
College and University Preparation Citation

Faculty of Education, Health & Human Development School of Access & Academic Preparation


4 month(s)

Capilano University Calendar 2023-2024

Program Highlights

Capilano University's College & University Preparation (CUP) program gives students the academic skills they need to transition into full-time university programs.

All future intakes for the College & University Preparation (CUP) Citation have been cancelled. Please contact upgrading@capilanou.ca for more information. 

CUP offers a supportive, exciting and enriching learning environment that will set you up for success.

Typical students in the program include those who want to refresh their skills, improve their GPA, upgrade high school courses and/or prepare for further University/College studies.

  • Develop the awareness and skills necessary for academic success.
  • Recognize and apply the elements of effective and clear communication.
  • Collaborate and interact confidently with others.
  • Develop and apply critical thinking, critical reading, and critical writing skills.
  • Acquire a deeper understanding of local and national aboriginal issues.

Admission Requirements

English language requirements

Must have completed some ESL course work.  Level and grade requirement to be determined by Department.

Basic requirements

  • Grade 10 or permission of the department

Program-specific requirements

  • Interview
  • Must have completed some ESL course work. Level and grade requirement to be determined by Department

Additional information

  • 18 years age and out of high school for a year or department approval
  • Students must contact the program assistant or coordinator to schedule an interview and an English, math and computer assessment
  • A program application is also required

Program Requirements

Program Requirements

Total credits: 6.00

Choose 1.00 credits from the following list:
BECP 021Basic Education and Career Planning Fundamental1.00 credits
BECP 041Basic Education and Career Planning Advanced1.00 credits
Choose 2.00 credits from the following list:
BCMP 031ABE Intermediate Level Computer Studies2.00 credits
BCMP 041ABE Advanced Level Computer Studies2.00 credits
BCMP 051ABE Provincial Level Computer Studies2.00 credits
BCMP 052ABE Provincial Level Computer Studies2.00 credits
Choose 2.00 credits from the following list:
BENG 031Intermediate Level English2.00 credits
BENG 041Advanced Level English: Advanced Report Writing2.00 credits
BENG 052Provincial Level English - Critical Reading and Writing2.00 credits
Choose 1.00 credits from the following list:
BMTH 021Fundamental Level Mathematics1.00 credits
BMTH 033Introductory Algebra1.00 credits
BMTH 034Intermediate Algebra and Geometry1.00 credits
BMTH 041Advanced Level Business Math2.00 credits
BMTH 043Advanced Algebra I1.00 credits
BMTH 044Advanced Algebra II and Trigonometry1.00 credits
BMTH 053Precalculus I1.00 credits
BMTH 054Precalculus II1.00 credits


Total program credits: 6.00


Have questions about this program?

School of Access & Academic Preparation

604 983 7578
Birch Building, room 344

School of Access & Academic Preparation

Sunshine Coast Campus
604 885 9310
Sunshine Coast Campus

Student Information Services

604 984 4900
604 984 1798 (fax)
Library Building, room LB152