
Adult Basic Ed.-English

BENG 011 - Basic Literacy Level English

1.00 credits


15 wks

A course in basic reading and writing. Students focus on the composition of words and basic sentences.

BENG 021 - Fundamental Level English: Writing Skills, Spelling, Word Attack

1.00 credits


15 wks

An introductory fundamental course in reading and in writing of sentences and short paragraphs.

BENG 031 - Intermediate Level English

2.00 credits


15 wks

An intermediate course in writing. Most ABE students enter the English program at this level. Students write a series of paragraphs and two longer compositions.


  • This course is equivalent to CDEN 031. Duplicate credit will not be granted for this course and CDEN 031.

BENG 040 - Advanced Level English: Short Report Writing

2.00 credits


15 wks

A short-report writing course with a vocational/technical emphasis in its subject matter and approaches to writing. Students develop the summarizing, note-taking, and outlining skills necessary to organize information from a variety of sources into well-written reports.

Prerequisites: BENG 031

BENG 041 - Advanced Level English: Advanced Report Writing

2.00 credits


15 wks

An advanced course in short-report writing. Students develop the summarizing, note-taking, and outlining skills necessary to organize information from a variety of sources into well-written reports. BENG 041 has a technical/academic emphasis in its subject matter and approaches to writing and includes introductory work in literary analysis and evaluation for students proceeding to BENG 052.

Prerequisites: BENG 031

BENG 043 - ABE Advanced Level English Part 1

1.00 credits


15 wks

This course is an Advanced Level English course focusing on summarizing and report writing. This course develops the rhetorical and organizational strategies needed to write paragraphs and construct academic arguments in essay form.

Prerequisites: BENG 031 or ABE English Assessment (043)

BENG 044 - ABE Advanced Level English Part 2

1.00 credits


15 wks

This course is an Advanced Level English course that focuses on summarizing and report writing, and introduces students to literary analysis. This course develops the rhetorical and organizational strategies needed to write paragraphs and construct academic arguments in essay form.

Prerequisites: BENG 043 (B-)

BENG 052 - Provincial Level English - Critical Reading and Writing

2.00 credits


15 wks

A provincial level course in essay writing. Students study and write a variety of essays to prepare for written work at the university transfer level or equivalent in diploma programs. BENG 052 has an academic/literary emphasis in its subject matter and approaches to writing.


  • Departmental approval is required to register in this course. This course is intended to be taken concurrently with ENGL 100.

BENG 053 - ABE Provincial Level English Part 1

1.00 credits


15 wks

This course is a Provincial Level English course focusing on academic writing, foundational post-secondary research skills, and research essay writing. The course aims to develop the reasoning, research, and synthesizing skills needed to succeed in a post-secondary environment.

Prerequisites: BENG 044 (B-) or ABE English Assessment (053)

BENG 054 - ABE Provincial Level English Part 2

1.00 credits


15 wks

This course is a Provincial Level English course focusing on reading, research, academic analysis, and academic essay writing. The course aims to develop the reasoning, research, and synthesizing skills needed to succeed in a post-secondary environment.

Prerequisites: BENG 053 (B-) as a pre- or corequisite