
Adult Basic Education - General Upgrading

Faculty of Education, Health & Human Development School of Access & Academic Preparation

Stand Alone Courses

Capilano University Calendar 2023-2024

Program Highlights

If you're an adult learner looking to apply to post-secondary institutions or a high school student needing to improve your marks, the Adult Basic Education (ABE) courses at CapU are a great place to start to get into your select university program.

ABE courses are available full-time or part-time, through online learning or in a classroom. The department offers prerequisite courses in math, English, biology, chemistry, physics, computer science and history.

Studying ABE can help you:

  • successfully complete your high school diploma courses and achieve your BC Adult Graduation Diploma;
  • improve your marks in Grade 11 or Grade 12 courses needed as prerequisites for post-secondary studies;
  • improve your GPA in college programs;
  • complete university prerequisites; and
  • get your English 100 credit and English 12 in the same semester.

For more information about Adult Basic Education at CapU please contact upgrading@capilanou.ca.  

Admission Requirements

Basic requirements

  • It is recommended that applicants have the equivalent of English 10 to facilitate the successful completion of the writing and math skills assessment.
  • Writing and math skills assessment and an interview with the department is required before students can register in ABE courses.

Program Requirements

Adult Graduation Diploma Requirements

Total credits: 10.00


Choose 2.00 credits from the following list:

BENG 053 & 054


Provincial Level English

2 credits


Choose 2.00 credits from the following list:

BMTH 043 & 044


Advanced Level math

2 credits

BMTH 047 & 048


Advanced Level math

2 credits

BMTH 053 & 054


Provincial Level math

2 credits

Choose 6.00 credits from the following list:

 BFPS 052


Provincial level Indigenous culture and history

2 credits

BENG 053 & 054


Provincial level math

2 credits

BCHM 053 & 054


Provincial level chemistry

2 credits

BPHY 053 & 054


Provincial level physics

2 credits

BBIO 053 & 054


Provincial level biology

2 credits

BHST 052


Provincial level history (Spring only)

2 credits

BCMP 051


Provincial level computers

2 credits

BCMP 052


Provincial level computers

2 credits

BCMP 053


Provincial level computers

2 credits

Total program credits: 10.00

We offer grades 10-12 equivalent courses in math, English, biology, chemistry, physics, computers and history.


Have questions about this program?

CapU's North Vancouver main campus or CapU Lonsdale


ABE at kálax-ay Sunshine Coast campus

Jutta Angus


ABE at the Ts̓zil Learning Centre


Student Information Services

604 984 4900
604 984 1798 (fax)
Library Building, room LB152