
Business Finance

BFIN 141 - Introductory Accounting I

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course is an introduction to financial accounting concepts and business principles. Students will analyze and record business transactions and create financial statements, and they will be exposed to a broad range of topics including business organizations, asset management, liability reporting and financial statement analysis. We recommend that students with weak math skills take BADM 102 (Quantitative Methods) before, or in conjunction with BFIN 141. (CPA transferable with BFIN 142).


  • BFIN 141 is an approved Numeracy course for Cap Core requirements.
  • BFIN 141 is an approved Quantitative/Analytical course for baccalaureate degrees. BFIN 141 is equivalent to TOUR 116. Duplicate credit will not be granted for this course and TOUR 116.

BFIN 142 - Financial Accounting I

3.00 credits


15 wks

Students will apply generally accepted accounting principles to the establishment and maintenance of accounting systems, including the preparation, analysis and interpretation of financial statements. (CPA transferable with BFIN 141).

Prerequisites: BFIN 141 with a minimum C- grade or BTEC 217 with a minimum B grade


  • BFIN 142 is an approved Quantitative/Analytical course for baccalaureate degrees.
  • Students who receive credit for BFIN 193 cannot receive credit for BFIN 142.

BFIN 193 - Compressed Introductory Financial Accounting

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course is an accelerated combination of BFIN 141 and BFIN 142, particularly beneficial for students who have a strong foundation in math or previous exposure to accounting. Students will apply financial accounting concepts to analyze and record business transactions for a variety of business organizations and prepare financial statements. Students will be exposed to a broad range of topics including asset management and liability and investment reporting to provide an analytical basis upon which to intelligently interpret financial statements.


  • BFIN 193 is an approved Numeracy course for Cap Core requirements.
  • BFIN 193 is an approved Quantitative/Analytical course for baccalaureate degrees. BFIN 193 is a condensed version of BFIN 141 and BFIN 142. Duplicate credit will not be granted for this course and BFIN 142.

BFIN 241 - Finance for Managers

3.00 credits


15 wks

In this practical financial management course, students study financial management techniques, develop project management skills, and apply this knowledge to business decisions. Topics in this course include: evaluating business performance, valuation of financial assets, obtaining financing, managing working capital and capital budgeting. Contemporary financial issues are discussed throughout this course. (CPA transferable with BFIN 350).

Prerequisites: 15 credits of 100-level or higher coursework including BFIN 141 or BFIN 193, and BADM 102


  • This is an approved Quantitative/Analytical course for baccalaureate degrees.

BFIN 244 - Managerial Accounting

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course introduces students to the specialized area of management accounting. It provides an overview of controls affected internally by management using the tools of budgets, costing and analysis. Planning for an organization will be examined from both the capital and operations perspectives.

Prerequisites: BFIN 141 or BFIN 193 or BTEC 217


  • BFIN 244 is an approved Quantitative/Analytical course for baccalaureate degrees.
  • Students who receive credit for BFIN 341 cannot receive credit for BFIN 244 towards a degree, diploma or certificate credential in Business Administration.

BFIN 246 - Financial Accounting II

3.00 credits


15 wks

Students should expect to develop an understanding of: (a) the environment of financial reporting and the conceptual framework; (b) the accounting for assets, revenues and expenses in greater depth than in prior accounting courses; (c) International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS); and (d) accounting standards for private enterprises (ASPE). (CPA transferable with BFIN 347).

Prerequisites: BFIN 142 or BFIN 193

BFIN 249 - Accounting Software and Reporting Systems

3.00 credits


15 wks

The goal of this course is to cover the concepts and practices of computerized accounting using QuickBooks software. Topics will include system concepts, bank reconciliations, payroll services, projects, data entry processes, time system management, and report information representation for decision-making.

