
Acting for Stage and Screen Diploma

Faculty of Fine & Applied Arts School of Performing Arts


3 year(s)

Capilano University Calendar 2023-2024

Program Highlights

The Diploma in Acting for Stage and Screen provides students with the skills necessary to begin a professional acting career in theatre, television and film.

The first year is comprehensive and introduces students to acting for stage and screen, improv, voice, movement, history, and backstage work.

In the final two years of the program, students concentrate on performance and professional skills as well as directing, acting in film projects and in Theatre department mainstage productions.

The ASAS faculty are professional theatre and screen artists so the combination of this comprehensive training and studying with working professionals will increase the chances of success for the graduates of this program.

  • Vocal Development - Articulate clearly and appropriately to the context of the performance.
  • Vocal Development - Use projection and vocal power in a range of performance genres.
  • Vocal Development - Control and demonstrate skills for range, timbre and placement.
  • Vocal Development - Understand and interpret the vocal requirements particular to the text.
  • Physical Development - Master body awareness, coordination, posture, alignment and flexibility.
  • Physical Development - Meet the physical requirements of various performance styles.
  • Artistic Development - Understand and identify with the content of the text.
  • Artistic Development - Focus energy, create and sustain the integrity of a performance.
  • Artistic Development - Use well developed personal skills and an awareness of self in individual and group settings.
  • Artistic Development - Integrate the techniques of acting, voice, and movement into a creative process.

Admission Requirements

English language requirements

English is the language of instruction at CapU. All applicants are required to demonstrate competence in the English language prior to admission.

If English is not your first language or you’ve received your education in a language other than English, you must meet our English Language Requirements.

Basic requirements

  • High school graduation

Program-specific requirements

  • Interview
  • Audition

Program Requirements

First Year

Total credits: 31.50

ACTR 100Acting I3.00 credits
ACTR 101Acting II3.00 credits
ASAS 105Voice and Movement for the Actor I1.50 credits
ASAS 110Screen Acting I3.00 credits
ASAS 114The Screen Actor's Process I1.50 credits
ASAS 115Voice for the Actor I1.50 credits
ASAS 116Movement for the Actor I1.50 credits
ASAS 120Elements of Performance History I3.00 credits
ASAS 161Ensemble Projects for the Stage I3.00 credits
ASAS 162Screen Projects I1.50 credits
ENGL 100University Writing Strategies3.00 credits
THTR 160Technical Theatre Fundamentals3.00 credits
ENGL or CMNS 100-level or higher3.00 credits


Second Year

Total credits: 34.00

ACTR 200Acting III3.00 credits
ACTR 201Acting IV3.00 credits
ASAS 208Performance I2.00 credits
ASAS 210Screen Acting II3.00 credits
ASAS 214The Screen Actor's Process II1.50 credits
ASAS 215Voice for the Actor II1.50 credits
ASAS 216Movement for the Actor II1.50 credits
ASAS 220Elements of Performance History II3.00 credits
ASAS 225Voice for the Actor III1.50 credits
ASAS 226Movement for the Actor III1.50 credits
ASAS 260Analysis for Directing and Design3.00 credits
ASAS 261Ensemble Projects for the Stage II3.00 credits
ASAS 262Screen Projects II1.50 credits
FILM 251Film Crafts for Actors3.00 credits
PMTI 102Private Music/Theatre Instruction - I1.00 credits
PMTI 103Private Music/Theatre Instruction - II1.00 credits


Third Year

Total credits: 35.50

ACTR 304Special Skills for the Performer I3.00 credits
ACTR 305Special Skills for the Performer II3.00 credits
ASAS 218Musical Theatre for Actors - Voice1.50 credits
ASAS 219Musical Theatre for Actors - Dance1.50 credits
ASAS 302Graduation Showcase2.00 credits
ASAS 321Conceptual Approaches I1.50 credits
ASAS 329Theatre Performance3.50 credits
ASAS 340The Actor's Kit1.50 credits
ASAS 341The Screen Actor's Process III4.00 credits
ASAS 362Screen Projects III3.00 credits
ASAS 370The Actor's Business1.50 credits
FILM 250Story and Screenplay3.00 credits
FILM 321Conceptual Approaches II1.50 credits
FILM 382Advanced Film Technique3.00 credits
PMTI 202Private Music/Theatre Instruction - III1.00 credits
PMTI 203Private Music/Theatre Instruction - IV1.00 credits


Total program credits: 101.00

Program Notes

In some circumstances, with prior permission from the department, a student may substitute ASAS 190-195 and/or ASAS 290-295 to substitute for other required courses.

Continuation Requirements:

Advancement to 2nd Year (Term Three): Continuation in this program is through a competitive process and is determined by a department selection committee and is based on:

- A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.67 in Terms I and II plus successful completion of all coursework required in Year One of the program profile to qualify for an audition.

- An audition

- Professional Behavior Reports.

Advancement to 3rd Year (Term Five): Continuation in this program is through a competitive process and is determined by a department selection committee and is based on:

- A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.67 in Terms III and IV plus successful completion of all coursework required in Year Two of the program profile to qualify for an audition.

- An audition

- Professional Behavior Reports.


Have questions about this program?

School of Performing Arts

604 984 4911
Fir Building, room FR101

Acting for Stage and Screen

604 984 4911

Student Information Services

604 984 4900
604 984 1798 (fax)
Library Building, room LB152