
Adult Basic Ed.-Computers

BCMP 021 - Fundamental Level - Introduction to Micro Computers

1.00 credits


15 wks

A self-paced credit course introducing word processing and the use of the Internet.


  • This course is equivalent to CDCO 021. Duplicate credit will not be granted for this course and CDCO 021.

BCMP 031 - ABE Intermediate Level Computer Studies

2.00 credits


15 wks

A paced credit course offering an introduction to commonly used business software such as word processing, spreadsheets and the Internet. Also included is an introduction to Windows disk and file management.


  • This course is equivalent to CDCO 031. Duplicate credit will not be granted for this course and CDCO 031.

BCMP 041 - ABE Advanced Level Computer Studies

2.00 credits


15 wks

A paced graded course offering both an introduction to commonly used business software and essential computer concepts and terminology. Software used includes: word processing, spreadsheets, graphics, Windows, and the Internet. Computer concepts include examination of: processors, storage devices, input/output devices, computer communications, security, ethics, ergonomics, and purchasing considerations.

BCMP 051 - ABE Provincial Level Computer Studies

2.00 credits


15 wks

A paced graded course offering an introduction to fundamentals of the Internet. The major focus is web page authoring. Other topics include: e-mail, discussion groups, and Web search engines.

BCMP 052 - ABE Provincial Level Computer Studies

2.00 credits


15 wks

A paced graded course offering an introduction to computer programming. Students will analyse problems, design solutions, develop programs, test, de-bug and document the software they write.

Prerequisites: BCMP 051 (B-)

BCMP 053 - ABE Provincial Computer Studies, Online & Current Technology

2.00 credits


15 wks

In this course, students learn to utilize common cloud-based applications such as: word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, online collaboration, photo-editing, online storage and backup. These are the most common applications students would utilize in the workplace or in support of their other university classes. Additional topics include: electronic contact, time and calendar management, anti-virus and anti-malware protection, and cross-platform (PC, Mac, tablet, smartphone) inter-operability.