Prerequisites: BFIN 141 or BFIN 193

BFIN 306 - Personal Financial Planning

3.00 credits


15 wks

In this course students will learn the six steps of personal financial planning including goals setting, personal financial statements, debt management, mortgages, as well as savings and retirement plans in Canada. Time value of money calculations will be used throughout to assess progress towards financial goals. Taxation for financial planning and an introduction to retirement and estate planning is also covered. Each student will make their own financial plan.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework; or 6 NABU credits


  • BFIN 306 is an approved Numeracy course for Cap Core requirements. BFIN 306 is an approved Quantitative/Analytical course for baccalaureate degrees.
  • BFIN 306 is equivalent to BFIN 286. Duplicate credit will not be granted for this course and BFIN 286.

BFIN 321 - Fundamentals of Investments

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course covers investment and investment management principles, including common financial planning and investment concepts utilized to improve investment decision making and overall investment portfolio performance. The main topics include investment theory, financial markets and institutions, financial assets and their related valuations, and mutual funds. Group projects will enable students to implement investment strategies and analysis, and apply investment decision-making and performance assessment tools.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework including [BFIN 241 or BFIN 306 or BFIN 286]; OR CMNS 305 and [NABU 320 or NABU 340]


  • BFIN 321 is equivalent to BFIN 441. Duplicate credit will not be granted for this course and BFIN 441.

BFIN 331 - Assurance & Auditing

3.00 credits


15 wks

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to analyze and understand the environment surrounding an audit engagement including identification of the users of the financial statements and the potential legal exposure to the auditor. Students will gain a strong understanding of the control environment and the effect on audit risk. Other assurance engagements are also covered in this course.

Prerequisites: 60 credits of 100-level or higher coursework including ENGL 100 and BFIN 347

BFIN 341 - Cost Accounting I

3.00 credits


15 wks

A study of organizational decision making and planning using accounting tools. Topics include the nature of accounting controls, common control methods, measures of management performance, and the role of the management cost accountant. (CPA transferable with BFIN 342).

Prerequisites: BFIN 142 or BFIN 193 or NABU 320


  • Students who receive credit for BFIN 244 cannot receive credit for BFIN 341 towards a degree, diploma, or certificate credential in Business Administration.

BFIN 342 - Cost Accounting II

3.00 credits


15 wks

A more in-depth study of subjects covered in Cost Accounting I. Cost determination for manufacturing operations, planning and cost control systems, performance evaluation methods, and strategic decision-making methods. (CPA transferable with BFIN 341).

Prerequisites: BFIN 341

BFIN 347 - Financial Accounting III

3.00 credits


15 wks

Given descriptions of economic events, the student should be able to determine the appropriate method of accounting and the acceptable methods of financial statement presentation in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS); and accounting standards for private enterprises (ASPE). (CPA transferable with BFIN 246).

Prerequisites: BFIN 246

BFIN 348 - Data Analytics and Information Systems in Accounting

3.00 credits


15 wks

The goal of this course is to cover Data Analytics and Information Systems for Accounting and Finance. Topics will include system concepts, information representation for decision making, value of information, organizational system needs to meet objectives, quality of information for decision making, data and information modelling, management of information systems infrastructure and architecture, system life cycle, and risks and controls. Data Analytics and Information Systems (DAIS) competencies are embedded in the Chartered Professional Accountant competency map. This course is to supplement the following five technical competency areas: Financial Reporting, Strategy and Governance, Management Accounting, Finance and Taxation.

Prerequisites: BFIN 142 or BFIN 193; and BFIN 241 or BFIN 246

BFIN 350 - Advanced Financial Management

3.00 credits


15 wks

The content of this course concentrates on the development of analytical and conceptual skills for financial decision-making. The course places emphasis on capital asset pricing models, capital budgeting and capital structures. (CPA transferable with BFIN 241).

