
Indigenous Digital Filmmaking Certificate

Faculty of Fine & Applied Arts School of Motion Picture Arts


8 month(s)

Capilano University Calendar 2023-2024

Program Highlights

The Indigenous Digital Filmmaking Certificate is the first year of the Indigenous Digital Filmmaking Diploma. Students in the diploma program can work towards earning this credential.

Prior to the Fall 2021 term, this program was known as the Indigenous Independent Digital Filmmaking Certificate program.

  • Prove their creative and analytical storytelling ability by producing a treatment, outline and script for two short productions as well as an executed research plan for a fact-based story.
  • Prove their leadership and management skills by developing and producing two final video productions complete with a production package for each and with the support of a crew made up of their peers.
  • Demonstrate introductory technical production skills in camera, lighting, sound, editing, soundtracks, graphics, credits and effects.
  • Develop and organize personal and professional components of their portfolio as well as present three different story ideas in classroom presentations and develop information for festival submissions and proposals.
  • Apply Aboriginal and professional practices and protocols during their productions.

Admission Requirements

Program-specific requirements

This program does not accept applications. However, students can apply to the Indigenous Digital Filmmaking Diploma and work towards earning this credential.

Program Requirements

First Term

Total credits: 15.00

IDF 103Production Design I1.50 credits
IDF 119Professional Development I1.50 credits
IDF 120Indigenous Cinema Studies3.00 credits
IDF 126Introduction to Screenwriting3.00 credits
IDF 127Introductory Documentary3.00 credits
IDF 139Technical Foundations3.00 credits


Second Term

Total credits: 16.00

CMNS 131Business Writing for Documentary3.00 credits
IDF 109Production Planning2.00 credits
IDF 110Production Project #12.00 credits
IDF 119Professional Development Icont’d
IDF 128Production Management3.00 credits
IDF 137Narrative Production3.00 credits
IDF 142Technical Directing3.00 credits


Total program credits: 31.00


Have questions about this program?

School of Motion Picture Arts

IIDF Coordinator

Student Information Services

604 984 4900
604 984 1798 (fax)
Library Building, room LB152