
Applied Behaviour Analysis (Autism) Post Baccalaureate Diploma

Faculty of Arts & Sciences School of Social Sciences

Post Baccalaureate Diploma

2 year(s)

Capilano University Calendar 2023-2024

Program Highlights

Earn the credential you need to work with children, youth and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

The Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Applied Behaviour Analysis - Autism provides students with existing baccalaureate degrees from an accredited university the opportunity to obtain an additional credential that would enable them to work with children, youth and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

The coursework and experiential component of the Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Applied Behaviour Analysis-Autism qualify students to write the professional certification exam of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board™ (BACB™) and then become a Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst™ (BCaBA™).

Admission Requirements

English language requirements

English is the language of instruction at CapU. All applicants are required to demonstrate competence in the English language prior to admission.

If English is not your first language or you’ve received your education in a language other than English, you must meet our English Language Requirements.

Basic requirements

  • Completion of a recognized Bachelor's degree in Arts or Sciences

Program-specific requirements

  • Interview
  • One letter of reference
  • One page letter of interest
  • Documentation of a minimum of 300 hours of experience as a Behaviour Interventionist prior to the September start of the program

Additional information

  • Please contact the ABA-A program coordinator for assistance in obtaining work/volunteer experience

Admission Notes

The Applied Behaviour Analysis (Autism) Post Baccalaureate Diploma is not designed for students who have completed the Bachelor of Arts Degree - Applied Behaviour Analysis (Autism) program as this is a duplication of coursework.

Program Requirements

First Term

Total credits: 12.00


Second Term

Total credits: 9.00


Third Term

Total credits: 15.00


Fourth Term

Total credits: 9.00


Total program credits: 45.00


Have questions about this program?

Applied Behaviour Analysis-Autism

604 986 1911 , ext. 3479

Student Information Services

604 984 4900
604 984 1798 (fax)
Library Building, room LB152