
CapU’s School of Animation and Visual Effects (AVFX) offers career-oriented programs that are dedicated to inspiring and training a new generation of talent in the animation and visual effects industries.

CapU AVFX student working at a drawing tablet.

Animation & visual effects career programs

CapU's School of AVFX offers three separate 2-year diplomas: 2D Animation and Visual Development, 3D Animation for Film and Games, Visual Effects for Film, Streaming & Immersive Media, plus, a citation in Animation Fundamentals.

Unreal Engine Authorized Training Partner

Unreal Engine Training Partner 2024 - 175 x 175The School of AVFX is an authorized Unreal Engine training partner. The school also offers custom Unreal Engine workshops, designed to boost the skills of students, designers and developers in the world's most advanced real-time 3D creation tool, all facilitated by Unreal Authorized instructors.

Why study animation or visual effects at Capilano University?

The curriculum is rigorous and industry-focused; it is designed to feel like and prepare you for work in the field. You'll expand your skills, build an impressive portfolio and begin to build your network through our well attended grad show.

Our computer labs are outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment for digital production, and you’ll learn the skills needed to produce original, high quality work that is in demand. Faculty are all industry professionals who take great pride in running one of the best schools in Canada.

Depending on which program you choose, you will improve your abilities in drawing, design for animation, lighting, composition, 2D layout and backgrounds, art direction, character design, storyboard art, environmental design, effects simulations, live action-CG integration, augmented reality-virtual reality and more.

CapU animation and visual effects graduates are working in a wide range of fields at many top digital production studios in Vancouver and around the world. Others have gone on to form their own companies or successful freelance careers.

While Vancouver is known for its work on features and series, our programs can also lead to careers in game cinematics, commercials, advertising firms, educational content, not-for-profits and other content creation services. For a look at our recent graduates, please visit CapU Gradshow.


WarnerMedia bursary for Indigenous students

WarnerMedia bursary for Indigenous students Indigenous students registered in CapU film programs — including Documentary, Animation, Costuming, Indigenous Digital Filmmaking, Motion Picture Arts and VFX — are encouraged to apply for a WarnerMedia award.

Hit the Apply Now button to start the application process into any of our film programs. Once accepted, you can apply for the bursary through a direct email to Doreen Manuel, director of the Bosa Centre for Film and Animation.

The WarnerMedia bursary is here to help Indigenous School of Motion Picture Arts or School of Animation and Visual Effects students uplift Indigenous voices in film, animation and Visual Effects.

School of Animation & Visual Effects programs

Programs in Capilano University's School of Animation and Visual Effects are career-oriented and will prepare you to work in the field: 

In the School of Animation and Visual Effects at CapU, students have access to industry-leading faculty using state-of-the-art equipment in top-quality studios.

Bosa Centre for Film and Animation

The Bosa Centre is an advanced multimedia production facility, featuring film, animation, sound recording and mixing suites, as well as an 8,000 square foot sound stage.

School of AVFX students have dedicated classroom workspaces for their workstations located in the Bosa Centre or the nearby Arbutus Building.

Industry standard labs equipped with drawing tablets

Utilizing high-end graphics workstations with the most advanced 2D and 3D animation software, students develop an eye for quality imagery, virtual environments and media while embracing their natural curiosity.

Graduates of AVFX programs have an advantage because we focus on creative principles rather than basic software knowledge. School of AVFX grads build skills and grasp vital concepts that can port to all future technical innovations.

Motion Capture Studio

Located in the Alder Building, the motion capture studio is capable of supporting full body capture including fingers and face in a 40 x 40 volume running state-of-the-art, high-end OptiTrack passive and active camera systems.

Students interested in performance capture as a career, or as animators and riggers supporting performance capture in studio have an unprecedented opportunity to build out portfolios in this dedicated student facility.

AR and VR

As a part of the Alder building performance capture studio, the Visual Effects for Film, Streaming & Immersive Media (VFX) diploma and 3D Animation for Film & Games diploma programs support virtual reality as a potential career path via the 40 x 40 foot capture stage, which incorporates wireless tools to allow for full immersion in a variety of media types.

Green screen

A floor-to-ceiling, 270-degree green screen wrap supports our VFX diploma students in a 40 x 40 x 20 foot space allowing for the realization of a variety of different shot types which require compositing to integrate actors into computer generated environments.

Camera, lighting and grip equipment

The VFX diploma supports student success with a variety of film cameras capable of shooting RAW film up to 120FPS, 6K formats.

Black Magic Design Cameras and Canon DSLR’s provide opportunities to learn key cinematography skills, translating real world techniques to the digital arena through hands-on experiential hardware.

Our faculty

Every faculty member in the School of AVFX has years of industry experience and maintains close ties with the animation and visual effects community.

