
Visual Communication

IDES 111 - Technology Intensive I

1.00 credits


01 wks

In this course students are introduced to the digital technologies and media used in the design and advertising industries. Students gain technical knowledge related to the set-up and maintenance of digital platforms and tools, and begin to work with industry standard image-making and file conversion software.

IDES 131 - Survey and Principles of Illustration I

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course introduces students to the origins of illustration through an integration of history, theory, and practice. Lectures review notable artists and their work, and illuminate the influence of society on visual expression from the Renaissance until the mid-20th century. Applied projects are based on lecture content and related mediums and techniques, including principles of light, form, and colour.

IDES 132 - Survey and Principles of Illustration II

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course provides a grounding in the development of illustration as a profession through the integration of history, theory, and practice. Lectures review notable illustrators and their work, and the influence of economic and historical milestones from the Golden Age until the present day. Applied projects are based on lecture content and the use mediums, techniques, voice, and storytelling in illustration.


  • IDES 132 is an approved Culture and Creative Expression course for Cap Core requirements.

IDES 133 - Visual Studio

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course provides an introduction to line, form, and light through an exploration of drawing and photography. Students develop skills in the use of drawing tools and a digital SLR (single lens reflex) camera. Principles of perception, observation, proportion, and perspective are covered through drawing and photography of man-made and natural objects, including the human figure.

IDES 141 - Survey and Principles of Design I

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course examines the evolution of visual communication from paleolithic cave paintings to the mid-20th century through an integration of history, theory and practice. The course covers the origins of written communication and its subsequent role in the development of typography and the design and advertising professions. Applied projects explore the articulation of historical styles and aesthetics.


  • IDES 141 is an approved Culture and Creative Expression course for Cap Core requirements.

IDES 142 - Survey and Principles of Design II

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course examines graphic design and typography from the mid-20th century to the present day through an integration of history, theory, and practice. Students are introduced to modernist, post-modernist, and information age movements as an aesthetic and philosophical basis of modern graphic design and advertising. Applied projects, including the integration of concept with design principles, are integral to the course.

IDES 151 - Digital Media I

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course introduces students to human-centred principles and practices of User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) design. Students will explore the industry and agile workflows used to create omnichannel interactions and applications. This course explores the fundamentals of shaping an interactive experience such as problem framing, information architecture, and interface design. Students will develop a life-long learning mindset that encourages them to continually observe, question and explore.

IDES 211 - Technology Intensive II

1.00 credits


01 wks

This course introduces students to professional page layout software for print and digital publishing. Students gain knowledge in the use of industry-standard software and associated file formats, learn to manage fonts and colour systems, and prepare files for production. Students need a working knowledge of the computer desktop environment, file management, and vector/image software to take this course.

IDES 235 - Illustration Studio I

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course introduces students to illustration as visual communication. Students learn the process of completing an illustration project through concept, sketches, client approval, and finished work, and begin to develop style and voice. Skills are developed using various mediums and techniques including contemporary painting and life drawing.

IDES 236 - Illustration Studio II

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course focuses on the development of illustration styles for visual communication using voice and storytelling. Students are assigned targeted briefs and create conceptual solutions using moderately complex subject matter. The roles of illustrator and art director as part of a creative team are emphasized in the process of creating illustration for advertising, design, and publishing.

IDES 237 - Digital Illustration

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course introduces digital illustration techniques for static and dynamic media. Students gain an understanding of the strengths of digital technology in contemporary conceptual illustration and motion graphics. Technical skills using image-making and motion graphics software are introduced through a variety of in-class exercises and projects with targeted briefs.

IDES 243 - Design Studio I

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course introduces students to the fields of communication design, information design, and advertising, and to the role of design in business and marketing. Students understand the design process by analyzing design problems, working through creative briefs, creating appropriate design solutions, and developing rationales. Instruction in design-related software supports the course.

IDES 244 - Design Studio II

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course focuses on communication design practice and its role in promoting sustainability. Students are introduced to ways in which design solutions can engage "strategies, processes and materials that value environmental, cultural, social and economic responsibility" (GDC Sustainable Design Principles, 2009). Projects emphasize collaboration, the discovery process, and the development of platform-neutral solutions. Instruction in design-related software supports the course.


  • IDES 244 is an approved Self and Society course for Cap Core requirements.

IDES 247 - Survey and Principles of Typography

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course provides students with a thorough understanding of typography as a core element of visual communication. The evolution of type from the mid-1400s to the present day is discussed in the context of the technology of the time and its influence on letterforms. Students gain a grounding in the principles of best typographic practice as they apply to print and digital mediums. Instruction in design-related software supports the course.

IDES 249 - Brand Identity

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course introduces students to the field of brand identity by following the process of a branding assignment as it would typically be handled in a design studio or advertising agency. Students are guided through the process from creative brief through strategic framework to logo development and design of a variety of marketing materials. Presentations are conducted in a simulated "real world" environment.


  • IDES 249 is equivalent to IDEA 246. Duplicate credit will not be granted for this course and IDEA 246.

IDES 252 - Digital Media II

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course focuses on developing skills necessary for a digital design-related profession. The emphasis is on the role of the designer and/or illustrator in the creation of digital and interactive media for web. Students will learn basic HTML, CSS and responsive website design best practices. Applied projects address the needs of real-world digital communications scenarios.

Prerequisites: IDES 151

IDES 313 - Technology Intensive III

1.00 credits


01 wks

This course builds skills in front-end technologies for digital media production. The emphasis is on user interface design and navigation for different types of screen technologies. It is important for students to already have a working knowledge of web authoring tools.

