Adult Basic Ed.-Biology
BBIO 036 - ABE Intermediate Biology
1.00 credits
15 wks
This course is an introduction to the chemistry and composition of living things. Topics studied include: the organization and functions of cells, the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, skeletal and muscular systems, and human nutrition. Laboratory investigations are included.
- This course is equivalent to BSCI 033. Duplicate credit will not be granted for this course and BSCI 033.
BBIO 043 - ABE Advanced Biology I
1.00 credits
15 wks
Topics include cell structure and function, cell division, evolution, plant physiology. Laboratory exercises are included.
Prerequisites: BBIO 036 or Science 10 with a minimum grade of C+ and completion of ABE Science Assessment
- BENG 030 or ENGL 010 are recommended prerequisites
BBIO 044 - ABE Advanced Biology II
1.00 credits
15 wks
Topics include diversity and life histories of microbes, plants and animals, behavioural ecology, biosphere, ecosystems, and human population concerns. Laboratory exercises and field trips are included. BBIO 043 and 044 together prepare students for many career/vocational programs.
Prerequisites: BBIO 043
BBIO 053 - ABE Provincial Biology I
1.00 credits
15 wks
Topics include cell structure and function, cell division, cell metabolism, genetics, and DNA. Includes laboratory excercises.
Prerequisites: BBIO 036 and BCHM 036, or Science 10 with a minimum grade of C+ and completion of ABE Science Assessment
- BENG 041 and BCHM 043 are recommended prerequisites
BBIO 054 - ABE Provincial Biology II
1.00 credits
15 wks
Topics include tissues and organ systems, homeostasis, circulation, immunity, digestion, respiration, excretion and reproduction. Includes laboratory investigations. BBIO 053 and 054 together prepare students for many health-related programs and college level post-secondary programs for which Biology 12 is a prerequisite.
Prerequisites: BBIO 053