
Business Marketing

BMKT 161 - Introduction to Marketing

3.00 credits


15 wks

This is an overview course with primary focus on marketing products and services to the ultimate consumer. The student gains insight into the complex and interdependent variables involved in developing successful marketing strategies. The strategic marketing planning process is introduced, along with the specific concepts and principles involved in the four key components of the marketing mix: Product, Price, Place, Promotion.


  • BMKT 161 is equivalent to TOUR 112. Duplicate credit will not be granted for this course and TOUR 112.

BMKT 203 - Introduction to Marketing

3.00 credits


15 wks

This is an overview course with a primary focus on marketing products and services to the ultimate consumer. The student gains insight into the complex and interdependent variables involved in developing successful marketing strategies. The strategic marketing planning process is introduced, along with the specific concepts and principles involved in the four key components of the marketing mix: Product, Price, Place, Promotion.

Prerequisites: 15 credits of 100-level or higher coursework including BADM 101


  • BMKT 203 is equivalent to BMKT 161. Duplicate credit will not be granted for this course and BMKT 161.

BMKT 260 - Social Media Marketing

3.00 credits


15 wks

Social media has profoundly changed the online communication and marketing landscape. With the advent of social networks, virtual communities and mobile computing, more and more people are participating in conversations online. This presents significant opportunities, as well as numerous challenges for marketers. The course explores these new marketing and technology trends and provides a broad overview of key social media strategies, tactics, metrics, and tools.

Prerequisites: 15 credits of 100-level or higher coursework

BMKT 261 - Advertising

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course will examine the advertising industry from both client and service (agency) side with focus on integrated marketing communications (IMC), as practiced by marketing managers. With the erosion of traditional media, the use of digital and interactive tools, plus growing privacy concerns, marketers are continuously striving to break through the clutter to effectively communicate with their target audiences. The process begins with understanding the consumer and related motivators, then establishing an effective message, supported by media placement and metrics. Students will explore and apply industry relevant skills by developing advertising strategies and programs supported by a media plan, within a client-agency environment. As a Work-Integrated Learning experience, students will participate in an advertising client campaign simulation project.

Prerequisites: BMKT 161


  • BMKT 261 is an approved Experiential course for Cap core requirements.

BMKT 262 - Event Marketing

3.00 credits


15 wks

The trend in business today is to extend marketing dollars into the area of event marketing. This course will apply contemporary principles of strategic marketing to event management. Students will develop depth of knowledge in event: curation, planning, design, marketing, human and financial resource management, sponsorship, risk management and program evaluation. As a work-integrated learning experience, students will develop a response to a client event request for proposal.

Prerequisites: BMKT 161

BMKT 263 - Relationship Selling

3.00 credits


15 wks

Communication basics, including effective listening, probing, problem finding and solving, and creativity will be covered. Specific techniques of professional selling will be examined including prospecting, qualifying, and contracting prospects. The course will also explore, in depth, the organization and management of sales activities. Role play simulations will be a key component of the learning process.

Prerequisites: 15 credits of 100-level or higher coursework

BMKT 315 - e-Business Analysis and Administration

3.00 credits


15 wks

The course develops advanced analytical skills necessary to evaluate and implement online strategic options. These include valuation of opportunities, such as start-up investment, acquisition, partnerships or online/offline synergies, and implementation issues, such as fulfillment, information technology management, and customer service. The course theory will be complemented with practical projects to demonstrate understanding of e-business and technology principles – the planning of an e-business venture and implementation of a prototype Web application; and the development of a personalized, digital portfolio.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework

BMKT 316 - Branding and Innovation

3.00 credits


15 wks

When we associate different attributes and benefits to similar products and services, it is often the result of branding. The objective of this course is to better understand our relationships with brands. In this context, students will assess strategic branding decisions including industry, ethical and social issues, globalization and innovation. Tools, frameworks and models of branding will be explored in the context of an industry project to assess brand positioning, build brand equity and manage brands over time. As a Work-Integrated Learning experience, students use branding frameworks to develop an industry client based project.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework; OR 6 NABU credits


  • BMKT 316 is an approved Experiential course for Cap Core requirements.