Prerequisites: 50 IDES/DSGN credits

IDES 320 - Visual Communication I

3.00 credits


15 wks

This team-taught, modular course provides students with an introduction to aspects of visual communication, including drawing, photography, and communication design, framed around a current Indigenous theme. Through a study of storytelling, objective observation, image composition, and visual hierarchy, students learn how to articulate ideas, artifacts and knowledge in a visually coherent fashion. The course is designed for students with an interest in, but not necessarily prior immersion in, the visual arts.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework

IDES 340 - Visual Communication Workshops I

3.00 credits


15 wks

Students select from a wide variety of full-day workshops covering specialized topics in visual communication. Some workshops support skill development specific to a concentration (e.g. interactive design, illustration, or branding). All workshops provide tools and resources for self-learning, online support, and individualized faculty feedback on workshop projects.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework

IDES 341 - Visual Communication Workshops II

3.00 credits


15 wks

Students select from a wide variety of full-day workshops covering specialized topics in visual communication (topics differ from those in Visual Communication Workshops I). Some workshops support skill development specific to a concentration (e.g. interactive design, illustration, or branding). All workshops provide tools and resources for self-learning, online support, and individualized faculty feedback on workshop projects.

Prerequisites: 45 credits of 100-level or higher coursework

IDES 360 - Visual Communication Studio I

6.00 credits


15 wks

Thematically structured around the concept of "design for good", this course introduces a variety of creative briefs, research methods, leadership skills, and tools that model best practices. Students work in groups to deconstruct the briefs, build on the research, identify tasks, map workflow, explore and define problem-solving strategies, and build solutions and case studies. Students will work in their choice of visual communication areas.

Prerequisites: 50 IDES/DSGN credits

IDES 361 - Visual Communication Studio I: Illustration Concentration

6.00 credits


15 wks

Thematically structured around the concept of "design for good", this course introduces a variety of creative briefs, research methods, leadership skills, and tools that model best practices. Students work in groups to deconstruct the briefs, build on the research, identify tasks, map workflow, explore and define problem-solving strategies, and build solutions and case studies. Students concentrate on illustration for project deliverables.

Prerequisites: 50 IDES/DSGN credits

IDES 362 - Visual Communication Studio I: Branding Concentration

6.00 credits


15 wks

Thematically structured around the concept of "design for good", this course introduces a variety of creative briefs, research methods, leadership skills, and tools that model best practices. Students work in groups to deconstruct the briefs, build on the research, identify tasks, map workflow, explore and define problem-solving strategies, and build solutions and case studies. Students concentrate on branding for project deliverables.

Prerequisites: 50 IDES/DSGN credits

IDES 363 - Visual Communication Studio I: Interactive Concentration

6.00 credits


15 wks

Thematically structured around the concept of "design for good", this course introduces a variety of creative briefs, research methods, leadership skills, and tools that model best practices. Students work in groups to deconstruct the briefs, build on the research, identify tasks, map workflow, explore and define problem-solving strategies, and build solutions and case studies. Students concentrate on interactive design for project deliverables.

Prerequisites: 50 IDES/DSGN credits

IDES 380 - Visual Communication Studio II

6.00 credits


15 wks

Using the process modeled in Visual Communication Studio I, students collaborate to identify areas of research that could benefit from design thinking expertise. The entire design process from problem identification to final solution is followed and recorded in case studies. Group work is complemented with focused individual study in a choice of visual communication subjects. The course is supported by research conducted in Design Thinking and Research II.

Prerequisites: 50 IDES/DSGN credits

IDES 381 - Visual Communication Studio II: Illustration Concentration

6.00 credits


15 wks

Using the process modeled in Visual Communication Studio I, students collaborate to identify areas of research that could benefit from design thinking expertise. The entire design process from problem identification to final solution is followed and recorded in case studies. Group work is complemented with focused individual study in illustration. The course is supported by research conducted in Design Thinking and Research II.

Prerequisites: 50 IDES/DSGN credits

IDES 382 - Visual Communication Studio II: Branding Concentration

6.00 credits


15 wks

Using the process modeled in Visual Communication Studio I, students collaborate to identify areas of research that could benefit from design thinking expertise. The entire design process from problem identification to final solution is followed and recorded in case studies. Group work is complemented with focused individual study in branding. The course is supported by research conducted in Design Thinking and Research II.

Prerequisites: 50 IDES/DSGN credits

IDES 383 - Visual Communication Studio II: Interactive Concentration

6.00 credits


15 wks

Using the process modeled in Visual Communication Studio I, students collaborate to identify areas of research that could benefit from design thinking expertise. The entire design process from problem identification to final solution is followed and recorded in case studies. Group work is complemented with focused individual study in interactive design. The course is supported by research conducted in Design Thinking and Research II.

Prerequisites: 50 IDES/DSGN credits

IDES 414 - Technology Intensive IV

1.00 credits


10 wks

This course focuses on the development of professional portfolio websites for designers and illustrators embarking on careers in the visual communication industry. Students are introduced to current trends in web experience design and a number of tools for building and showcasing a portfolio of work. Instruction will support students with varying degrees of front-end development experience.

Prerequisites: 75 IDES/DSGN credits

IDES 490 - Industry Practicum

9.00 credits


08 wks

This experiential learning course takes place primarily off campus. Students work within a studio/agency environment or with a personal mentor in a capacity related to visual communication. Students undergo a placement interview and both parties work to strict contractual guidelines that guide behaviour and learning in a professional environment. Students provide written reflection and a final report on their work experience.

Prerequisites: 75 IDES/DSGN credits


  • IDES 490 is an approved Experiential course for Cap Core requirements.