
Adult Basic Ed.-Physics

BPHY 036 - ABE Intermediate Physics

1.00 credits


15 wks

This is an intermediate course in physics. Students will solve problems using System International (SI) units and will convert between units of the same dimension, employ the concept of force and the use of free body diagrams to determine if an object has an unbalanced force acting upon it, and solve problems involving motion.

BPHY 043 - ABE Advanced Physics I

1.00 credits


15 wks

Students will learn the safe use and limitations of basic laboratory equipment. The concepts of forces, momentum and energy will be explored. Motion in two dimensions will be studied. Includes laboratory investigations.

Prerequisites: BPHY 036 or ABE Physics Assessment (043)

BPHY 044 - ABE Advanced Physics II

1.00 credits


15 wks

This is a continuation of BPHY 043. Students will explore concepts in electrostatics, analysis of electrical circuits, waves and sound, optics and thermodynamics.

Prerequisites: BPHY 043 (B-)

BPHY 053 - ABE Provincial Physics I

1.00 credits


15 wks

The study of motion in two and three dimensions. Students explore the concepts of force, momentum and energy in more detail than in BPHY 043. Includes laboratory investigations.

Prerequisites: BPHY 044 (B-) or ABE Physics Assessment (053)

BPHY 054 - ABE Provincial Physics II

1.00 credits


15 wks

Students will explore the concepts of electric field, circuit analysis, magnetic field, waves and optics. Includes laboratory investigations.

Prerequisites: BPHY 053 (B-)