BMKT 317 - Introduction to Mobile App Marketing & Commercialization

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course provides an overview of mobile and Web technologies and infrastructure including cloud computing, social media networks and the major mobile operation systems, Windows, Android, Blackberry and Apple iOS for the growing iPhone and iPad market. Students will gain an understanding of how these technologies both compete and integrate together, the key business and social drivers, and the process for building a mobile or Web application.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework; OR 6 NABU credits and CMNS 305


  • BMKT 161, BMKT 315 and BMKT 369 would be helpful to have before taking this course but are not mandatory

BMKT 360 - Marketing Research

3.00 credits


15 wks

An introductory course indicating how to make the most out of marketing research. Through the practical applications of a research project, students will learn the elements of research design, basic methods of collecting data, analysis and reporting. Applications of Canadian and American research will be studied.

Prerequisites: BMKT 161 and BADM 210; OR 6 NABU credits and CMNS 305

BMKT 364 - Consumer Behaviour

3.00 credits


15 wks

The purpose of this course is to facilitate an understanding of the motivations to buy, use and dispose of consumer products. The purchase process is more than an exchange. The path taken from recognizing a need, to deciding how we will complete a transaction, reveals much about our attitudes about ourselves and the world, and how we and others see us. Ultimately, everything we do and feel exemplifies how we perceive ourselves. This course offers key practical insights for students to develop an appreciation of the influence of consumer behavior on the ethical and responsible marketing of products, services, and experiences.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework including BMKT 161; or 6 NABU credits


  • BMKT 360 is recommended as a prerequisite.

BMKT 365 - Marketing Strategies and Decisions

3.00 credits


15 wks

Students will learn how to effectively analyse marketing problems and opportunities and develop successful marketing strategies. This course explores the concepts of strategic marketing planning, collecting and analyzing marketing information, developing competitive advantage, segmentation and target marketing, branding and positioning, ethics and social responsibility, developing and managing long-term customer relationships. The focus will be on utilizing this Work-Integrated Learning experience to analyze a business situation, develop strategic decision-making skills, and apply hands on tactical solutions to case challenges and an industry project.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework; OR 6 NABU credits


  • BMKT 365 is an approved Experiential course for Cap Core requirements.
  • BMKT 161 is strongly recommended as a prerequisite or corequisite.

BMKT 367 - Promotion Strategy and Analysis

3.00 credits


15 wks

This is a course dealing with the development of an advertising campaign (CAP-ADS). Students will study campaign strategy including how it is planned and organized in cooperation with the production, marketing, sales and finance departments as well as the use of outside agencies. Some time will be spent with advertising research as a pre- and post-control factor.

Prerequisites: BMKT 261; OR 6 NABU credits and CMNS 305

BMKT 369 - Digital Marketing

3.00 credits


15 wks

The course is designed to provide an in-depth, practical and up-to-date look at all major aspects of digital marketing, including selling products and services online, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and executing pay per click advertising. The course links digital marketing theory and practice. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to apply digital marketing principles, techniques and tools to develop more effective and complete marketing programs.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework; OR 6 NABU credits


  • BCPT 221, BMKT 261 and BMKT 365 are recommended.

BMKT 370 - Social Media Marketing

3.00 credits


15 wks

The course explores new marketing and technology trends and provides a broad overview of key social media strategies, tactics, metrics and tools. It is grounded both in theory and practice, and the students will be required to participate in social networks, forums, virtual worlds, blogs and micro-blogs, applying social media tactics within an overall marketing strategy. Students will also be expected to reflect, discuss and share through peer to peer teaching, their learning from application based activities as well as readings from industry leaders.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework; OR 6 NABU credits and CMNS 305

BMKT 401 - Applied Marketing Methods

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course is an upper level elective that provides marketing specialists with the opportunity to consolidate previous learning through a case-based application course.

Prerequisites: 75 credits of 100-level or higher coursework including BMKT 360 and BMKT 364, ENGL 100, and CMNS 152 or CMNS 220

BMKT 405 - Marketing Projects in Industry

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course provides students with an opportunity to apply concepts and skills learned from their marketing studies through a student team-based project to solve a real world marketing problem in a client organization.

Prerequisites: 75 credits of 100-level or higher coursework including BMKT 360 and BMKT 364, ENGL 100, and CMNS 152 or CMNS 220


  • BMKT 405 is an approved Experiential course for Cap Core requirements.
  • BADM 318 or equivalent project management experience is strongly recommended.

BMKT 408 - Product Development

3.00 credits


15 wks

New products are key drivers of corporate growth and profitability. Companies today incorporate rigorous product development processes as product development is costly with a high failure rate. This course will equip students with a new product process including areas of: strategy, concept generation, evaluation, development and launch plan. This course has a strong practical, analytical and applications focus.

Prerequisites: 75 credits of 100-level or higher coursework including BMKT 360 and BMKT 364, ENGL 100, and CMNS 152 or 220