script interpretation emphasizes personal technique, and classes simulate the atmosphere of a film or television shoot.

Prerequisites: ASAS 110


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 214 - The Screen Actor's Process II

1.50 credits


15 wks

This course is designed to expose intermediate actors to the specific demands of the industry and prepare them for marketing their skills in the competitive world of theatre, film and television acting.

Prerequisites: ASAS 114 and ENGL 100

ASAS 215 - Voice for the Actor II

1.50 credits


15 wks

Students will continue to strengthen their voices through intensive training and exercise. An intermediate regimen of training will be introduced and reinforced throughout this term.

Prerequisites: ASAS 115 and ENGL 100


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 216 - Movement for the Actor II

1.50 credits


15 wks

Students will continue to strengthen their physical awareness through intensive training and exercise. An intermediate regimen of training will be introduced and reinforced throughout this term.

Prerequisites: ASAS 116 and ENGL 100


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 218 - Musical Theatre for Actors - Voice

1.50 credits


15 wks

This is a course designed to expand the musical abilities of the stage and screen actor. Students will learn songs and perform them in Master Class format in order to improve their skills as singer/actors. They will learn the basics of reading music as well as sing in harmony in ensemble numbers.

ASAS 219 - Musical Theatre for Actors - Dance

1.50 credits


15 wks

This is a course designed to expand the movement abilities of the stage and screen actor. Students will perform ensemble choreography in a classroom setting and increase their skills in several styles of dance.

ASAS 220 - Elements of Performance History II

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course will explore a variety of major developments in theatre history, from the early modern era, into the 20th century. Highlighted theatrical developments will be explored in the context of historical, political, social, and/or cultural themes. This course is a follow-up to ASAS 120.

ASAS 225 - Voice for the Actor III

1.50 credits


15 wks

This course is designed to train students in the vocal skills required for performance work on the stage or in front of the camera. Students will identify and learn to address their individual needs through collaborative, studio-based practice. Physical awareness, embodiment and reflection are key factors to enable students to experience freedom of expression and the unconscious habits that inhibit it.

Prerequisites: ASAS 215


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 226 - Movement for the Actor III

1.50 credits


15 wks

This is a more advanced course in movement for the stage and screen actor. Through intensive training and exercise, students will gain strength and physical awareness. A more advanced regimen of movement exercises will be created this term.

Prerequisites: ASAS 216


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 260 - Analysis for Directing and Design

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course examines the methods that directors and designers use to interpret script and prepare for stage production. This includes important topics such as play analysis, responsibilities, creative vision, and principles of staging, casting and leadership.

Prerequisites: ASAS 161 and ENGL 100

ASAS 261 - Ensemble Projects for the Stage II

3.00 credits


15 wks

This is a practical course focused on continuing the development of students' skills in the art of directing, as introduced in ASAS 260, and collaboration. The course will focus on various skills, including text analysis, dramaturgy, and leadership. Course projects will emphasize collaboration and may include small collective creations to final performance projects.

Prerequisites: ASAS 260 or THTR 260

ASAS 262 - Screen Projects II

1.50 credits


15 wks

Intermediate ASAS students will take leadership positions in both the cast, crew, writing and production areas of screen projects. Content creation and collaboration will also be a part of this course. Students will work on more advanced scripts and projects, and create a demo reel of their work.

Prerequisites: ASAS 162


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 290 - Practicum VII

1.00 credits


15 wks

Students receive credit for intensive practical work on productions. The nature of the work and the amount of credit will be determined by the Department in consultation with the student. All who are cast in a department production film or who are assigned to a production crew, and who have three credits in the THTR/ASAS series, must register in this course.

Prerequisites: Completion of 3 credits from: ASAS 190-195 or THTR 190-195 series


  • To register for these courses, contact the coordinator.

ASAS 291 - Practicum VIII

1.00 credits


15 wks

Students receive credit for intensive practical work on productions. The nature of the work and the amount of credit will be determined by the Department in consultation with the student. All who are cast in a department production, film or who are assigned to a production crew, and who have three credits in the THTR 190/ASAS 190 series, must register in this course.

Prerequisites: Completion of 3 credits from: ASAS 190-195 or THTR 190-195 series


  • To register for these courses, contact the coordinator.

ASAS 292 - Practicum IX

1.00 credits


15 wks

Students receive credit for intensive practical work on productions. The nature of the work and the amount of credit will be determined by the Department in consultation with the student. All who are cast in a department production or who are assigned to a production crew, and who have three credits in the THTR 190 or ASAS 190 series, must register in this course.

Prerequisites: Completion of 3 credits from: ASAS 190-195 or THTR 190-195 series


  • To register for these courses, contact the coordinator.

