
Certificate in Contract Law

Faculty of Business & Professional Studies School of Legal Studies


4 year(s)

Capilano University Calendar 2024-2025

Program Highlights

Designed specifically for BC Hydro employees, the Certificate in Contract Law is a unique program that will help you grow your skills in key areas of the law.

If you work at BC Hydro and want to further your legal career, you've come to the right place.

The Certificate in Contract Law ladders directly in from the Citation in Contract Law and adds five more courses to create a 24-credit credential ideal for helping you better understand the legal rights and obligations associated with contracts.

What are the courses?

This certificate adds five courses, for a total of 15 credits, covering four important areas of the law: the elements of negligence and liability, the drafting of legal documents used by law firms, corporate clients and governments, legal topics involving First Nations and Indigenous People in BC and in Canada as well as the fundamental principles of real property, including the Land Title Act and Property Law Act.

Each course includes thorough reviews and case studies, so you'll graduate with a firm understanding of each area of the law. See the full list below.

What are the admission requirements?

  • Current employment at a business organization (BC Hydro); and
  • Nomination by the business organization (BC Hydro) of eligibility to take the program.

What are the costs?

All funding for this training - including application fees, tuition, books, etc. - will be provided by BC Hydro.

  • Examine various legal problems by identifying appropriate areas of the law and sources to consult in commencing the process of legal analysis.
  • Demonstrate competence in researching legislation, case law and other secondary legal materials.
  • Summarize legal research findings in appropriate legal formats with clear and compelling analysis and conclusions.
  • Communicate effectively in legally relevant contexts such as presentations of case summaries, interviewing clients, and group presentations.
  • Prepare, draft and produce legal documents, including pleadings and other court documents, wills, corporate documents, or real estate documents.
  • Develop an awareness of and ability to identify legal issues in a broad range of areas through an exposure to a variety of legal subjects.

Program Requirements


Total credits: 24.00

LAW 101Introduction to Law3.00 credits
LAW 200Torts I3.00 credits
LAW 201Torts II3.00 credits
LAW 300Contracts I3.00 credits
LAW 301Contracts II3.00 credits
LAW 310Legal Drafting3.00 credits
LAW 331Indigenous People and the Law3.00 credits
LAW 440Real Property3.00 credits


Total program credits: 24.00


Have questions about this program?

Certificate in Contract Law

604 983 7594
604 990 7808 (fax)

Student Information Services

604 984 4900
604 984 1798 (fax)
Library Building, room LB152