
Capilano University adds Bachelor of Early Childhood Care and Education to the CapU Squamish offerings for Fall 2024

Capilano University has added the Bachelor of Early Childhood Care and Education degree to its programs that will be offered at the new CapU Squamish campus beginning in September 2024.

  • Jan 18

NBC IDA Indigenous Screenwriting program coaches writers to find their voice in the film industry

Capilano University’s new Scripting the Future: the NBC IDA Indigenous Screenwriting program works along side burgeoning Indigenous screenwriters to help them hone their skills and develop scripts for film and television.

  • Jan 10

Capilano University and CFA ratify agreement

Capilano University’s Board of Governors and the members of the Capilano Faculty Association (CFA) have ratified a collective agreement under the Province’s Shared Recovery Mandate.

  • Jan 9

Grand opening of CapU Lonsdale

Capilano University celebrates grand opening of CapU Lonsdale with ribbon cutting and reception

  • Dec 12