ASAS 293 - Practicum X

1.00 credits


15 wks

Students receive credit for intensive practical work on productions. The nature of the work and the amount of credit will be determined by the Department in consultation with the student. All who are cast in a department production, film or who are assigned to a production crew, and who have three credits in the THTR 190/ASAS 190 series, must register in this course.

Prerequisites: Completion of 3 credits from: ASAS 190-195 or THTR 190-195 series


  • To register for these courses, contact the coordinator.

ASAS 294 - Practicum XI

1.00 credits


15 wks

Students receive credit for intensive practical work on productions. The nature of the work and the amount of credit will be determined by the Department in consultation with the student. All who are cast in a department production, film or who are assigned to a production crew, and who have three credits in the THTR 190/ASAS 190 series, must register in this course.

Prerequisites: Completion of 3 credits from: ASAS 190-195 or THTR 190-195 series


  • To register for these courses, contact the coordinator.

ASAS 295 - Practicum XII

1.00 credits


15 wks

Students receive credit for intensive practical work on productions. The nature of the work and the amount of credit will be determined by the Department in consultation with the student. All who are cast in a department production, film or who are assigned to a production crew, and who have three credits in the THTR 190/ASAS 190 series, must register in this course.

Prerequisites: Completion of 3 credits from: ASAS 190-195 or THTR 190-195 series


  • To register for these courses, contact the coordinator.

ASAS 302 - Graduation Showcase

2.00 credits


15 wks

This course prepares students for their final graduation showcase. The final live performance and filmed monologues will provide students with the opportunity to meet industry professionals as well as be seen on Casting Workbook.

Prerequisites: ENGL 100, ACTR 304, ASAS 218, ASAS 219, ASAS 341, ASAS 370, FILM 250 and PMTI 202


  • This course is equivalent to ACTR 302. Duplicate credit will not be granted for this course and ACTR 302.

ASAS 321 - Conceptual Approaches I

1.50 credits


08 wks

Taught in conjunction with FILM 321, the conceptual approach is designed to help Acting for Stage and Screen students understand their craft in the context of such categories as genre, body of work, and artistic movements. Special attention will be paid to playwrights and stage directors whose work has impacted contemporary theatre.

Prerequisites: ASAS 220

ASAS 328 - Performance IV

2.00 credits


15 wks

This course acknowledges the acting skills which are learned during rehearsals and practical work on productions and in film work. Students in the Acting for Stage and Screen program will take part in fully realized stage productions and/or in film projects produced through the FILM centre.

Prerequisites: ACTR 304 and ASAS 329


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 329 - Theatre Performance

3.50 credits


22 wks

This course acknowledges the acting skills which are learned during rehearsals and practical work on theatre productions. Students will take part in a fully realized stage production.

Prerequisites: ACTR 201, ASAS 208 and 261


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.
  • This course is equivalent to ASAS 308. Duplicate credit will not be granted for this course and ASAS 308.

ASAS 340 - The Actor's Kit

1.50 credits


15 wks

The Actor's Kit is a course designed to prepare students for the stage and screen industry. Acting for Stage and Screen students will produce a series of monologues which are performance ready. Credit for this course is based on successful completion of the monologue kit.

Prerequisites: ACTR 304 and ENGL 100


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 341 - The Screen Actor's Process III

4.00 credits


15 wks

This course is an intensive, advanced course in acting techniques. Students will learn how to face the technical, personal and professional challenges of developing a successful career in the competitive world of acting in film and television.

Prerequisites: ASAS 214


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 362 - Screen Projects III

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course will enable the advanced ASAS student to gain an understanding of creating a performance character that can be used for content creation. Gain an understanding of the production of screen content, and the requirements of the self-tape.

Prerequisites: ASAS 262


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 370 - The Actor's Business

1.50 credits


15 wks

Students will learn the business of being an actor, from resume building, to union involvement and contracts.

Prerequisites: ACTR 200 and ASAS 261


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 390 - Performance Project I

3.00 credits


15 wks

Upon successful completion of this course, students will improve upon and demonstrate their mastery of the performance aspect of either a film shoot or play production through intensive, practical experience.


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 391 - Performance Project II

3.00 credits


15 wks

Upon successful completion of this course, students will improve upon and demonstrate their mastery of the performance aspect of either a film shoot or play production through intensive, practical experience.

Prerequisites: ASAS 390 is a prerequisite or co-requisite


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.

ASAS 392 - Performance Project III

3.00 credits


15 wks

Upon successful completion of this course, students will improve upon and demonstrate their mastery of the performance aspect of either a film shoot or play production through intensive, practical experience.

Prerequisites: ASAS 390 and 391 are prerequisites or co-requisites


  • For Acting for Stage and Screen program students only.