
Environment and Society

ENSO 100 - Catalysts to Change - Perspectives on the Living Planet

3.00 credits


15 wks

This is a broad-spectrum multi-disciplinary seminar course. Topics delivered address the approach and findings of key initiatives around biodiversity, conservation, ecosystem integrity and sustainable development. At the core of the course will be presentations and discussions of the multifaceted nature of environmental issues and forward-facing solutions across ecological, and human social and cultural landscapes. This course will take students from awareness to action by helping them understand the key issues and catalysts which can drive and accelerate change.


  • ENSO 100 is an approved Self and Society course for Cap Core requirements.

ENSO 200 - Regional Studies I - Environmental Stewardship

3.00 credits


15 wks

This is an interdisciplinary theory-practise course introducing students to the regions of Atl’ka7tsen/ Howe Sound, sə̓lil̓wət/ Burrard Inlet and shishalh/ Sechelt. It focuses on the natural, cultural and economic features of the areas. Students explore components that constitute and define a region - ecology and geography, Indigenous history and traditional knowledge, population growth and urbanization, regional infrastructure and governance as well as the basic assessment methodologies of economic, social, and environmental health and sustainability. Work-place integrated placements support a community field-based project.

Prerequisites: ENSO 100


  • ENSO 200 is an approved Self and Society course for Cap Core requirements.
  • ENSO 200 is an approved Experiential course for Cap Core requirements.

ENSO 300 - Regional Studies II - Applied Environmental Stewardship

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course is a practical action course where students develop and implement a community-based environmental stewardship project. Projects will be nature-based solutions benefiting natural and human communities. Projects may include civic action, community education and awareness, restoration and conservation and will be developed and implemented with community partners. Work-place integrated placements support projects. A weeklong field school starts the course to support the teaching of needed field skills and to allow engagement with community partners with sustainability plans and projects in place.

Prerequisites: ENSO 200


  • ENSO 300 is an approved Self and Society course for Cap Core requirements. ENSO 300 is an approved Science and Technology course for Cap Core requirements.
  • ENSO 300 is an approved Experiential course for Cap Core requirements.

ENSO 301 - Traditional Systems of Resource and Land Use

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course introduces students to Traditional Ecological knowledge, and the teachings of Indigenous peoples and their relationship with the natural environment, both historically and in contemporary times. Traditional Knowledges provide the base for most Indigenous populations to operate and evolve through generations of experience and years of observation. This knowledge illuminates both past and future functioning and components of natural systems. It is acknowledged that traditional ecological knowledge can enhance western approaches to conservation and sustainability initiatives.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework


  • ENSO 301 is an approved Self and Society course for Cap Core requirements.

ENSO 310 - Globally Significant Places and Peoples - Biospheres

3.00 credits


15 wks

Biosphere regions are areas of global ecological significance and are ideal sites to study sustainable community development, adaptive resource management, and social and ecological resilience. Of the near 600 UNESCO biosphere reserves in the world, 19 are in Canada. This course will examine biospheres such as BC's Clayoquot Biosphere, Mt. Arrowsmith Biosphere and Howe Sound Biosphere Region as a set of social and ecological systems with a key objective of linking practical experience with theoretical concepts related to sustainability and complex systems.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework


  • ENSO 310 is an approved Self and Society course for Cap Core requirements.

ENSO 401 - Ethnoecology: The Land Speaks

3.00 credits


15 wks

Physical landscapes inform human language, culture and practices of resource use. This course addresses the inter-disciplinary world of ethnoecology. Building on a base of ethnoscience, the course encompasses the concepts of ethnobotany and ethnozoology, and Indigenous ways of knowing and being. Students will gain a basic understanding of plant biology, zoology and taxonomy, scientific methods of plant collection and consider how to translate and apply this information to ethnoecological issues, ecoliteracy, biocultural diversity and ecosystem management. Lectures are enhanced with field studies.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework


  • ENSO 401 is an approved Self and Society course for Cap Core requirements.

ENSO 402 - Introduction to Traditional Ecological Knowledge Research

3.00 credits


15 wks

The course addresses the need to apply the practices already in place to protect biodiversity and, in tandem, work toward creating an ethical space of engagement to bring together Indigenous knowledge systems and Western scientific approaches. The course introduces the skills required to recognize culturally important sites and to gather information on Traditional Ecological Knowledge and practices in culturally respectful and reciprocal ways. Lectures will be augmented by Indigenous knowledge holders, other guest speakers and, with permission of and in partnership with First Nation Communities, visits to traditional sites of resource use and conservation.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework


  • ENSO 402 is an approved Self and Society course for Cap Core requirements.

ENSO 403 - Environmental Impact Assessment

3.00 credits


15 wks

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a legislated requirement for land planning and natural resource management. As a planning tool, EIA aims to predict, evaluate and mitigate the impacts of a proposed project, program or policy prior to its undertaking in order to minimize or avoid adverse effects. The course will introduce students to federal, provincial, and municipal legislation and provide opportunities to explore current practices, processes and prevailing techniques used in EIA.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework

ENSO 490 - Community and Field School Studies

3.00 credits


15 wks

This capstone course provides students the background support and platform for production of a culminating piece of academic work built around an applied project directly connected to the local community and region through a work integrated learning initiative. Students will be guided/mentored in: (1) the selection of a topic or project; (2) the design of the research or inquiry; and (3) the completion of the academic work or project.

Prerequisites: 90 credits of 100-level or higher coursework including at least one Cap Core Experiential course


  • ENSO 490 is an approved Capstone course for Cap Core requirements.