Their expertise gives students the benefit of learning industry-proven techniques and workflows to help prepare for a seamless transition into the field.


Diploma programs in the School of AVFX culminate with the opportunity to showcase your portfolio at our gradshow. Employers locally and internationally are looking for CapU grads, and the show is attended by industry leaders each year.

This event brings together graduates from all three of our diplomas, allowing students to showcase their talents and potentially get a head start on their careers.

Adam Garland
Instructor, Animation & VFX
School of Animation & Visual Effects

604 983 7516 ext. 7516
Bosa Building, room BC233
Adam Sale
Coordinator, VFX/ Instr, Animation & VFX
School of Animation & Visual Effects

604 986 1911 ext. 7146
Bosa Building, room BC231
Andy Bartlett
Instructor, Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

604 983 7516 ext. 7516
Bosa Building, room BC226
Arron Robinson
Instructor, 3D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Byron Leboe
Instructor, 2D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Charlie McKenna
Instructor, 3D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

604 986 1911 ext. 7204
Bosa Building, room BC233
Craig Simmons
Coord., 3D Animation/ Instr, Anim. & VFX
School of Animation & Visual Effects

604 990 7854 ext. 7854
Bosa Building, room BC229
David Lee
Lab Supervisor, 3D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Denny Lu
Lab Supervisor, 2D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Don Perro
Coord., 2D Animation/ Instr., Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

604 990 7821 ext. 7821
Bosa Building, room BC227
Florian Wagner
Instructor, 2D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Genice Chan
Lab Supervisor, 2D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Gil Nam Choi
Instructor, VFX
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Glenn Sylvester
Coord., 2D Animation/Instr., Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

604 986 1911 ext. 7154
Bosa Building, room BC226
Greg Klein
Instructor 3D Animation, Program Coordinator
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Bosa Building, room BC231
Hilary Moses BFA (Hons), MA Candidate
Convenor, Anim.Fund. / Instr, Anim & VFX
School of Animation & Visual Effects

604 983 7516 ext. 7516
Bosa Building, room BC226
Iuliia Bocharova
Lab Supervisor, 3D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

James Hebb
Instructor, VFX
School of Animation & Visual Effects

604 983 7516 ext. 7516
Bosa Building, room BC233
Joanna Tatterton
Administrative Assistant
School of Animation & Visual Effects

604 983 7516 ext. 7516
Bosa Building, room BC237
Johnny Tesoro
Lab Supervisor, 2D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Johnson Chuang B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc.
Instructor, VFX
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Juan Lopez de la Torre
Instructor, 2D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Kelvin Arend
Dept Asst, Animation & Dig Vis Efffects
School of Animation & Visual Effects

604 983 7516 ext. 7516
Bosa Building, room BC220
Kent Sunde
3D Animation Coordinator, Instructor 3D and VFX
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Bosa Building, room BC223
Lee Beer
Lab Supervisor, 2D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Mike de Kraker
Coord., 2D Animation/Instr., Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

604 986 1911 ext. 7132
Bosa Building, room BC226
Mitch Deeming
Lab Supervisor, VFX
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Mohammad Ghoreishi
Instructor, Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

604 983 7516 ext. 7516
Bosa Building, room BC226
Nicole Almeida
Instructor, 3D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Raf de Leoz
Lab Supervisor, 2D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Ramin Shadmehr BA, MEd, PhD (Candidate)
Dean, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts
Dean's Office - Faculty of Fine & Applied Arts
School of Motion Picture Arts
IDEA School of Design - IDEA Program
School of Animation & Visual Effects
School of Performing Arts

604 990 7941 ext. 7941
Arbutus Building, room AR202
Samriddhi Joshi
Lab Supervisor, 3D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Sarah Roberts
Lab Supervisor, 3D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Teresa Szymborska
Administrative Lead
School of Motion Picture Arts
School of Performing Arts
School of Animation & Visual Effects
Dean's Office - Faculty of Fine & Applied Arts
Faculty of Fine and Applies Arts
IDEA School of Design - IDEA Program

604 986 1911 ext. 7141
Arbutus Building, room AR202
Tom Zuber
Instructor, 3D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Tony Glukhovsky
Lab Supervisor, 3D Animation
School of Animation & Visual Effects

Weverton Alves
Instructor, VFX
School of Animation & Visual Effects

William Morrison
Instr., 3D Anim./Motion Picture Arts Prog
School of Motion Picture Arts - Motion Picture Arts Program
School of Animation & Visual Effects

604 990 7868 ext. 7868

Have a question?

Get in touch with us!

About this program

School of Animation & Visual Effects
604 983 7516
Bosa Centre for Film and Animation

General inquiries

Student Information Services
Library Building, room LB152

604-984-1798 (fax)