Prerequisites: 45 post-secondary School of Business credits including BFIN 241 and BADM 210

BFIN 351 - Taxation I

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course familiarizes the student with the Canadian income tax system as it applies to corporations, share-holders, and unincorporated businesses, so that the student can identify potential tax problem areas, complete the basic compliance forms, and appreciate its impact on some business decisions. (CPA transferable).

Prerequisites: BFIN 246; OR [BFIN 142 or BFIN 193] and [BFIN 286 or BFIN 306]

BFIN 353 - International Finance

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course provides students with a practical and sound understanding of the application and theoretical foundation of international finance in a corporate environment, particularly multinational finance, for enterprises as well as international finance for trade and investment.

Prerequisites: BADM 102 and BFIN 241; OR NABU 320 and 3 NABU credits

BFIN 386 - Insurance for Financial Planning

3.00 credits


15 wks

In this course students will learn to evaluate risk exposures faced by individuals and small businesses and apply various life, disability, health, and other insurance products to address these risk exposures. Thorough coverage of insurance products and calculations to determine client needs will be addressed through case scenarios. Taxation and the context of the Canadian financial planning landscape will be covered as well as an introduction to business ethics as it relates to the industry.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework including [BFIN 351 or BFIN 306 or BFIN 286]; OR CMNS 305 and [NABU 320 or NABU 340]

BFIN 411 - Advanced Financial Accounting

3.00 credits


15 wks

The goal of this course is to introduce the topics that are traditionally deemed advanced accounting in nature in a manner that will prepare the students for their practice in accounting and in meeting the entrance requirements of professional accounting programs. Topics will include accounting for business combinations, foreign currency transactions and translations as well as accounting in the not-for-profit arena. (CPA transferable).

Prerequisites: 75 credits of 100-level or higher coursework including BFIN 347, ENGL 100, and CMNS 152 or 220

BFIN 412 - Assurance & Auditing II

3.00 credits


15 wks

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to analyze and understand the environment surrounding an audit engagement including identification of the users of the financial statements and the potential legal exposure to the auditor. Students will gain a strong understanding of the control environment and the effect on audit risk. Other assurance engagements are also covered in this course. (CPA transferable with BFIN 331).

Prerequisites: 75 credits of 100-level or higher coursework including BADM 201, a minimum grade of C- in BFIN 331, ENGL 100, and CMNS 152 or 220

BFIN 431 - Advanced Management Accounting

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course covers the use of management accounting information to support decision making and specifically focuses on planning, performance evaluation and control systems consistent with the current realities of the business environment, including global competition, innovation, growth of non-profit and service sectors, increased competitiveness and total quality management. It also addresses the behavioural aspects of management accounting. (CPA transferable)

Prerequisites: 75 credits of 100-level or higher coursework including BFIN 342, ENGL 100, and CMNS 152 or 220


  • BFIN 431 is an approved Experiential course for Cap Core requirements.
  • BFIN 350 is highly recommended prior to taking this course.

BFIN 451 - Taxation II

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course familiarizes the student with the Canadian income tax system as it applies to corporations, shareholders, partnerships, trusts and estates so that the student can identify potential tax problem areas, complete the basic compliance forms, and appreciate its impact on some business decisions.

Prerequisites: BFIN 351

BFIN 486 - Financial Planning Capstone

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course will require the student to give informed advice on moderately complex personal financial planning scenarios. Technical knowledge areas will include debt, insurance, investment, with emphasis on financial analysis, retirement, estate planning and taxation. Relevant retirement and estate planning tools will be used. The Financial Planning Capstone is an integrated financial planning course requiring the preparation and presentation of a professional industry level financial plan covering at least four of the six financial planning components. Cases from industry clients will be sourced for this project.

Prerequisites: 75 credits of 100-level or higher coursework including [BFIN 286 or BFIN 306] and [BFIN 351 or BFIN 321]; OR 75 credits of 100-level or higher coursework including BFIN 386; OR 6 NABU credits and BFIN 306


  • BFIN 486 is an approved Experiential course for Cap Core requirements.