
Motion Picture Arts Diploma

Faculty of Fine & Applied Arts School of Motion Picture Arts


2 year(s)

Capilano University Calendar 2023-2024

Program Highlights

The Motion Picture Arts Diploma is the first two years of the Bachelor of Motion Picture Arts Degree. Students in the degree program can work towards earning this credential.

  • Apply the creative principles a writer uses to develop a screenplay and critique scripts for production purposes.
  • Execute basic film directing skills, including conceiving a visual strategy for telling a story using motion picture arts, working with actors, and leading a film crew.
  • Design and produce sophisticated short independent films while employing protocols of professional film set procedures and advanced technical skills in a professional manner.
  • Schedule and budget the pre-production, production, and post-production of short independent films.
  • Have a basic understanding of cinematic history.

Admission Requirements

Program-specific requirements

This program does not accept applications. However, students can apply to the Bachelor of Motion Picture Arts Degree and work towards earning this credential.

Program Requirements

First Year

Total credits: 31.00

ENGL 100University Writing Strategies3.00 credits
MOPA 100Technical Directing3.00 credits
MOPA 102Cinematography Foundation3.00 credits
MOPA 103Production Design I1.50 credits
MOPA 104Introduction to Producing3.00 credits
MOPA 106Screenwriting I3.00 credits
MOPA 108Introduction to Post-Production3.00 credits
MOPA 110MOPA Project #12.00 credits
MOPA 115Professional Development I1.50 credits
MOPA 118Production and Post-Production3.00 credits
MOPA 120MOPA Project #22.00 credits
ENGL or CMNS 100-level or higher3.00 credits


Second Year

Total credits: 31.50

MOPA 201The Director's Craft3.00 credits
MOPA 206Screenwriting II3.00 credits
MOPA 207Technical Motion Picture Arts5.00 credits
MOPA 209Advanced Digital Editing3.00 credits
MOPA 210MOPA Project #36.00 credits
MOPA 211American Cinema3.00 credits
MOPA 213Production Design II1.00 credits
MOPA 217Sound Design for Film and Video1.50 credits
MOPA 220Line Producing and Production Management3.00 credits
Choose 3.00 credits of electives:
100-level or higher breadth elective3.00 credits


Total program credits: 62.50


Have questions about this program?

School of Motion Picture Arts

604 990 7868
Bosa Centre for Film and Animation

Student Information Services

604 984 4900
604 984 1798 (fax)
Library Building, room LB152