
International Management

INMA 500 - International Business Strategy

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course explores the challenges faced by international firms in building and sustaining competitive advantage within a complex, uncertain and changing global business environment. Students examine how firms develop a range of strategic approaches to international business challenges, balancing a consideration of internal organizational influences and stakeholder pressures against an evaluation of the impact of competitive rivalry and environmental forces. Students will critically assess a range of strategic options available to managers in specific case situations.

INMA 505 - International and Comparative Human Resource Management

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course enables students to critically explore the management of people from an international perspective, analysing the complex HRM and employment relations policies, strategies and practices that organizations pursue in the context of globalisation. The course explores the functional and strategic requirements of HRM in the international organization and how international issues of workforce mobility and other economic, technological, political, cultural, environmental and social pressures impact on HRM and employment relations.

INMA 510 - Managing in International Business

3.00 credits


03 wks

The course investigates a contemporary management attributes and skills. Models and competence frameworks for management are analyzed and applied. Practical self-development and self-diagnostic tools, including an understanding of continuing professional development are utilized. Students assess their current situation, identify barriers to success and develop a clear action plan. Students increase their understanding of the changing context of management and develop a range of intellectual, social and practical skills required to undertake managerial work.

INMA 515 - Marketing Across Cultures

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course explores key issues of cultural diversity and the process of formulating cross-border marketing strategy. Students are introduced to key concepts, academic theories and models of cultural diversity and managing cross-border marketing, including theories of consumer behaviour and marketing communications. Students analyse the process of cross-border marketing, and critically evaluate strategies and processes adopted by leading global players. Students also explore managing marketing alliances across borders.

INMA 525 - The Global Economy

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course introduces the complex patterns, processes and concepts related to measurement and international economic theories, the role of global institutions and narratives used to explain the global economy.

INMA 530 - Major Research Project

9.00 credits


22 wks

The integrated research project is a substantial and transformative piece of investigative work undertaken by students which develops the skills needed to integrate their learning from the range of disciplines covered in the program's taught courses and apply it to a complex international business problem. Students develop and apply independent research skills in the location, evaluation, presentation and analysis of data in coming to an understanding of the problem they are investigating. It is expected that the final research project is a contribution to the existing literature.

INMA 535 - International Business Plan

9.00 credits


22 wks

The dissertation is an independent and original piece of work incorporating research, study and evaluation. It is the culmination of a successful graduate programme, demonstrating the student's ability to work independently. The dissertation may focus on any aspect of the International Management graduate diploma programme. Each student will be allocated a supervisor. In all cases, the research must demonstrate critical and independent thought.

INMA 540 - Finance for International Business

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course is designed to allow students to critically evaluate the application of financial management techniques and theory to international business. Students will have the opportunity to assess and apply appropriate strategies for shareholder value creation within an international context.

INMA 545 - Research and Project Skills

3.00 credits


15 wks

This course is designed to develop postgraduate level skills of independent research, analysis, evaluation, writing and presentation; apply those skills in the undertaking of a piece of independent research and the production of a major postgraduate research project. This course prepares the students for an individual research project in their chosen field to deepen their knowledge and understanding of a business issue and its application within their academic context as a whole. The course is designed for students from a variety of backgrounds, including Business, Tourism and Communications.